1 research outputs found

    Sandwiches Missing Two Ingredients of Order Four

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    For a set F{\cal F} of graphs, an instance of the F{\cal F}-{\sc free Sandwich Problem} is a pair (G1,G2)(G_1,G_2) consisting of two graphs G1G_1 and G2G_2 with the same vertex set such that G1G_1 is a subgraph of G2G_2, and the task is to determine an F{\cal F}-free graph GG containing G1G_1 and contained in G2G_2, or to decide that such a graph does not exist. Initially motivated by the graph sandwich problem for trivially perfect graphs, which are the {P4,C4}\{ P_4,C_4\}-free graphs, we study the complexity of the F{\cal F}-{\sc free Sandwich Problem} for sets F{\cal F} containing two non-isomorphic graphs of order four. We show that if F{\cal F} is one of the sets {diamond,K4}\left\{ {\rm diamond},K_4\right\}, {diamond,C4}\left\{ {\rm diamond},C_4\right\}, {diamond,paw}\left\{ {\rm diamond},{\rm paw}\right\}, {K4,K4β€Ύ}\left\{ K_4,\overline{K_4}\right\}, {P4,C4}\left\{ P_4,C_4\right\}, {P4,clawβ€Ύ}\left\{ P_4,\overline{\rm claw}\right\}, {P4,pawβ€Ύ}\left\{ P_4,\overline{\rm paw}\right\}, {P4,diamondβ€Ύ}\left\{ P_4,\overline{\rm diamond}\right\}, {paw,C4}\left\{ {\rm paw},C_4\right\}, {paw,claw}\left\{ {\rm paw},{\rm claw}\right\}, {paw,clawβ€Ύ}\left\{ {\rm paw},\overline{{\rm claw}}\right\}, {paw,pawβ€Ύ}\left\{ {\rm paw},\overline{\rm paw}\right\}, {C4,C4β€Ύ}\left\{ C_4,\overline{C_4}\right\}, {claw,clawβ€Ύ}\left\{ {\rm claw},\overline{{\rm claw}}\right\}, and {claw,C4β€Ύ}\left\{ {\rm claw},\overline{C_4}\right\}, then the F{\cal F}-{\sc free Sandwich Problem} can be solved in polynomial time, and, if F{\cal F} is one of the sets {C4,K4}\left\{ C_4,K_4\right\}, {paw,K4}\left\{ {\rm paw},K_4\right\}, {paw,K4β€Ύ}\left\{ {\rm paw},\overline{K_4}\right\}, {paw,C4β€Ύ}\left\{ {\rm paw},\overline{C_4}\right\}, {diamond,C4β€Ύ}\left\{ {\rm diamond},\overline{C_4}\right\}, {paw,diamondβ€Ύ}\left\{ {\rm paw},\overline{\rm diamond}\right\}, and {diamond,diamondβ€Ύ}\left\{ {\rm diamond},\overline{\rm diamond}\right\}, then the decision version of the F{\cal F}-{\sc free Sandwich Problem} is NP-complete