2 research outputs found

    Maximum Entropy Relaxation for Graphical Model Selection given Inconsistent Statistics

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    We develop a novel approach to approximate a specified collection of marginal distributions on subsets of variables by a globally consistent distribution on the entire collection of variables. In general, the specified marginal distributions may be inconsistent on overlapping subsets of variables. Our method is based on maximizing entropy over an exponential family of graphical models, subject to divergence constraints on small subsets of variables that enforce closeness to the specified marginals. The resulting optimization problem is convex, and can be solved efficiently using a primal-dual interiorpoint algorithm. Moreover, this framework leads naturally to a solution that is a sparse graphical model

    Scalable algorithms for aggregating disparate forecasts of probability

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    Abstract- In this paper, computational aspects of the panel aggregation problem are addressed. Motivated primarily by applications of risk assessment, an algorithm is developed for aggregating large corpora of internally incoherent probability assessments. The algorithm is characterized by a provable performance guarantee, and is demonstrated to be orders of magnitude faster than existing tools when tested on several real-world data-sets. In addition, unexpected connections between research in risk assessment and wireless sensor networks are exposed, as several key ideas are illustrated to be useful in both fields