17 research outputs found

    MSDNN: Multi-Scale Deep Neural Network for Salient Object Detection

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    Salient object detection is a fundamental problem and has been received a great deal of attentions in computer vision. Recently deep learning model became a powerful tool for image feature extraction. In this paper, we propose a multi-scale deep neural network (MSDNN) for salient object detection. The proposed model first extracts global high-level features and context information over the whole source image with recurrent convolutional neural network (RCNN). Then several stacked deconvolutional layers are adopted to get the multi-scale feature representation and obtain a series of saliency maps. Finally, we investigate a fusion convolution module (FCM) to build a final pixel level saliency map. The proposed model is extensively evaluated on four salient object detection benchmark datasets. Results show that our deep model significantly outperforms other 12 state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Video Smoke Detection Based on Deep Saliency Network

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    Video smoke detection is a promising fire detection method especially in open or large spaces and outdoor environments. Traditional video smoke detection methods usually consist of candidate region extraction and classification, but lack powerful characterization for smoke. In this paper, we propose a novel video smoke detection method based on deep saliency network. Visual saliency detection aims to highlight the most important object regions in an image. The pixel-level and object-level salient convolutional neural networks are combined to extract the informative smoke saliency map. An end-to-end framework for salient smoke detection and existence prediction of smoke is proposed for application in video smoke detection. The deep feature map is combined with the saliency map to predict the existence of smoke in an image. Initial and augmented dataset are built to measure the performance of frameworks with different design strategies. Qualitative and quantitative analysis at frame-level and pixel-level demonstrate the excellent performance of the ultimate framework.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    Reverse Attention for Salient Object Detection

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    Benefit from the quick development of deep learning techniques, salient object detection has achieved remarkable progresses recently. However, there still exists following two major challenges that hinder its application in embedded devices, low resolution output and heavy model weight. To this end, this paper presents an accurate yet compact deep network for efficient salient object detection. More specifically, given a coarse saliency prediction in the deepest layer, we first employ residual learning to learn side-output residual features for saliency refinement, which can be achieved with very limited convolutional parameters while keep accuracy. Secondly, we further propose reverse attention to guide such side-output residual learning in a top-down manner. By erasing the current predicted salient regions from side-output features, the network can eventually explore the missing object parts and details which results in high resolution and accuracy. Experiments on six benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach compares favorably against state-of-the-art methods, and with advantages in terms of simplicity, efficiency (45 FPS) and model size (81 MB).Comment: ECCV 201

    Top-Down Saliency Detection Driven by Visual Classification

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    This paper presents an approach for top-down saliency detection guided by visual classification tasks. We first learn how to compute visual saliency when a specific visual task has to be accomplished, as opposed to most state-of-the-art methods which assess saliency merely through bottom-up principles. Afterwards, we investigate if and to what extent visual saliency can support visual classification in nontrivial cases. To achieve this, we propose SalClassNet, a CNN framework consisting of two networks jointly trained: a) the first one computing top-down saliency maps from input images, and b) the second one exploiting the computed saliency maps for visual classification. To test our approach, we collected a dataset of eye-gaze maps, using a Tobii T60 eye tracker, by asking several subjects to look at images from the Stanford Dogs dataset, with the objective of distinguishing dog breeds. Performance analysis on our dataset and other saliency bench-marking datasets, such as POET, showed that SalClassNet out-performs state-of-the-art saliency detectors, such as SalNet and SALICON. Finally, we analyzed the performance of SalClassNet in a fine-grained recognition task and found out that it generalizes better than existing visual classifiers. The achieved results, thus, demonstrate that 1) conditioning saliency detectors with object classes reaches state-of-the-art performance, and 2) providing explicitly top-down saliency maps to visual classifiers enhances classification accuracy

    Cube Padding for Weakly-Supervised Saliency Prediction in 360{\deg} Videos

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    Automatic saliency prediction in 360{\deg} videos is critical for viewpoint guidance applications (e.g., Facebook 360 Guide). We propose a spatial-temporal network which is (1) weakly-supervised trained and (2) tailor-made for 360{\deg} viewing sphere. Note that most existing methods are less scalable since they rely on annotated saliency map for training. Most importantly, they convert 360{\deg} sphere to 2D images (e.g., a single equirectangular image or multiple separate Normal Field-of-View (NFoV) images) which introduces distortion and image boundaries. In contrast, we propose a simple and effective Cube Padding (CP) technique as follows. Firstly, we render the 360{\deg} view on six faces of a cube using perspective projection. Thus, it introduces very little distortion. Then, we concatenate all six faces while utilizing the connectivity between faces on the cube for image padding (i.e., Cube Padding) in convolution, pooling, convolutional LSTM layers. In this way, CP introduces no image boundary while being applicable to almost all Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) structures. To evaluate our method, we propose Wild-360, a new 360{\deg} video saliency dataset, containing challenging videos with saliency heatmap annotations. In experiments, our method outperforms baseline methods in both speed and quality.Comment: CVPR 201

    Masking Salient Object Detection, a Mask Region-based Convolutional Neural Network Analysis for Segmentation of Salient Objects

