71,834 research outputs found

    Fast Multipole Method as a Matrix-Free Hierarchical Low-Rank Approximation

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    There has been a large increase in the amount of work on hierarchical low-rank approximation methods, where the interest is shared by multiple communities that previously did not intersect. This objective of this article is two-fold; to provide a thorough review of the recent advancements in this field from both analytical and algebraic perspectives, and to present a comparative benchmark of two highly optimized implementations of contrasting methods for some simple yet representative test cases. We categorize the recent advances in this field from the perspective of compute-memory tradeoff, which has not been considered in much detail in this area. Benchmark tests reveal that there is a large difference in the memory consumption and performance between the different methods.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    A Multiscale Method for Model Order Reduction in PDE Parameter Estimation

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    Estimating parameters of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) is of interest in a number of applications such as geophysical and medical imaging. Parameter estimation is commonly phrased as a PDE-constrained optimization problem that can be solved iteratively using gradient-based optimization. A computational bottleneck in such approaches is that the underlying PDEs needs to be solved numerous times before the model is reconstructed with sufficient accuracy. One way to reduce this computational burden is by using Model Order Reduction (MOR) techniques such as the Multiscale Finite Volume Method (MSFV). In this paper, we apply MSFV for solving high-dimensional parameter estimation problems. Given a finite volume discretization of the PDE on a fine mesh, the MSFV method reduces the problem size by computing a parameter-dependent projection onto a nested coarse mesh. A novelty in our work is the integration of MSFV into a PDE-constrained optimization framework, which updates the reduced space in each iteration. We also present a computationally tractable way of differentiating the MOR solution that acknowledges the change of basis. As we demonstrate in our numerical experiments, our method leads to computational savings particularly for large-scale parameter estimation problems and can benefit from parallelization.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Solution of the Linearly Structured Partial Polynomial Inverse Eigenvalue Problem

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    In this paper, linearly structured partial polynomial inverse eigenvalue problem is considered for the n×nn\times n matrix polynomial of arbitrary degree kk. Given a set of mm eigenpairs (1⩽m⩽kn1 \leqslant m \leqslant kn), this problem concerns with computing the matrices Ai∈Rn×nA_i\in{\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}} for i=0,1,2,…,(k−1)i=0,1,2, \ldots ,(k-1) of specified linear structure such that the matrix polynomial P(λ)=λkIn+∑i=0k−1λiAiP(\lambda)=\lambda^k I_n +\sum_{i=0}^{k-1} \lambda^{i} A_{i} has the given eigenpairs as its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Many practical applications give rise to the linearly structured structured matrix polynomial. Therefore, construction of the linearly structured matrix polynomial is the most important aspect of the polynomial inverse eigenvalue problem(PIEP). In this paper, a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the solution of this problem is derived. Additionally, we characterize the class of all solutions to this problem by giving the explicit expressions of solutions. The results presented in this paper address some important open problems in the area of PIEP raised in De Teran, Dopico and Van Dooren [SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 36(1)36(1) (20152015), pp 302−328302-328]. An attractive feature of our solution approach is that it does not impose any restriction on the number of eigendata for computing the solution of PIEP. The proposed method is validated with various numerical examples on a spring mass problem

    Chapter 10: Algebraic Algorithms

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    Our Chapter in the upcoming Volume I: Computer Science and Software Engineering of Computing Handbook (Third edition), Allen Tucker, Teo Gonzales and Jorge L. Diaz-Herrera, editors, covers Algebraic Algorithms, both symbolic and numerical, for matrix computations and root-finding for polynomials and systems of polynomials equations. We cover part of these large subjects and include basic bibliography for further study. To meet space limitation we cite books, surveys, and comprehensive articles with pointers to further references, rather than including all the original technical papers.Comment: 41.1 page

    A literature survey of matrix methods for data science

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    Efficient numerical linear algebra is a core ingredient in many applications across almost all scientific and industrial disciplines. With this survey we want to illustrate that numerical linear algebra has played and is playing a crucial role in enabling and improving data science computations with many new developments being fueled by the availability of data and computing resources. We highlight the role of various different factorizations and the power of changing the representation of the data as well as discussing topics such as randomized algorithms, functions of matrices, and high-dimensional problems. We briefly touch upon the role of techniques from numerical linear algebra used within deep learning

    A New Selection Operator for the Discrete Empirical Interpolation Method -- improved a priori error bound and extensions

