6,417 research outputs found

    Algoritma-Algoritma Pembetulan Warna Baharu Untuk Imej Digital Berwarna

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    Algoritma pembetulan warna imej digital penting untuk mengurangkan kesan warna sumber pencahayaan yang tidak sekata dalam sesuatu imej digital berwarna. Algoritma pembetulan warna terbahagi kepada dua proses iaitu proses penganggaran warna sumber pencahayaan sekeliling dan proses pembetulan. Walaupun terdapat pelbagai algoritma pembetulan warna yang diperkenalkan, namun imej keluaran yang dihasilkan masih mempunyai kesan fenomena penepuan dan terlebih pembetulan. Bagi mengatasi kekurangan algoritma konvensional ini, tiga algoritma pembetulan warna baharu diperkenalkan iaitu algoritma Pembetulan Warna Anjakan Taburan Piksel (PWATP), Pembetulan Warna Penyekatan Penepuan (PWPP), dan Pembetulan Warna Melalui Penyesuaian Imej (PWPI). Algoritma yang diperkenalkan mengaplikasikan pembetulan warna berdasarkan kepada proses penganjakan piksel pada satah 2D dua saluran warna. Daripada keputusan analisa kualitatif yang dijalankan, didapati algoritma PWATP berjaya menghasilkan imej keluaran terbaik bagi imej dalaman. Warna kulit manusia yang dihasilkan kelihatan lebih semula jadi dan menarik. Algoritma PWPP yang mengaplikasikan algoritma penyekatan penepuan didapati sesuai digunakan bagi memperbetulkan imej yang mempunyai kawasan terlebih pendedahan. Algoritma PWPI pula didapati paling sesuai digunakan bagi imej bawah laut dengan kesan fenomena terlebih pembetulan yang minimum berbanding algoritma pembetulan warna yang lain. Hasil keputusan analisa kuantitatif menunjukkan ketiga-tiga algoritma pembetulan warna yang dihasilkan bukan sahaja dapat memperbetulkan warna imej yang digunakan, malah mengekalkan kecerahan imej dan meningkatkan maklumat yang terkandung pada imej, meningkatkan indeks semula jadi, dan meningkatkan beza jelas imej. Satu analisa kuantitatif baharu yang dinamakan Analisa Penentuan Penepuan Imej (APPI) juga diperkenalkan di dalam penyelidikan ini. Analisa APPI berjaya mengesan piksel-piksel yang mengalami fenomena penepuan dan terlebih pembetulan dengan lebih tepat dan adil. Keputusan yang diperolehi juga dapat dihubungkaitkan dan selari dengan analisa yang dijalankan secara kualitatif. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Color correction algorithm for digital color image is important to reduce the impact of inhomogeneous surrounding illumination in digital color image. Color correction algorithm is divided into two main processes, namely the surrounding illumination color estimation process and color correction process. Although there are various color correction algorithms introduced, the resultant images produced are still prone to the effect of saturated and over-corrected phenomenon. To overcome the drawback of these conventional algorithms, three new color correction algorithms were introduced namely Pixel Distribution Color Correction (PDCC), Saturation Avoidance Color Correction (SACC) and Adaptive Color Correction (ACC). The proposed algorithms apply the color correction processes by shifting the pixel distribution based on the 2D two color channel plane. From the qualitative analysis results, the PDCC algorithm was able to produce the best resultant image for indoor images. The produced human skin color looks more natural and more pleasantly in viewing. The SACC algorithm which employs the saturation limitation algorithm was found to be suitable to correct the over-exposed area on the image. The ACC algorithm on the other hand is the most suitable algorithm to be used to correct the color of underwater images with effect of minimal saturation phenomenon as compared to other conventional color correction algorithm. The results of quantitative analysis showed that all the proposed three color correction algorithms not only have the ability to correct the colors of the images, but also are able to preserve the brightness of the image, enhance the image details, increase naturalness index, and increase the contrast of the image. A new quantitative analysis namely Saturation Pixel Detection Analysis (SPDA) is also introduced in this research. The SPDA analysis successfully detects the saturated and over-corrected pixel more accurately and unbiased. The result produced by SPDA can be correlated and coherent with the qualitative analysis carried out

    Impact of environment color on individual responses in public spaces of shopping malls

