534 research outputs found

    Attack-Resilient Supervisory Control of Discrete-Event Systems

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    In this work, we study the problem of supervisory control of discrete-event systems (DES) in the presence of attacks that tamper with inputs and outputs of the plant. We consider a very general system setup as we focus on both deterministic and nondeterministic plants that we model as finite state transducers (FSTs); this also covers the conventional approach to modeling DES as deterministic finite automata. Furthermore, we cover a wide class of attacks that can nondeterministically add, remove, or rewrite a sensing and/or actuation word to any word from predefined regular languages, and show how such attacks can be modeled by nondeterministic FSTs; we also present how the use of FSTs facilitates modeling realistic (and very complex) attacks, as well as provides the foundation for design of attack-resilient supervisory controllers. Specifically, we first consider the supervisory control problem for deterministic plants with attacks (i) only on their sensors, (ii) only on their actuators, and (iii) both on their sensors and actuators. For each case, we develop new conditions for controllability in the presence of attacks, as well as synthesizing algorithms to obtain FST-based description of such attack-resilient supervisors. A derived resilient controller provides a set of all safe control words that can keep the plant work desirably even in the presence of corrupted observation and/or if the control words are subjected to actuation attacks. Then, we extend the controllability theorems and the supervisor synthesizing algorithms to nondeterministic plants that satisfy a nonblocking condition. Finally, we illustrate applicability of our methodology on several examples and numerical case-studies

    South Pole Telescope Software Systems: Control, Monitoring, and Data Acquisition

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    We present the software system used to control and operate the South Pole Telescope. The South Pole Telescope is a 10-meter millimeter-wavelength telescope designed to measure anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) at arcminute angular resolution. In the austral summer of 2011/12, the SPT was equipped with a new polarization-sensitive camera, which consists of 1536 transition-edge sensor bolometers. The bolometers are read out using 36 independent digital frequency multiplexing (\dfmux) readout boards, each with its own embedded processors. These autonomous boards control and read out data from the focal plane with on-board software and firmware. An overall control software system running on a separate control computer controls the \dfmux boards, the cryostat and all other aspects of telescope operation. This control software collects and monitors data in real-time, and stores the data to disk for transfer to the United States for analysis

    Visualizing Sensor Network Coverage with Location Uncertainty

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    We present an interactive visualization system for exploring the coverage in sensor networks with uncertain sensor locations. We consider a simple case of uncertainty where the location of each sensor is confined to a discrete number of points sampled uniformly at random from a region with a fixed radius. Employing techniques from topological data analysis, we model and visualize network coverage by quantifying the uncertainty defined on its simplicial complex representations. We demonstrate the capabilities and effectiveness of our tool via the exploration of randomly distributed sensor networks
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