7 research outputs found

    Scalable Inference for Neuronal Connectivity from Calcium Imaging

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    Fluorescent calcium imaging provides a potentially powerful tool for inferring connectivity in neural circuits with up to thousands of neurons. However, a key challenge in using calcium imaging for connectivity detection is that current systems often have a temporal response and frame rate that can be orders of magnitude slower than the underlying neural spiking process. Bayesian inference methods based on expectation-maximization (EM) have been proposed to overcome these limitations, but are often computationally demanding since the E-step in the EM procedure typically involves state estimation for a high-dimensional nonlinear dynamical system. In this work, we propose a computationally fast method for the state estimation based on a hybrid of loopy belief propagation and approximate message passing (AMP). The key insight is that a neural system as viewed through calcium imaging can be factorized into simple scalar dynamical systems for each neuron with linear interconnections between the neurons. Using the structure, the updates in the proposed hybrid AMP methodology can be computed by a set of one-dimensional state estimation procedures and linear transforms with the connectivity matrix. This yields a computationally scalable method for inferring connectivity of large neural circuits. Simulations of the method on realistic neural networks demonstrate good accuracy with computation times that are potentially significantly faster than current approaches based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Rigorous Dynamics and Consistent Estimation in Arbitrarily Conditioned Linear Systems

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    The problem of estimating a random vector x from noisy linear measurements y = A x + w with unknown parameters on the distributions of x and w, which must also be learned, arises in a wide range of statistical learning and linear inverse problems. We show that a computationally simple iterative message-passing algorithm can provably obtain asymptotically consistent estimates in a certain high-dimensional large-system limit (LSL) under very general parameterizations. Previous message passing techniques have required i.i.d. sub-Gaussian A matrices and often fail when the matrix is ill-conditioned. The proposed algorithm, called adaptive vector approximate message passing (Adaptive VAMP) with auto-tuning, applies to all right-rotationally random A. Importantly, this class includes matrices with arbitrarily poor conditioning. We show that the parameter estimates and mean squared error (MSE) of x in each iteration converge to deterministic limits that can be precisely predicted by a simple set of state evolution (SE) equations. In addition, a simple testable condition is provided in which the MSE matches the Bayes-optimal value predicted by the replica method. The paper thus provides a computationally simple method with provable guarantees of optimality and consistency over a large class of linear inverse problems

    Estimating Network Structure from Incomplete Event Data

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    Multivariate Bernoulli autoregressive (BAR) processes model time series of events in which the likelihood of current events is determined by the times and locations of past events. These processes can be used to model nonlinear dynamical systems corresponding to criminal activity, responses of patients to different medical treatment plans, opinion dynamics across social networks, epidemic spread, and more. Past work examines this problem under the assumption that the event data is complete, but in many cases only a fraction of events are observed. Incomplete observations pose a significant challenge in this setting because the unobserved events still govern the underlying dynamical system. In this work, we develop a novel approach to estimating the parameters of a BAR process in the presence of unobserved events via an unbiased estimator of the complete data log-likelihood function. We propose a computationally efficient estimation algorithm which approximates this estimator via Taylor series truncation and establish theoretical results for both the statistical error and optimization error of our algorithm. We further justify our approach by testing our method on both simulated data and a real data set consisting of crimes recorded by the city of Chicago

    A shotgun sampling solution for the common input problem in neural connectivity inference

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    Inferring connectivity in neuronal networks remains a key challenge in statistical neuroscience. The `common input' problem presents the major roadblock: it is difficult to reliably distinguish causal connections between pairs of observed neurons from correlations induced by common input from unobserved neurons. Since available recording techniques allow us to sample from only a small fraction of large networks simultaneously with sufficient temporal resolution, naive connectivity estimators that neglect these common input effects are highly biased. This work proposes a `shotgun' experimental design, in which we observe multiple sub-networks briefly, in a serial manner. Thus, while the full network cannot be observed simultaneously at any given time, we may be able to observe most of it during the entire experiment. Using a generalized linear model for a spiking recurrent neural network, we develop scalable approximate Bayesian methods to perform network inference given this type of data, in which only a small fraction of the network is observed in each time bin. We demonstrate in simulation that, using this method: (1) The shotgun experimental design can eliminate the biases induced by common input effects. (2) Networks with thousands of neurons, in which only a small fraction of the neurons is observed in each time bin, could be quickly and accurately estimated. (3) Performance can be improved if we exploit prior information about the probability of having a connection between two neurons, its dependence on neuronal cell types (e.g., Dale's law), or its dependence on the distance between neurons

