1,713 research outputs found

    Towards Coding for Human and Machine Vision: A Scalable Image Coding Approach

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    The past decades have witnessed the rapid development of image and video coding techniques in the era of big data. However, the signal fidelity-driven coding pipeline design limits the capability of the existing image/video coding frameworks to fulfill the needs of both machine and human vision. In this paper, we come up with a novel image coding framework by leveraging both the compressive and the generative models, to support machine vision and human perception tasks jointly. Given an input image, the feature analysis is first applied, and then the generative model is employed to perform image reconstruction with features and additional reference pixels, in which compact edge maps are extracted in this work to connect both kinds of vision in a scalable way. The compact edge map serves as the basic layer for machine vision tasks, and the reference pixels act as a sort of enhanced layer to guarantee signal fidelity for human vision. By introducing advanced generative models, we train a flexible network to reconstruct images from compact feature representations and the reference pixels. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our framework in both human visual quality and facial landmark detection, which provide useful evidence on the emerging standardization efforts on MPEG VCM (Video Coding for Machine).Comment: Project page: https://williamyang1991.github.io/projects/VCM-Face

    Robust Emotion Recognition from Low Quality and Low Bit Rate Video: A Deep Learning Approach

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    Emotion recognition from facial expressions is tremendously useful, especially when coupled with smart devices and wireless multimedia applications. However, the inadequate network bandwidth often limits the spatial resolution of the transmitted video, which will heavily degrade the recognition reliability. We develop a novel framework to achieve robust emotion recognition from low bit rate video. While video frames are downsampled at the encoder side, the decoder is embedded with a deep network model for joint super-resolution (SR) and recognition. Notably, we propose a novel max-mix training strategy, leading to a single "One-for-All" model that is remarkably robust to a vast range of downsampling factors. That makes our framework well adapted for the varied bandwidths in real transmission scenarios, without hampering scalability or efficiency. The proposed framework is evaluated on the AVEC 2016 benchmark, and demonstrates significantly improved stand-alone recognition performance, as well as rate-distortion (R-D) performance, than either directly recognizing from LR frames, or separating SR and recognition.Comment: Accepted by the Seventh International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2017

    Deep Sparse Subspace Clustering

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    In this paper, we present a deep extension of Sparse Subspace Clustering, termed Deep Sparse Subspace Clustering (DSSC). Regularized by the unit sphere distribution assumption for the learned deep features, DSSC can infer a new data affinity matrix by simultaneously satisfying the sparsity principle of SSC and the nonlinearity given by neural networks. One of the appealing advantages brought by DSSC is: when original real-world data do not meet the class-specific linear subspace distribution assumption, DSSC can employ neural networks to make the assumption valid with its hierarchical nonlinear transformations. To the best of our knowledge, this is among the first deep learning based subspace clustering methods. Extensive experiments are conducted on four real-world datasets to show the proposed DSSC is significantly superior to 12 existing methods for subspace clustering.Comment: The initial version is completed at the beginning of 201

    Deferred Neural Rendering: Image Synthesis using Neural Textures

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    The modern computer graphics pipeline can synthesize images at remarkable visual quality; however, it requires well-defined, high-quality 3D content as input. In this work, we explore the use of imperfect 3D content, for instance, obtained from photo-metric reconstructions with noisy and incomplete surface geometry, while still aiming to produce photo-realistic (re-)renderings. To address this challenging problem, we introduce Deferred Neural Rendering, a new paradigm for image synthesis that combines the traditional graphics pipeline with learnable components. Specifically, we propose Neural Textures, which are learned feature maps that are trained as part of the scene capture process. Similar to traditional textures, neural textures are stored as maps on top of 3D mesh proxies; however, the high-dimensional feature maps contain significantly more information, which can be interpreted by our new deferred neural rendering pipeline. Both neural textures and deferred neural renderer are trained end-to-end, enabling us to synthesize photo-realistic images even when the original 3D content was imperfect. In contrast to traditional, black-box 2D generative neural networks, our 3D representation gives us explicit control over the generated output, and allows for a wide range of application domains. For instance, we can synthesize temporally-consistent video re-renderings of recorded 3D scenes as our representation is inherently embedded in 3D space. This way, neural textures can be utilized to coherently re-render or manipulate existing video content in both static and dynamic environments at real-time rates. We show the effectiveness of our approach in several experiments on novel view synthesis, scene editing, and facial reenactment, and compare to state-of-the-art approaches that leverage the standard graphics pipeline as well as conventional generative neural networks.Comment: Video: https://youtu.be/z-pVip6WeyY SIGGRAPH 201

    Deep Boosting: Joint Feature Selection and Analysis Dictionary Learning in Hierarchy

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    This work investigates how the traditional image classification pipelines can be extended into a deep architecture, inspired by recent successes of deep neural networks. We propose a deep boosting framework based on layer-by-layer joint feature boosting and dictionary learning. In each layer, we construct a dictionary of filters by combining the filters from the lower layer, and iteratively optimize the image representation with a joint discriminative-generative formulation, i.e. minimization of empirical classification error plus regularization of analysis image generation over training images. For optimization, we perform two iterating steps: i) to minimize the classification error, select the most discriminative features using the gentle adaboost algorithm; ii) according to the feature selection, update the filters to minimize the regularization on analysis image representation using the gradient descent method. Once the optimization is converged, we learn the higher layer representation in the same way. Our model delivers several distinct advantages. First, our layer-wise optimization provides the potential to build very deep architectures. Second, the generated image representation is compact and meaningful. In several visual recognition tasks, our framework outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches

