86 research outputs found

    Active Authentication using an Autoencoder regularized CNN-based One-Class Classifier

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    Active authentication refers to the process in which users are unobtrusively monitored and authenticated continuously throughout their interactions with mobile devices. Generally, an active authentication problem is modelled as a one class classification problem due to the unavailability of data from the impostor users. Normally, the enrolled user is considered as the target class (genuine) and the unauthorized users are considered as unknown classes (impostor). We propose a convolutional neural network (CNN) based approach for one class classification in which a zero centered Gaussian noise and an autoencoder are used to model the pseudo-negative class and to regularize the network to learn meaningful feature representations for one class data, respectively. The overall network is trained using a combination of the cross-entropy and the reconstruction error losses. A key feature of the proposed approach is that any pre-trained CNN can be used as the base network for one class classification. Effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated using three publically available face-based active authentication datasets and it is shown that the proposed method achieves superior performance compared to the traditional one class classification methods. The source code is available at: github.com/otkupjnoz/oc-acnn.Comment: Accepted and to appear at AFGR 201

    GAN-based Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection

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    In this paper, we propose a generative adversarial network (GAN)-based hyperspectral anomaly detection algorithm. In the proposed algorithm, we train a GAN model to generate a synthetic background image which is close to the original background image as much as possible. By subtracting the synthetic image from the original one, we are able to remove the background from the hyperspectral image. Anomaly detection is performed by applying Reed-Xiaoli (RX) anomaly detector (AD) on the spectral difference image. In the experimental part, we compare our proposed method with the classical RX, Weighted-RX (WRX) and support vector data description (SVDD)-based anomaly detectors and deep autoencoder anomaly detection (DAEAD) method on synthetic and real hyperspectral images. The detection results show that our proposed algorithm outperforms the other methods in the benchmark.Comment: 5 page

    One-Class Classification: Taxonomy of Study and Review of Techniques

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    One-class classification (OCC) algorithms aim to build classification models when the negative class is either absent, poorly sampled or not well defined. This unique situation constrains the learning of efficient classifiers by defining class boundary just with the knowledge of positive class. The OCC problem has been considered and applied under many research themes, such as outlier/novelty detection and concept learning. In this paper we present a unified view of the general problem of OCC by presenting a taxonomy of study for OCC problems, which is based on the availability of training data, algorithms used and the application domains applied. We further delve into each of the categories of the proposed taxonomy and present a comprehensive literature review of the OCC algorithms, techniques and methodologies with a focus on their significance, limitations and applications. We conclude our paper by discussing some open research problems in the field of OCC and present our vision for future research.Comment: 24 pages + 11 pages of references, 8 figure

    Deep Industrial Image Anomaly Detection: A Survey

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    The recent rapid development of deep learning has laid a milestone in industrial Image Anomaly Detection (IAD). In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of deep learning-based image anomaly detection techniques, from the perspectives of neural network architectures, levels of supervision, loss functions, metrics and datasets. In addition, we extract the new setting from industrial manufacturing and review the current IAD approaches under our proposed our new setting. Moreover, we highlight several opening challenges for image anomaly detection. The merits and downsides of representative network architectures under varying supervision are discussed. Finally, we summarize the research findings and point out future research directions. More resources are available at https://github.com/M-3LAB/awesome-industrial-anomaly-detection

    Modeling and Recognition of Smart Grid Faults by a Combined Approach of Dissimilarity Learning and One-Class Classification

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    Detecting faults in electrical power grids is of paramount importance, either from the electricity operator and consumer viewpoints. Modern electric power grids (smart grids) are equipped with smart sensors that allow to gather real-time information regarding the physical status of all the component elements belonging to the whole infrastructure (e.g., cables and related insulation, transformers, breakers and so on). In real-world smart grid systems, usually, additional information that are related to the operational status of the grid itself are collected such as meteorological information. Designing a suitable recognition (discrimination) model of faults in a real-world smart grid system is hence a challenging task. This follows from the heterogeneity of the information that actually determine a typical fault condition. The second point is that, for synthesizing a recognition model, in practice only the conditions of observed faults are usually meaningful. Therefore, a suitable recognition model should be synthesized by making use of the observed fault conditions only. In this paper, we deal with the problem of modeling and recognizing faults in a real-world smart grid system, which supplies the entire city of Rome, Italy. Recognition of faults is addressed by following a combined approach of multiple dissimilarity measures customization and one-class classification techniques. We provide here an in-depth study related to the available data and to the models synthesized by the proposed one-class classifier. We offer also a comprehensive analysis of the fault recognition results by exploiting a fuzzy set based reliability decision rule

    Graph Fairing Convolutional Networks for Anomaly Detection

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    Graph convolution is a fundamental building block for many deep neural networks on graph-structured data. In this paper, we introduce a simple, yet very effective graph convolutional network with skip connections for semi-supervised anomaly detection. The proposed layerwise propagation rule of our model is theoretically motivated by the concept of implicit fairing in geometry processing, and comprises a graph convolution module for aggregating information from immediate node neighbors and a skip connection module for combining layer-wise neighborhood representations. This propagation rule is derived from the iterative solution of the implicit fairing equation via the Jacobi method. In addition to capturing information from distant graph nodes through skip connections between the network's layers, our approach exploits both the graph structure and node features for learning discriminative node representations. These skip connections are integrated by design in our proposed network architecture. The effectiveness of our model is demonstrated through extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets, achieving better or comparable anomaly detection results against strong baseline methods. We also demonstrate through an ablation study that skip connection helps improve the model performance
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