2,581 research outputs found

    Recommender Systems with Generative Retrieval

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    Modern recommender systems perform large-scale retrieval by first embedding queries and item candidates in the same unified space, followed by approximate nearest neighbor search to select top candidates given a query embedding. In this paper, we propose a novel generative retrieval approach, where the retrieval model autoregressively decodes the identifiers of the target candidates. To that end, we create semantically meaningful tuple of codewords to serve as a Semantic ID for each item. Given Semantic IDs for items in a user session, a Transformer-based sequence-to-sequence model is trained to predict the Semantic ID of the next item that the user will interact with. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first Semantic ID-based generative model for recommendation tasks. We show that recommender systems trained with the proposed paradigm significantly outperform the current SOTA models on various datasets. In addition, we show that incorporating Semantic IDs into the sequence-to-sequence model enhances its ability to generalize, as evidenced by the improved retrieval performance observed for items with no prior interaction history.Comment: Preprint versio

    Leveraging Large Language Models in Conversational Recommender Systems

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    A Conversational Recommender System (CRS) offers increased transparency and control to users by enabling them to engage with the system through a real-time multi-turn dialogue. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have exhibited an unprecedented ability to converse naturally and incorporate world knowledge and common-sense reasoning into language understanding, unlocking the potential of this paradigm. However, effectively leveraging LLMs within a CRS introduces new technical challenges, including properly understanding and controlling a complex conversation and retrieving from external sources of information. These issues are exacerbated by a large, evolving item corpus and a lack of conversational data for training. In this paper, we provide a roadmap for building an end-to-end large-scale CRS using LLMs. In particular, we propose new implementations for user preference understanding, flexible dialogue management and explainable recommendations as part of an integrated architecture powered by LLMs. For improved personalization, we describe how an LLM can consume interpretable natural language user profiles and use them to modulate session-level context. To overcome conversational data limitations in the absence of an existing production CRS, we propose techniques for building a controllable LLM-based user simulator to generate synthetic conversations. As a proof of concept we introduce RecLLM, a large-scale CRS for YouTube videos built on LaMDA, and demonstrate its fluency and diverse functionality through some illustrative example conversations

    Mixture of Virtual-Kernel Experts for Multi-Objective User Profile Modeling

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    In many industrial applications like online advertising and recommendation systems, diverse and accurate user profiles can greatly help improve personalization. For building user profiles, deep learning is widely used to mine expressive tags to describe users' preferences from their historical actions. For example, tags mined from users' click-action history can represent the categories of ads that users are interested in, and they are likely to continue being clicked in the future. Traditional solutions usually introduce multiple independent Two-Tower models to mine tags from different actions, e.g., click, conversion. However, the models cannot learn complementarily and support effective training for data-sparse actions. Besides, limited by the lack of information fusion between the two towers, the model learning is insufficient to represent users' preferences on various topics well. This paper introduces a novel multi-task model called Mixture of Virtual-Kernel Experts (MVKE) to learn multiple topic-related user preferences based on different actions unitedly. In MVKE, we propose a concept of Virtual-Kernel Expert, which focuses on modeling one particular facet of the user's preference, and all of them learn coordinately. Besides, the gate-based structure used in MVKE builds an information fusion bridge between two towers, improving the model's capability much and maintaining high efficiency. We apply the model in Tencent Advertising System, where both online and offline evaluations show that our method has a significant improvement compared with the existing ones and brings about an obvious lift to actual advertising revenue.Comment: 10 pages, under revie

    Handling Large-scale Cardinality in building recommendation systems

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    Effective recommendation systems rely on capturing user preferences, often requiring incorporating numerous features such as universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) of entities. However, the exceptionally high cardinality of UUIDs poses a significant challenge in terms of model degradation and increased model size due to sparsity. This paper presents two innovative techniques to address the challenge of high cardinality in recommendation systems. Specifically, we propose a bag-of-words approach, combined with layer sharing, to substantially decrease the model size while improving performance. Our techniques were evaluated through offline and online experiments on Uber use cases, resulting in promising results demonstrating our approach's effectiveness in optimizing recommendation systems and enhancing their overall performance

