2,359 research outputs found

    End-to-end Recurrent Denoising Autoencoder Embeddings for Speaker Identification

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    Speech 'in-the-wild' is a handicap for speaker recognition systems due to the variability induced by real-life conditions, such as environmental noise and emotions in the speaker. Taking advantage of representation learning, on this paper we aim to design a recurrent denoising autoencoder that extracts robust speaker embeddings from noisy spectrograms to perform speaker identification. The end-to-end proposed architecture uses a feedback loop to encode information regarding the speaker into low-dimensional representations extracted by a spectrogram denoising autoencoder. We employ data augmentation techniques by additively corrupting clean speech with real life environmental noise and make use of a database with real stressed speech. We prove that the joint optimization of both the denoiser and the speaker identification module outperforms independent optimization of both modules under stress and noise distortions as well as hand-crafted features.Comment: 8 pages + 2 of references + 5 of images. Submitted on Monday 20th of July to Elsevier Signal Processing Short Communication

    Explicit Estimation of Magnitude and Phase Spectra in Parallel for High-Quality Speech Enhancement

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    Phase information has a significant impact on speech perceptual quality and intelligibility. However, existing speech enhancement methods encounter limitations in explicit phase estimation due to the non-structural nature and wrapping characteristics of the phase, leading to a bottleneck in enhanced speech quality. To overcome the above issue, in this paper, we proposed MP-SENet, a novel Speech Enhancement Network which explicitly enhances Magnitude and Phase spectra in parallel. The proposed MP-SENet adopts a codec architecture in which the encoder and decoder are bridged by time-frequency Transformers along both time and frequency dimensions. The encoder aims to encode time-frequency representations derived from the input distorted magnitude and phase spectra. The decoder comprises dual-stream magnitude and phase decoders, directly enhancing magnitude and wrapped phase spectra by incorporating a magnitude estimation architecture and a phase parallel estimation architecture, respectively. To train the MP-SENet model effectively, we define multi-level loss functions, including mean square error and perceptual metric loss of magnitude spectra, anti-wrapping loss of phase spectra, as well as mean square error and consistency loss of short-time complex spectra. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed MP-SENet excels in high-quality speech enhancement across multiple tasks, including speech denoising, dereverberation, and bandwidth extension. Compared to existing phase-aware speech enhancement methods, it successfully avoids the bidirectional compensation effect between the magnitude and phase, leading to a better harmonic restoration. Notably, for the speech denoising task, the MP-SENet yields a state-of-the-art performance with a PESQ of 3.60 on the public VoiceBank+DEMAND dataset.Comment: Submmited to IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processin
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