324,704 research outputs found

    Conformal Decision Theory: Safe Autonomous Decisions from Imperfect Predictions

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    We introduce Conformal Decision Theory, a framework for producing safe autonomous decisions despite imperfect machine learning predictions. Examples of such decisions are ubiquitous, from robot planning algorithms that rely on pedestrian predictions, to calibrating autonomous manufacturing to exhibit high throughput and low error, to the choice of trusting a nominal policy versus switching to a safe backup policy at run-time. The decisions produced by our algorithms are safe in the sense that they come with provable statistical guarantees of having low risk without any assumptions on the world model whatsoever; the observations need not be I.I.D. and can even be adversarial. The theory extends results from conformal prediction to calibrate decisions directly, without requiring the construction of prediction sets. Experiments demonstrate the utility of our approach in robot motion planning around humans, automated stock trading, and robot manufacturing.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Safe Reinforcement Learning in Tensor Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space

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    This paper delves into the problem of safe reinforcement learning (RL) in a partially observable environment with the aim of achieving safe-reachability objectives. In traditional partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDP), ensuring safety typically involves estimating the belief in latent states. However, accurately estimating an optimal Bayesian filter in POMDP to infer latent states from observations in a continuous state space poses a significant challenge, largely due to the intractable likelihood. To tackle this issue, we propose a stochastic model-based approach that guarantees RL safety almost surely in the face of unknown system dynamics and partial observation environments. We leveraged the Predictive State Representation (PSR) and Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) to represent future multi-step observations analytically, and the results in this context are provable. Furthermore, we derived essential operators from the kernel Bayes' rule, enabling the recursive estimation of future observations using various operators. Under the assumption of \textit{undercompleness}, a polynomial sample complexity is established for the RL algorithm for the infinite size of observation and action spaces, ensuring an ϵ\epsilon-suboptimal safe policy guarantee

    State-Wise Safe Reinforcement Learning With Pixel Observations

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    In the context of safe exploration, Reinforcement Learning (RL) has long grappled with the challenges of balancing the tradeoff between maximizing rewards and minimizing safety violations, particularly in complex environments with contact-rich or non-smooth dynamics, and when dealing with high-dimensional pixel observations. Furthermore, incorporating state-wise safety constraints in the exploration and learning process, where the agent must avoid unsafe regions without prior knowledge, adds another layer of complexity. In this paper, we propose a novel pixel-observation safe RL algorithm that efficiently encodes state-wise safety constraints with unknown hazard regions through a newly introduced latent barrier-like function learning mechanism. As a joint learning framework, our approach begins by constructing a latent dynamics model with low-dimensional latent spaces derived from pixel observations. We then build and learn a latent barrier-like function on top of the latent dynamics and conduct policy optimization simultaneously, thereby improving both safety and the total expected return. Experimental evaluations on the safety-gym benchmark suite demonstrate that our proposed method significantly reduces safety violations throughout the training process, and demonstrates faster safety convergence compared to existing methods while achieving competitive results in reward return.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Safety-aware apprenticeship learning

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    It is well acknowledged in the AI community that finding a good reward function for reinforcement learning is extremely challenging. Apprenticeship learning (AL) is a class of “learning from demonstration” techniques where the reward function of a Markov Decision Process (MDP) is unknown to the learning agent and the agent uses inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) methods to recover expert policy from a set of expert demonstrations. However, as the agent learns exclusively from observations, given a constraint on the probability of the agent running into unwanted situations, there is no verification, nor guarantee, for the learnt policy on the satisfaction of the restriction. In this dissertation, we study the problem of how to guide AL to learn a policy that is inherently safe while still meeting its learning objective. By combining formal methods with imitation learning, a Counterexample-Guided Apprenticeship Learning algorithm is proposed. We consider a setting where the unknown reward function is assumed to be a linear combination of a set of state features, and the safety property is specified in Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic (PCTL). By embedding probabilistic model checking inside AL, we propose a novel counterexample-guided approach that can ensure both safety and performance of the learnt policy. This algorithm guarantees that given some formal safety specification defined by probabilistic temporal logic, the learnt policy shall satisfy this specification. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on several challenging AL scenarios where safety is essential

    GLAS: Global-to-Local Safe Autonomy Synthesis for Multi-Robot Motion Planning with End-to-End Learning

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    We present GLAS: Global-to- Local Autonomy Synthesis, a provably-safe, automated distributed policy generation for multi-robot motion planning. Our approach combines the advantage of centralized planning of avoiding local minima with the advantage of decentralized controllers of scalability and distributed computation. In particular, our synthesized policies only require relative state information of nearby neighbors and obstacles, and compute a provably-safe action. Our approach has three major components: i) we generate demonstration trajectories using a global planner and extract local observations from them, ii) we use deep imitation learning to learn a decentralized policy that can run efficiently online, and iii) we introduce a novel differentiable safety module to ensure collision-free operation, thereby allowing for end-to-end policy training. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that our policies have a 20% higher success rate than optimal reciprocal collision avoidance, ORCA, across a wide range of robot and obstacle densities. We demonstrate our method on an aerial swarm, executing the policy on low-end microcontrollers in real-time

    Discovering Blind Spots in Reinforcement Learning

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    Agents trained in simulation may make errors in the real world due to mismatches between training and execution environments. These mistakes can be dangerous and difficult to discover because the agent cannot predict them a priori. We propose using oracle feedback to learn a predictive model of these blind spots to reduce costly errors in real-world applications. We focus on blind spots in reinforcement learning (RL) that occur due to incomplete state representation: The agent does not have the appropriate features to represent the true state of the world and thus cannot distinguish among numerous states. We formalize the problem of discovering blind spots in RL as a noisy supervised learning problem with class imbalance. We learn models to predict blind spots in unseen regions of the state space by combining techniques for label aggregation, calibration, and supervised learning. The models take into consideration noise emerging from different forms of oracle feedback, including demonstrations and corrections. We evaluate our approach on two domains and show that it achieves higher predictive performance than baseline methods, and that the learned model can be used to selectively query an oracle at execution time to prevent errors. We also empirically analyze the biases of various feedback types and how they influence the discovery of blind spots.Comment: To appear at AAMAS 201

    Trial without Error: Towards Safe Reinforcement Learning via Human Intervention

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    AI systems are increasingly applied to complex tasks that involve interaction with humans. During training, such systems are potentially dangerous, as they haven't yet learned to avoid actions that could cause serious harm. How can an AI system explore and learn without making a single mistake that harms humans or otherwise causes serious damage? For model-free reinforcement learning, having a human "in the loop" and ready to intervene is currently the only way to prevent all catastrophes. We formalize human intervention for RL and show how to reduce the human labor required by training a supervised learner to imitate the human's intervention decisions. We evaluate this scheme on Atari games, with a Deep RL agent being overseen by a human for four hours. When the class of catastrophes is simple, we are able to prevent all catastrophes without affecting the agent's learning (whereas an RL baseline fails due to catastrophic forgetting). However, this scheme is less successful when catastrophes are more complex: it reduces but does not eliminate catastrophes and the supervised learner fails on adversarial examples found by the agent. Extrapolating to more challenging environments, we show that our implementation would not scale (due to the infeasible amount of human labor required). We outline extensions of the scheme that are necessary if we are to train model-free agents without a single catastrophe