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    This paper introduces a new framework for constructing the Discrete Empirical Interpolation Method DEIM projection operator. The interpolation node selection procedure is formulated using the QR factorization with column pivoting, and it enjoys a sharper error bound for the DEIM projection error. Furthermore, for a subspace U\mathcal{U} given as the range of an orthonormal UU, the DEIM projection does not change if UU is replaced by UΩU \Omega with arbitrary unitary matrix Ω\Omega. In a large-scale setting, the new approach allows modifications that use only randomly sampled rows of UU, but with the potential of producing good approximations with corresponding probabilistic error bounds. Another salient feature of the new framework is that robust and efficient software implementation is easily developed, based on readily available high performance linear algebra packages.Comment: 19 page

    Direct Inversion of the 3D Pseudo-polar Fourier Transform

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    The pseudo-polar Fourier transform is a specialized non-equally spaced Fourier transform, which evaluates the Fourier transform on a near-polar grid, known as the pseudo-polar grid. The advantage of the pseudo-polar grid over other non-uniform sampling geometries is that the transformation, which samples the Fourier transform on the pseudo-polar grid, can be inverted using a fast and stable algorithm. For other sampling geometries, even if the non-equally spaced Fourier transform can be inverted, the only known algorithms are iterative. The convergence speed of these algorithms as well as their accuracy are difficult to control, as they depend both on the sampling geometry as well as on the unknown reconstructed object. In this paper, we present a direct inversion algorithm for the three-dimensional pseudo-polar Fourier transform. The algorithm is based only on one-dimensional resampling operations, and is shown to be significantly faster than existing iterative inversion algorithms

    Literature survey on low rank approximation of matrices

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    Low rank approximation of matrices has been well studied in literature. Singular value decomposition, QR decomposition with column pivoting, rank revealing QR factorization (RRQR), Interpolative decomposition etc are classical deterministic algorithms for low rank approximation. But these techniques are very expensive (O(n3)(O(n^{3}) operations are required for n×nn\times n matrices). There are several randomized algorithms available in the literature which are not so expensive as the classical techniques (but the complexity is not linear in n). So, it is very expensive to construct the low rank approximation of a matrix if the dimension of the matrix is very large. There are alternative techniques like Cross/Skeleton approximation which gives the low-rank approximation with linear complexity in n . In this article we review low rank approximation techniques briefly and give extensive references of many techniques

    Fast Algorithms for the Multi-dimensional Jacobi Polynomial Transform

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    We use the well-known observation that the solutions of Jacobi's differential equation can be represented via non-oscillatory phase and amplitude functions to develop a fast algorithm for computing multi-dimensional Jacobi polynomial transforms. More explicitly, it follows from this observation that the matrix corresponding to the discrete Jacobi transform is the Hadamard product of a numerically low-rank matrix and a multi-dimensional discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrix. The application of the Hadamard product can be carried out via O(1)O(1) fast Fourier transforms (FFTs), resulting in a nearly optimal algorithm to compute the multidimensional Jacobi polynomial transform

    Preconditioning Parametrized Linear Systems

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    Preconditioners are generally essential for fast convergence in the iterative solution of linear systems of equations. However, the computation of a good preconditioner can be expensive. So, while solving a sequence of many linear systems, it is advantageous to recycle preconditioners, that is, update a previous preconditioner and reuse the updated version. In this paper, we introduce a simple and effective method for doing this. Although our approach can be used for matrices changing slowly in any way, we focus on the important case of sequences of the type (skE(p)+A(p))xk=bk(s_k\textbf{E}(\textbf{p}) + \textbf{A}(\textbf{p}))\textbf{x}_k = \textbf{b}_k, where the right hand side may or may not change. More general changes in matrices will be discussed in a future paper. We update preconditioners by defining a map from a new matrix to a previous matrix, for example the first matrix in the sequence, and combine the preconditioner for this previous matrix with the map to define the new preconditioner. This approach has several advantages. The update is entirely independent from the original preconditioner, so it can be applied to any preconditioner. The possibly high cost of an initial preconditioner can be amortized over many linear solves. The cost of updating the preconditioner is more or less constant and independent of the original preconditioner. There is flexibility in balancing the quality of the map with the computational cost. In the numerical experiments section we demonstrate good results for several applications.Comment: V2 Model Reduction discussion. V3 Theoretical section replaced with experimental analysis of sparsity patterns. Top opt application added. Rail replaced with Flow. Only early shifts for THT. ILUTP, SAM implementations more efficient; results updated. ILUTP m-file included. New citations added. V4 New pattern added to top opt sparsity pattern analysis/results. ILUTP m-file minor update
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