35 research outputs found

    Conditioning of Leverage Scores and Computation by QR Decomposition

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    The leverage scores of a full-column rank matrix A are the squared row norms of any orthonormal basis for range(A). We show that corresponding leverage scores of two matrices A and A + \Delta A are close in the relative sense, if they have large magnitude and if all principal angles between the column spaces of A and A + \Delta A are small. We also show three classes of bounds that are based on perturbation results of QR decompositions. They demonstrate that relative differences between individual leverage scores strongly depend on the particular type of perturbation \Delta A. The bounds imply that the relative accuracy of an individual leverage score depends on: its magnitude and the two-norm condition of A, if \Delta A is a general perturbation; the two-norm condition number of A, if \Delta A is a perturbation with the same norm-wise row-scaling as A; (to first order) neither condition number nor leverage score magnitude, if \Delta A is a component-wise row-scaled perturbation. Numerical experiments confirm the qualitative and quantitative accuracy of our bounds.Comment: This version has been accepted to SIMAX but has not yet gone through copy editin

    Block CUR: Decomposing Matrices using Groups of Columns

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    A common problem in large-scale data analysis is to approximate a matrix using a combination of specifically sampled rows and columns, known as CUR decomposition. Unfortunately, in many real-world environments, the ability to sample specific individual rows or columns of the matrix is limited by either system constraints or cost. In this paper, we consider matrix approximation by sampling predefined \emph{blocks} of columns (or rows) from the matrix. We present an algorithm for sampling useful column blocks and provide novel guarantees for the quality of the approximation. This algorithm has application in problems as diverse as biometric data analysis to distributed computing. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms for computing the Block CUR decomposition of large matrices in a distributed setting with multiple nodes in a compute cluster, where such blocks correspond to columns (or rows) of the matrix stored on the same node, which can be retrieved with much less overhead than retrieving individual columns stored across different nodes. In the biometric setting, the rows correspond to different users and columns correspond to users' biometric reaction to external stimuli, {\em e.g.,}~watching video content, at a particular time instant. There is significant cost in acquiring each user's reaction to lengthy content so we sample a few important scenes to approximate the biometric response. An individual time sample in this use case cannot be queried in isolation due to the lack of context that caused that biometric reaction. Instead, collections of time segments ({\em i.e.,} blocks) must be presented to the user. The practical application of these algorithms is shown via experimental results using real-world user biometric data from a content testing environment.Comment: shorter version to appear in ECML-PKDD 201

    Uniform Sampling for Matrix Approximation

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    Random sampling has become a critical tool in solving massive matrix problems. For linear regression, a small, manageable set of data rows can be randomly selected to approximate a tall, skinny data matrix, improving processing time significantly. For theoretical performance guarantees, each row must be sampled with probability proportional to its statistical leverage score. Unfortunately, leverage scores are difficult to compute. A simple alternative is to sample rows uniformly at random. While this often works, uniform sampling will eliminate critical row information for many natural instances. We take a fresh look at uniform sampling by examining what information it does preserve. Specifically, we show that uniform sampling yields a matrix that, in some sense, well approximates a large fraction of the original. While this weak form of approximation is not enough for solving linear regression directly, it is enough to compute a better approximation. This observation leads to simple iterative row sampling algorithms for matrix approximation that run in input-sparsity time and preserve row structure and sparsity at all intermediate steps. In addition to an improved understanding of uniform sampling, our main proof introduces a structural result of independent interest: we show that every matrix can be made to have low coherence by reweighting a small subset of its rows