    Recover Canonical-View Faces in the Wild with Deep Neural Networks

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    Face images in the wild undergo large intra-personal variations, such as poses, illuminations, occlusions, and low resolutions, which cause great challenges to face-related applications. This paper addresses this challenge by proposing a new deep learning framework that can recover the canonical view of face images. It dramatically reduces the intra-person variances, while maintaining the inter-person discriminativeness. Unlike the existing face reconstruction methods that were either evaluated in controlled 2D environment or employed 3D information, our approach directly learns the transformation from the face images with a complex set of variations to their canonical views. At the training stage, to avoid the costly process of labeling canonical-view images from the training set by hand, we have devised a new measurement to automatically select or synthesize a canonical-view image for each identity. As an application, this face recovery approach is used for face verification. Facial features are learned from the recovered canonical-view face images by using a facial component-based convolutional neural network. Our approach achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the LFW dataset

    End-to-End Facial Deep Learning Feature Compression with Teacher-Student Enhancement

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    In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end feature compression scheme by leveraging the representation and learning capability of deep neural networks, towards intelligent front-end equipped analysis with promising accuracy and efficiency. In particular, the extracted features are compactly coded in an end-to-end manner by optimizing the rate-distortion cost to achieve feature-in-feature representation. In order to further improve the compression performance, we present a latent code level teacher-student enhancement model, which could efficiently transfer the low bit-rate representation into a high bit rate one. Such a strategy further allows us to adaptively shift the representation cost to decoding computations, leading to more flexible feature compression with enhanced decoding capability. We verify the effectiveness of the proposed model with the facial feature, and experimental results reveal better compression performance in terms of rate-accuracy compared with existing models

    Deep Learning-Based Video Coding: A Review and A Case Study

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    The past decade has witnessed great success of deep learning technology in many disciplines, especially in computer vision and image processing. However, deep learning-based video coding remains in its infancy. This paper reviews the representative works about using deep learning for image/video coding, which has been an actively developing research area since the year of 2015. We divide the related works into two categories: new coding schemes that are built primarily upon deep networks (deep schemes), and deep network-based coding tools (deep tools) that shall be used within traditional coding schemes or together with traditional coding tools. For deep schemes, pixel probability modeling and auto-encoder are the two approaches, that can be viewed as predictive coding scheme and transform coding scheme, respectively. For deep tools, there have been several proposed techniques using deep learning to perform intra-picture prediction, inter-picture prediction, cross-channel prediction, probability distribution prediction, transform, post- or in-loop filtering, down- and up-sampling, as well as encoding optimizations. In the hope of advocating the research of deep learning-based video coding, we present a case study of our developed prototype video codec, namely Deep Learning Video Coding (DLVC). DLVC features two deep tools that are both based on convolutional neural network (CNN), namely CNN-based in-loop filter (CNN-ILF) and CNN-based block adaptive resolution coding (CNN-BARC). Both tools help improve the compression efficiency by a significant margin. With the two deep tools as well as other non-deep coding tools, DLVC is able to achieve on average 39.6\% and 33.0\% bits saving than HEVC, under random-access and low-delay configurations, respectively. The source code of DLVC has been released for future researches

    Privacy-Preserving Deep Inference for Rich User Data on The Cloud

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    Deep neural networks are increasingly being used in a variety of machine learning applications applied to rich user data on the cloud. However, this approach introduces a number of privacy and efficiency challenges, as the cloud operator can perform secondary inferences on the available data. Recently, advances in edge processing have paved the way for more efficient, and private, data processing at the source for simple tasks and lighter models, though they remain a challenge for larger, and more complicated models. In this paper, we present a hybrid approach for breaking down large, complex deep models for cooperative, privacy-preserving analytics. We do this by breaking down the popular deep architectures and fine-tune them in a particular way. We then evaluate the privacy benefits of this approach based on the information exposed to the cloud service. We also asses the local inference cost of different layers on a modern handset for mobile applications. Our evaluations show that by using certain kind of fine-tuning and embedding techniques and at a small processing costs, we can greatly reduce the level of information available to unintended tasks applied to the data feature on the cloud, and hence achieving the desired tradeoff between privacy and performance.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1703.0295

    Convolutional Neural Networks with Transformed Input based on Robust Tensor Network Decomposition

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    Tensor network decomposition, originated from quantum physics to model entangled many-particle quantum systems, turns out to be a promising mathematical technique to efficiently represent and process big data in parsimonious manner. In this study, we show that tensor networks can systematically partition structured data, e.g. color images, for distributed storage and communication in privacy-preserving manner. Leveraging the sea of big data and metadata privacy, empirical results show that neighbouring subtensors with implicit information stored in tensor network formats cannot be identified for data reconstruction. This technique complements the existing encryption and randomization techniques which store explicit data representation at one place and highly susceptible to adversarial attacks such as side-channel attacks and de-anonymization. Furthermore, we propose a theory for adversarial examples that mislead convolutional neural networks to misclassification using subspace analysis based on singular value decomposition (SVD). The theory is extended to analyze higher-order tensors using tensor-train SVD (TT-SVD); it helps to explain the level of susceptibility of different datasets to adversarial attacks, the structural similarity of different adversarial attacks including global and localized attacks, and the efficacy of different adversarial defenses based on input transformation. An efficient and adaptive algorithm based on robust TT-SVD is then developed to detect strong and static adversarial attacks