6,439 research outputs found

    Review of Visual Saliency Detection with Comprehensive Information

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    Visual saliency detection model simulates the human visual system to perceive the scene, and has been widely used in many vision tasks. With the acquisition technology development, more comprehensive information, such as depth cue, inter-image correspondence, or temporal relationship, is available to extend image saliency detection to RGBD saliency detection, co-saliency detection, or video saliency detection. RGBD saliency detection model focuses on extracting the salient regions from RGBD images by combining the depth information. Co-saliency detection model introduces the inter-image correspondence constraint to discover the common salient object in an image group. The goal of video saliency detection model is to locate the motion-related salient object in video sequences, which considers the motion cue and spatiotemporal constraint jointly. In this paper, we review different types of saliency detection algorithms, summarize the important issues of the existing methods, and discuss the existent problems and future works. Moreover, the evaluation datasets and quantitative measurements are briefly introduced, and the experimental analysis and discission are conducted to provide a holistic overview of different saliency detection methods.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, 7 tables, Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2018, https://rmcong.github.io

    Salient Object Detection in Video using Deep Non-Local Neural Networks

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    Detection of salient objects in image and video is of great importance in many computer vision applications. In spite of the fact that the state of the art in saliency detection for still images has been changed substantially over the last few years, there have been few improvements in video saliency detection. This paper investigates the use of recently introduced non-local neural networks in video salient object detection. Non-local neural networks are applied to capture global dependencies and hence determine the salient objects. The effect of non-local operations is studied separately on static and dynamic saliency detection in order to exploit both appearance and motion features. A novel deep non-local neural network architecture is introduced for video salient object detection and tested on two well-known datasets DAVIS and FBMS. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art video saliency detection methods.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representatio

    Region-Based Multiscale Spatiotemporal Saliency for Video

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    Detecting salient objects from a video requires exploiting both spatial and temporal knowledge included in the video. We propose a novel region-based multiscale spatiotemporal saliency detection method for videos, where static features and dynamic features computed from the low and middle levels are combined together. Our method utilizes such combined features spatially over each frame and, at the same time, temporally across frames using consistency between consecutive frames. Saliency cues in our method are analyzed through a multiscale segmentation model, and fused across scale levels, yielding to exploring regions efficiently. An adaptive temporal window using motion information is also developed to combine saliency values of consecutive frames in order to keep temporal consistency across frames. Performance evaluation on several popular benchmark datasets validates that our method outperforms existing state-of-the-arts

    Unsupervised Video Analysis Based on a Spatiotemporal Saliency Detector

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    Visual saliency, which predicts regions in the field of view that draw the most visual attention, has attracted a lot of interest from researchers. It has already been used in several vision tasks, e.g., image classification, object detection, foreground segmentation. Recently, the spectrum analysis based visual saliency approach has attracted a lot of interest due to its simplicity and good performance, where the phase information of the image is used to construct the saliency map. In this paper, we propose a new approach for detecting spatiotemporal visual saliency based on the phase spectrum of the videos, which is easy to implement and computationally efficient. With the proposed algorithm, we also study how the spatiotemporal saliency can be used in two important vision task, abnormality detection and spatiotemporal interest point detection. The proposed algorithm is evaluated on several commonly used datasets with comparison to the state-of-art methods from the literature. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach to spatiotemporal visual saliency detection and its application to the above vision tasksComment: 21 page

    Video Salient Object Detection Using Spatiotemporal Deep Features

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    This paper presents a method for detecting salient objects in videos where temporal information in addition to spatial information is fully taken into account. Following recent reports on the advantage of deep features over conventional hand-crafted features, we propose a new set of SpatioTemporal Deep (STD) features that utilize local and global contexts over frames. We also propose new SpatioTemporal Conditional Random Field (STCRF) to compute saliency from STD features. STCRF is our extension of CRF to the temporal domain and describes the relationships among neighboring regions both in a frame and over frames. STCRF leads to temporally consistent saliency maps over frames, contributing to the accurate detection of salient objects' boundaries and noise reduction during detection. Our proposed method first segments an input video into multiple scales and then computes a saliency map at each scale level using STD features with STCRF. The final saliency map is computed by fusing saliency maps at different scale levels. Our experiments, using publicly available benchmark datasets, confirm that the proposed method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods. We also applied our saliency computation to the video object segmentation task, showing that our method outperforms existing video object segmentation methods.Comment: accepted at TI