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    In this paper, we propose a broad comparison between Fully Convolutional Networks (FCNs) and Mask Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks (Mask-RCNNs) applied in the Salient Object Detection (SOD) context. Studies in the SOD literature usually explore architectures based in FCNs to detect salient regions and objects in visual scenes. However, besides the promising results achieved, FCNs showed issues in some challenging scenarios. Fairly recently studies in the SOD literature proposed the use of a Mask-RCNN approach to overcome such issues. However, there is no extensive comparison between the two networks in the SOD literature endorsing the effectiveness of Mask-RCNNs over FCN when segmenting salient objects. Aiming to effectively show the superiority of Mask-RCNNs over FCNs in the SOD context, we compare two variations of Mask-RCNNs with two variations of FCNs in eight datasets widely used in the literature and in four metrics. Our findings show that in this context Mask-RCNNs achieved an improvement on the F-measure up to 47% over FCNs.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for presentation at the Conference on SBR 2019 7th Brazilian Robotics Symposium/IEEE LARS 2019 16th Latin American Robotics Symposiu

    Deep 360 Pilot: Learning a Deep Agent for Piloting through 360{\deg} Sports Video

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    Watching a 360{\deg} sports video requires a viewer to continuously select a viewing angle, either through a sequence of mouse clicks or head movements. To relieve the viewer from this "360 piloting" task, we propose "deep 360 pilot" -- a deep learning-based agent for piloting through 360{\deg} sports videos automatically. At each frame, the agent observes a panoramic image and has the knowledge of previously selected viewing angles. The task of the agent is to shift the current viewing angle (i.e. action) to the next preferred one (i.e., goal). We propose to directly learn an online policy of the agent from data. We use the policy gradient technique to jointly train our pipeline: by minimizing (1) a regression loss measuring the distance between the selected and ground truth viewing angles, (2) a smoothness loss encouraging smooth transition in viewing angle, and (3) maximizing an expected reward of focusing on a foreground object. To evaluate our method, we build a new 360-Sports video dataset consisting of five sports domains. We train domain-specific agents and achieve the best performance on viewing angle selection accuracy and transition smoothness compared to [51] and other baselines.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, To appear in CVPR 2017 as an Oral paper. The first two authors contributed equally to this work. https://aliensunmin.github.io/project/360video

    Pyramid Feature Attention Network for Saliency detection

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    Saliency detection is one of the basic challenges in computer vision. How to extract effective features is a critical point for saliency detection. Recent methods mainly adopt integrating multi-scale convolutional features indiscriminately. However, not all features are useful for saliency detection and some even cause interferences. To solve this problem, we propose Pyramid Feature Attention network to focus on effective high-level context features and low-level spatial structural features. First, we design Context-aware Pyramid Feature Extraction (CPFE) module for multi-scale high-level feature maps to capture rich context features. Second, we adopt channel-wise attention (CA) after CPFE feature maps and spatial attention (SA) after low-level feature maps, then fuse outputs of CA & SA together. Finally, we propose an edge preservation loss to guide network to learn more detailed information in boundary localization. Extensive evaluations on five benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches under different evaluation metrics.Comment: Accepted by CVPR201

    Superpixel-based Refinement for Object Proposal Generation

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    Precise segmentation of objects is an important problem in tasks like class-agnostic object proposal generation or instance segmentation. Deep learning-based systems usually generate segmentations of objects based on coarse feature maps, due to the inherent downsampling in CNNs. This leads to segmentation boundaries not adhering well to the object boundaries in the image. To tackle this problem, we introduce a new superpixel-based refinement approach on top of the state-of-the-art object proposal system AttentionMask. The refinement utilizes superpixel pooling for feature extraction and a novel superpixel classifier to determine if a high precision superpixel belongs to an object or not. Our experiments show an improvement of up to 26.0% in terms of average recall compared to original AttentionMask. Furthermore, qualitative and quantitative analyses of the segmentations reveal significant improvements in terms of boundary adherence for the proposed refinement compared to various deep learning-based state-of-the-art object proposal generation systems.Comment: Accepted at ICPR 2020. Code is available at https://github.com/chwilms/superpixelRefinemen

    Self-explanatory Deep Salient Object Detection

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    Salient object detection has seen remarkable progress driven by deep learning techniques. However, most of deep learning based salient object detection methods are black-box in nature and lacking in interpretability. This paper proposes the first self-explanatory saliency detection network that explicitly exploits low- and high-level features for salient object detection. We demonstrate that such supportive clues not only significantly enhances performance of salient object detection but also gives better justified detection results. More specifically, we develop a multi-stage saliency encoder to extract multi-scale features which contain both low- and high-level saliency context. Dense short- and long-range connections are introduced to reuse these features iteratively. Benefiting from the direct access to low- and high-level features, the proposed saliency encoder can not only model the object context but also preserve the boundary. Furthermore, a self-explanatory generator is proposed to interpret how the proposed saliency encoder or other deep saliency models making decisions. The generator simulates the absence of interesting features by preventing these features from contributing to the saliency classifier and estimates the corresponding saliency prediction without these features. A comparison function, saliency explanation, is defined to measure the prediction changes between deep saliency models and corresponding generator. Through visualizing the differences, we can interpret the capability of different deep neural networks based saliency detection models and demonstrate that our proposed model indeed uses more reasonable structure for salient object detection. Extensive experiments on five popular benchmark datasets and the visualized saliency explanation demonstrate that the proposed method provides new state-of-the-art