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    This study aims to explore the specific impact of a color's hue, saturation, andbrightness value on people's evaluation, behavior, and emotions in the publicspace of existing shopping malls. Following a field investigation, color compositionand distribution characteristics in the public spaces of shopping malls are summa-rized. In the real scenes, the hues of colors are mainly warm colors, with some sup-plemented by blue. The saturation of the majority colors, which are almost grayishcolors, is lower than 33% and their brightness is very wide and evenly distributed.Anexperimentwasthenconductedinthelaboratory, whereinphotostakenandsounds recorded on-site were shown to participants; the participants were thenasked to answer questionnaires based on the pleasure-arousal-dominance emotionand approach-avoidance behavior theories. The results showed that hue has a weakeffect on individual responses, whereas saturation was found to have a significanteffect. Moreover, the brightnessdifferencebetweencolorscancauseachangeinsat-isfaction, behavior intention, and emotion. Additionally, in the public spaces ofshopping malls, the red color is more associated with embodied meaning, whereasthe green color is more associated with referential meaning, in which differentobjects have significantly different influences

    LANDSAT-D investigations in snow hydrology

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    Thematic mapper radiometric characteristics, snow/cloud reflectance, and atmospheric correction are discussed with application to determining the spectral albedo of snow. The geometric characterics of TM and digital elevation data are examined. The geometric transformations and resampling required to coregister these data are discussed

    Automated Mobile System for Accurate Outdoor Tree Crop Enumeration Using an Uncalibrated Camera.

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    This paper demonstrates an automated computer vision system for outdoor tree crop enumeration in a seedling nursery. The complete system incorporates both hardware components (including an embedded microcontroller, an odometry encoder, and an uncalibrated digital color camera) and software algorithms (including microcontroller algorithms and the proposed algorithm for tree crop enumeration) required to obtain robust performance in a natural outdoor environment. The enumeration system uses a three-step image analysis process based upon: (1) an orthographic plant projection method integrating a perspective transform with automatic parameter estimation; (2) a plant counting method based on projection histograms; and (3) a double-counting avoidance method based on a homography transform. Experimental results demonstrate the ability to count large numbers of plants automatically with no human effort. Results show that, for tree seedlings having a height up to 40 cm and a within-row tree spacing of approximately 10 cm, the algorithms successfully estimated the number of plants with an average accuracy of 95.2% for trees within a single image and 98% for counting of the whole plant population in a large sequence of images

    Infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS) catalogs and atlases. Volume 1: Explanatory supplement

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    The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) was launched on January 26, 1983. During its 300-day mission, IRAS surveyed over 96 pct of the celestial sphere at four infrared wavelengths, centered approximately at 12, 25, 60, and 100 microns. Volume 1 describes the instrument, the mission, and data reduction

    Implementing Lensless Cameras in Autonomous Robotic Systems

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    The open-source Robot Operating System (ROS) is a mixed and scalable P2P network-based robotics framework. We examine lensless compressive imaging using a hardware apparatus assembly having an imaging sensor, but no lens. Cameras with lenses have been the standard, but several factors constrain their application. Lensless cameras may reduce the cost, size, and weight of image processing as we move away from use of expensive lenses in robot designs. Lensless cameras can be used also in applications such medicine, where apparatus size is very important. To support our objective we show how ROS applications are developed and most importantly how one can build applications that allows users to complete useful tasks in a timely manner with high performance

    A multi-sensor-based navigation framework for intelligent vehicle

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    Lembar Review C8 Telkomnika

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    Radiometric Model and Inter-Comparison Results of the SGLI-VNR On-Board Calibration

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    The Second Generation Global Imager (SGLI) on Global Change Observation Mission Climate (GCOM-C) satellite empowers surface and atmospheric measurements related to the carbon cycle and radiation budget, with two radiometers of Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer (SGLI-VNR) and Infrared Scanning Radiometer (SGLI-IRS) that perform a wide-band (380 nm12 m) optical observation not only with as wide as a 11501400 km field of view (FOV), but also with as high as 0.250.5 km resolution. Additionally, polarization and along-track slant view observations are quite characteristic of SGLI. It is important to calibrate radiometers to provide the sensor data records for more than 28 standard products and 23 research products including clouds, aerosols, ocean color, vegetation, snow and ice, and other applications. In this paper, the radiometric model and the first results of on-board calibrations on the SGLI-VNR, which include weekly solar and light-emitting diode (LED) calibration and monthly lunar calibration, will be described. Each calibration data was obtained with corrections, where beta angle correction and avoidance of reflection from multilayer insulation (MLI) were applied for solar calibration; LED temperature correction was performed for LED calibration; and the GIRO (GSICS (Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System) Implementation of the ROLO (RObotic Lunar Observatory) model) model was used for lunar calibration. Results show that the inter-comparison of the relative degradation amount between these three calibrations agreed to within 1% or less