    Saliency-Guided Perceptual Grouping Using Motion Cues in Region-Based Artificial Visual Attention

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    Region-based artificial attention constitutes a framework for bio-inspired attentional processes on an intermediate abstraction level for the use in computer vision and mobile robotics. Segmentation algorithms produce regions of coherently colored pixels. These serve as proto-objects on which the attentional processes determine image portions of relevance. A single region---which not necessarily represents a full object---constitutes the focus of attention. For many post-attentional tasks, however, such as identifying or tracking objects, single segments are not sufficient. Here, we present a saliency-guided approach that groups regions that potentially belong to the same object based on proximity and similarity of motion. We compare our results to object selection by thresholding saliency maps and a further attention-guided strategy

    Global and Local Sensitivity Guided Key Salient Object Re-augmentation for Video Saliency Detection

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    The existing still-static deep learning based saliency researches do not consider the weighting and highlighting of extracted features from different layers, all features contribute equally to the final saliency decision-making. Such methods always evenly detect all "potentially significant regions" and unable to highlight the key salient object, resulting in detection failure of dynamic scenes. In this paper, based on the fact that salient areas in videos are relatively small and concentrated, we propose a \textbf{key salient object re-augmentation method (KSORA) using top-down semantic knowledge and bottom-up feature guidance} to improve detection accuracy in video scenes. KSORA includes two sub-modules (WFE and KOS): WFE processes local salient feature selection using bottom-up strategy, while KOS ranks each object in global fashion by top-down statistical knowledge, and chooses the most critical object area for local enhancement. The proposed KSORA can not only strengthen the saliency value of the local key salient object but also ensure global saliency consistency. Results on three benchmark datasets suggest that our model has the capability of improving the detection accuracy on complex scenes. The significant performance of KSORA, with a speed of 17FPS on modern GPUs, has been verified by comparisons with other ten state-of-the-art algorithms.Comment: 6 figures, 10 page

    SG-FCN: A Motion and Memory-Based Deep Learning Model for Video Saliency Detection

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    Data-driven saliency detection has attracted strong interest as a result of applying convolutional neural networks to the detection of eye fixations. Although a number of imagebased salient object and fixation detection models have been proposed, video fixation detection still requires more exploration. Different from image analysis, motion and temporal information is a crucial factor affecting human attention when viewing video sequences. Although existing models based on local contrast and low-level features have been extensively researched, they failed to simultaneously consider interframe motion and temporal information across neighboring video frames, leading to unsatisfactory performance when handling complex scenes. To this end, we propose a novel and efficient video eye fixation detection model to improve the saliency detection performance. By simulating the memory mechanism and visual attention mechanism of human beings when watching a video, we propose a step-gained fully convolutional network by combining the memory information on the time axis with the motion information on the space axis while storing the saliency information of the current frame. The model is obtained through hierarchical training, which ensures the accuracy of the detection. Extensive experiments in comparison with 11 state-of-the-art methods are carried out, and the results show that our proposed model outperforms all 11 methods across a number of publicly available datasets

    Graph-Theoretic Spatiotemporal Context Modeling for Video Saliency Detection

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    As an important and challenging problem in computer vision, video saliency detection is typically cast as a spatiotemporal context modeling problem over consecutive frames. As a result, a key issue in video saliency detection is how to effectively capture the intrinsical properties of atomic video structures as well as their associated contextual interactions along the spatial and temporal dimensions. Motivated by this observation, we propose a graph-theoretic video saliency detection approach based on adaptive video structure discovery, which is carried out within a spatiotemporal atomic graph. Through graph-based manifold propagation, the proposed approach is capable of effectively modeling the semantically contextual interactions among atomic video structures for saliency detection while preserving spatial smoothness and temporal consistency. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach over several benchmark datasets.Comment: ICIP 201

    Computational models of attention

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    This chapter reviews recent computational models of visual attention. We begin with models for the bottom-up or stimulus-driven guidance of attention to salient visual items, which we examine in seven different broad categories. We then examine more complex models which address the top-down or goal-oriented guidance of attention towards items that are more relevant to the task at hand