    Online neural connectivity estimation with ensemble stimulation

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    One of the primary goals of systems neuroscience is to relate the structure of neural circuits to their function, yet patterns of connectivity are difficult to establish when recording from large populations in behaving organisms. Many previous approaches have attempted to estimate functional connectivity between neurons using statistical modeling of observational data, but these approaches rely heavily on parametric assumptions and are purely correlational. Recently, however, holographic photostimulation techniques have made it possible to precisely target selected ensembles of neurons, offering the possibility of establishing direct causal links. Here, we propose a method based on noisy group testing that drastically increases the efficiency of this process in sparse networks. By stimulating small ensembles of neurons, we show that it is possible to recover binarized network connectivity with a number of tests that grows only logarithmically with population size under minimal statistical assumptions. Moreover, we prove that our approach, which reduces to an efficiently solvable convex optimization problem, can be related to Variational Bayesian inference on the binary connection weights, and we derive rigorous bounds on the posterior marginals. This allows us to extend our method to the streaming setting, where continuously updated posteriors allow for optional stopping, and we demonstrate the feasibility of inferring connectivity for networks of up to tens of thousands of neurons online. Finally, we show how our work can be theoretically linked to compressed sensing approaches, and compare results for connectivity inference in different settings.Comment: Revised and expanded version of the work that appeared in NeurIPS 202

    Context-dependent self-exciting point processes: models, methods, and risk bounds in high dimensions

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    High-dimensional autoregressive point processes model how current events trigger or inhibit future events, such as activity by one member of a social network can affect the future activity of his or her neighbors. While past work has focused on estimating the underlying network structure based solely on the times at which events occur on each node of the network, this paper examines the more nuanced problem of estimating context-dependent networks that reflect how features associated with an event (such as the content of a social media post) modulate the strength of influences among nodes. Specifically, we leverage ideas from compositional time series and regularization methods in machine learning to conduct network estimation for high-dimensional marked point processes. Two models and corresponding estimators are considered in detail: an autoregressive multinomial model suited to categorical marks and a logistic-normal model suited to marks with mixed membership in different categories. Importantly, the logistic-normal model leads to a convex negative log-likelihood objective and captures dependence across categories. We provide theoretical guarantees for both estimators, which we validate by simulations and a synthetic data-generating model. We further validate our methods through two real data examples and demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches

    Statistical physics of linear and bilinear inference problems

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    The recent development of compressed sensing has led to spectacular advances in the understanding of sparse linear estimation problems as well as in algorithms to solve them. It has also triggered a new wave of developments in the related fields of generalized linear and bilinear inference problems, that have very diverse applications in signal processing and are furthermore a building block of deep neural networks. These problems have in common that they combine a linear mixing step and a nonlinear, probabilistic sensing step, producing indirect measurements of a signal of interest. Such a setting arises in problems as different as medical or astronomical imaging, clustering, matrix completion or blind source separation. The aim of this thesis is to propose efficient algorithms for this class of problems and to perform their theoretical analysis. To this end, it uses belief propagation, thanks to which high-dimensional distributions can be sampled efficiently, thus making a Bayesian approach to inference tractable. The resulting algorithms undergo phase transitions just as physical systems do. These phase transitions can be analyzed using the replica method, initially developed in statistical physics of disordered systems. The analysis reveals phases in which inference is easy, hard or impossible. These phases correspond to different energy landscapes of the problem. The main contributions of this thesis can be divided into three categories. First, the application of known algorithms to concrete problems: community detection, superposition codes and an innovative imaging system. Second, a new, efficient message-passing algorithm for a class of problems called blind sensor calibration. Third, a theoretical analysis of matrix compressed sensing and of instabilities in Bayesian bilinear inference algorithms.Comment: Phd thesi