4 research outputs found

    Scalable Facility Location for Massive Graphs on Pregel-like Systems

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    We propose a new scalable algorithm for facility location. Facility location is a classic problem, where the goal is to select a subset of facilities to open, from a set of candidate facilities F , in order to serve a set of clients C. The objective is to minimize the total cost of opening facilities plus the cost of serving each client from the facility it is assigned to. In this work, we are interested in the graph setting, where the cost of serving a client from a facility is represented by the shortest-path distance on the graph. This setting allows to model natural problems arising in the Web and in social media applications. It also allows to leverage the inherent sparsity of such graphs, as the input is much smaller than the full pairwise distances between all vertices. To obtain truly scalable performance, we design a parallel algorithm that operates on clusters of shared-nothing machines. In particular, we target modern Pregel-like architectures, and we implement our algorithm on Apache Giraph. Our solution makes use of a recent result to build sketches for massive graphs, and of a fast parallel algorithm to find maximal independent sets, as building blocks. In so doing, we show how these problems can be solved on a Pregel-like architecture, and we investigate the properties of these algorithms. Extensive experimental results show that our algorithm scales gracefully to graphs with billions of edges, while obtaining values of the objective function that are competitive with a state-of-the-art sequential algorithm

    Clustering-based Algorithms for Big Data Computations

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    In the age of big data, the amount of information that applications need to process often exceeds the computational capabilities of single machines. To cope with this deluge of data, new computational models have been defined. The MapReduce model allows the development of distributed algorithms targeted at large clusters, where each machine can only store a small fraction of the data. In the streaming model a single processor processes on-the-fly an incoming stream of data, using only limited memory. The specific characteristics of these models combined with the necessity of processing very large datasets rule out, in many cases, the adoption of known algorithmic strategies, prompting the development of new ones. In this context, clustering, the process of grouping together elements according to some proximity measure, is a valuable tool, which allows to build succinct summaries of the input data. In this thesis we develop novel algorithms for some fundamental problems, where clustering is a key ingredient to cope with very large instances or is itself the ultimate target. First, we consider the problem of approximating the diameter of an undirected graph, a fundamental metric in graph analytics, for which the known exact algorithms are too costly to use for very large inputs. We develop a MapReduce algorithm for this problem which, for the important class of graphs of bounded doubling dimension, features a polylogarithmic approximation guarantee, uses linear memory and executes in a number of parallel rounds that can be made sublinear in the input graph's diameter. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first parallel algorithm with these guarantees. Our algorithm leverages a novel clustering primitive to extract a concise summary of the input graph on which to compute the diameter approximation. We complement our theoretical analysis with an extensive experimental evaluation, finding that our algorithm features an approximation quality significantly better than the theoretical upper bound and high scalability. Next, we consider the problem of clustering uncertain graphs, that is, graphs where each edge has a probability of existence, specified as part of the input. These graphs, whose applications range from biology to privacy in social networks, have an exponential number of possible deterministic realizations, which impose a big-data perspective. We develop the first algorithms for clustering uncertain graphs with provable approximation guarantees which aim at maximizing the probability that nodes be connected to the centers of their assigned clusters. A preliminary suite of experiments, provides evidence that the quality of the clusterings returned by our algorithms compare very favorably with respect to previous approaches with no theoretical guarantees. Finally, we deal with the problem of diversity maximization, which is a fundamental primitive in big data analytics: given a set of points in a metric space we are asked to provide a small subset maximizing some notion of diversity. We provide efficient streaming and MapReduce algorithms with approximation guarantees that can be made arbitrarily close to the ones of the best sequential algorithms available. The algorithms crucially rely on the use of a k-center clustering primitive to extract a succinct summary of the data and their analysis is expressed in terms of the doubling dimension of the input point set. Moreover, unlike previously known algorithms, ours feature an interesting tradeoff between approximation quality and memory requirements. Our theoretical findings are supported by the first experimental analysis of diversity maximization algorithms in streaming and MapReduce, which highlights the tradeoffs of our algorithms on both real-world and synthetic datasets. Moreover, our algorithms exhibit good scalability, and a significantly better performance than the approaches proposed in previous works