    Multi-granularity Item-based Contrastive Recommendation

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    Contrastive learning (CL) has shown its power in recommendation. However, most CL-based recommendation models build their CL tasks merely focusing on the user's aspects, ignoring the rich diverse information in items. In this work, we propose a novel Multi-granularity item-based contrastive learning (MicRec) framework for the matching stage (i.e., candidate generation) in recommendation, which systematically introduces multi-aspect item-related information to representation learning with CL. Specifically, we build three item-based CL tasks as a set of plug-and-play auxiliary objectives to capture item correlations in feature, semantic and session levels. The feature-level item CL aims to learn the fine-grained feature-level item correlations via items and their augmentations. The semantic-level item CL focuses on the coarse-grained semantic correlations between semantically related items. The session-level item CL highlights the global behavioral correlations of items from users' sequential behaviors in all sessions. In experiments, we conduct both offline and online evaluations on real-world datasets, verifying the effectiveness and universality of three proposed CL tasks. Currently, MicRec has been deployed on a real-world recommender system, affecting millions of users. The source code will be released in the future.Comment: 17 pages, under revie

    Multi-Objective Personalized Product Retrieval in Taobao Search

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    In large-scale e-commerce platforms like Taobao, it is a big challenge to retrieve products that satisfy users from billions of candidates. This has been a common concern of academia and industry. Recently, plenty of works in this domain have achieved significant improvements by enhancing embedding-based retrieval (EBR) methods, including the Multi-Grained Deep Semantic Product Retrieval (MGDSPR) model [16] in Taobao search engine. However, we find that MGDSPR still has problems of poor relevance and weak personalization compared to other retrieval methods in our online system, such as lexical matching and collaborative filtering. These problems promote us to further strengthen the capabilities of our EBR model in both relevance estimation and personalized retrieval. In this paper, we propose a novel Multi-Objective Personalized Product Retrieval (MOPPR) model with four hierarchical optimization objectives: relevance, exposure, click and purchase. We construct entire-space multi-positive samples to train MOPPR, rather than the single-positive samples for existing EBR models.We adopt a modified softmax loss for optimizing multiple objectives. Results of extensive offline and online experiments show that MOPPR outperforms the baseline MGDSPR on evaluation metrics of relevance estimation and personalized retrieval. MOPPR achieves 0.96% transaction and 1.29% GMV improvements in a 28-day online A/B test. Since the Double-11 shopping festival of 2021, MOPPR has been fully deployed in mobile Taobao search, replacing the previous MGDSPR. Finally, we discuss several advanced topics of our deeper explorations on multi-objective retrieval and ranking to contribute to the community.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Minin

    Impressions in Recommender Systems: Present and Future

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    Impressions are a novel data source providing researchers and practitioners with more details about user interactions and their context. In particular, an impression contain the items shown on screen to users, alongside users' interactions toward such items. In recent years, interest in impressions has thrived, and more papers use impressions in recommender systems. Despite this, the literature does not contain a comprehensive review of the current topics and future directions. This work summarizes impressions in recommender systems under three perspectives: recommendation models, datasets with impressions, and evaluation methodologies. Then, we propose several future directions with an emphasis on novel approaches. This work is part of an ongoing review of impressions in recommender systems

    Attribute Simulation for Item Embedding Enhancement in Multi-interest Recommendation

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    Although multi-interest recommenders have achieved significant progress in the matching stage, our research reveals that existing models tend to exhibit an under-clustered item embedding space, which leads to a low discernibility between items and hampers item retrieval. This highlights the necessity for item embedding enhancement. However, item attributes, which serve as effective and straightforward side information for enhancement, are either unavailable or incomplete in many public datasets due to the labor-intensive nature of manual annotation tasks. This dilemma raises two meaningful questions: 1. Can we bypass manual annotation and directly simulate complete attribute information from the interaction data? And 2. If feasible, how to simulate attributes with high accuracy and low complexity in the matching stage? In this paper, we first establish an inspiring theoretical feasibility that the item-attribute correlation matrix can be approximated through elementary transformations on the item co-occurrence matrix. Then based on formula derivation, we propose a simple yet effective module, SimEmb (Item Embedding Enhancement via Simulated Attribute), in the multi-interest recommendation of the matching stage to implement our findings. By simulating attributes with the co-occurrence matrix, SimEmb discards the item ID-based embedding and employs the attribute-weighted summation for item embedding enhancement. Comprehensive experiments on four benchmark datasets demonstrate that our approach notably enhances the clustering of item embedding and significantly outperforms SOTA models with an average improvement of 25.59% on [email protected]: This paper has been accepted by the 17th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2024). The camera-ready version will be available in the conference proceeding
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