52 research outputs found

    Safe Control under Uncertainty with Probabilistic Signal Temporal Logic

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    Abstract-Safe control of dynamical systems that satisfy temporal invariants expressing various safety properties is a challenging problem that has drawn the attention of many researchers. However, making the assumption that such temporal properties are deterministic is far from the reality. For example, a robotic system might employ a camera sensor and a machine learned system to identify obstacles. Consequently, the safety properties the controller has to satisfy, will be a function of the sensor data and the associated classifier. We propose a framework for achieving safe control. At the heart of our approach is the new Probabilistic Signal Temporal Logic (PrSTL), an expressive language to define stochastic properties, and enforce probabilistic guarantees on them. We also present an efficient algorithm to reason about safe controllers given the constraints derived from the PrSTL specification. One of the key distinguishing features of PrSTL is that the encoded logic is adaptive and changes as the system encounters additional data and updates its beliefs about the latent random variables that define the safety properties. We demonstrate our approach by deriving safe control of quadrotors and autonomous vehicles in dynamic environments

    Fast Second-order Cone Programming for Safe Mission Planning

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    This paper considers the problem of safe mission planning of dynamic systems operating under uncertain environments. Much of the prior work on achieving robust and safe control requires solving second-order cone programs (SOCP). Unfortunately, existing general purpose SOCP methods are often infeasible for real-time robotic tasks due to high memory and computational requirements imposed by existing general optimization methods. The key contribution of this paper is a fast and memory-efficient algorithm for SOCP that would enable robust and safe mission planning on-board robots in real-time. Our algorithm does not have any external dependency, can efficiently utilize warm start provided in safe planning settings, and in fact leads to significant speed up over standard optimization packages (like SDPT3) for even standard SOCP problems. For example, for a standard quadrotor problem, our method leads to speedup of 1000x over SDPT3 without any deterioration in the solution quality. Our method is based on two insights: a) SOCPs can be interpreted as optimizing a function over a polytope with infinite sides, b) a linear function can be efficiently optimized over this polytope. We combine the above observations with a novel utilization of Wolfe's algorithm to obtain an efficient optimization method that can be easily implemented on small embedded devices. In addition to the above mentioned algorithm, we also design a two-level sensing method based on Gaussian Process for complex obstacles with non-linear boundaries such as a cylinder

    Provably Safe Robot Navigation with Obstacle Uncertainty

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    As drones and autonomous cars become more widespread it is becoming increasingly important that robots can operate safely under realistic conditions. The noisy information fed into real systems means that robots must use estimates of the environment to plan navigation. Efficiently guaranteeing that the resulting motion plans are safe under these circumstances has proved difficult. We examine how to guarantee that a trajectory or policy is safe with only imperfect observations of the environment. We examine the implications of various mathematical formalisms of safety and arrive at a mathematical notion of safety of a long-term execution, even when conditioned on observational information. We present efficient algorithms that can prove that trajectories or policies are safe with much tighter bounds than in previous work. Notably, the complexity of the environment does not affect our methods ability to evaluate if a trajectory or policy is safe. We then use these safety checking methods to design a safe variant of the RRT planning algorithm.Comment: RSS 201

    From Uncertainty Data to Robust Policies for Temporal Logic Planning

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    We consider the problem of synthesizing robust disturbance feedback policies for systems performing complex tasks. We formulate the tasks as linear temporal logic specifications and encode them into an optimization framework via mixed-integer constraints. Both the system dynamics and the specifications are known but affected by uncertainty. The distribution of the uncertainty is unknown, however realizations can be obtained. We introduce a data-driven approach where the constraints are fulfilled for a set of realizations and provide probabilistic generalization guarantees as a function of the number of considered realizations. We use separate chance constraints for the satisfaction of the specification and operational constraints. This allows us to quantify their violation probabilities independently. We compute disturbance feedback policies as solutions of mixed-integer linear or quadratic optimization problems. By using feedback we can exploit information of past realizations and provide feasibility for a wider range of situations compared to static input sequences. We demonstrate the proposed method on two robust motion-planning case studies for autonomous driving
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