83,740 research outputs found

    Exact determination of the volume of an inclusion in a body having constant shear modulus

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    We derive an exact formula for the volume fraction of an inclusion in a body when the inclusion and the body are linearly elastic materials with the same shear modulus. Our formula depends on an appropriate measurement of the displacement and traction around the boundary of the body. In particular, the boundary conditions around the boundary of the body must be such that they mimic the body being placed in an infinite medium with an appropriate displacement applied at infinity

    On the optimal control of some nonsmooth distributed parameter systems arising in mechanics

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    Variational inequalities are an important mathematical tool for modelling free boundary problems that arise in different application areas. Due to the intricate nonsmooth structure of the resulting models, their analysis and optimization is a difficult task that has drawn the attention of researchers for several decades. In this paper we focus on a class of variational inequalities, called of the second kind, with a twofold purpose. First, we aim at giving a glance at some of the most prominent applications of these types of variational inequalities in mechanics, and the related analytical and numerical difficulties. Second, we consider optimal control problems constrained by these variational inequalities and provide a thorough discussion on the existence of Lagrange multipliers and the different types of optimality systems that can be derived for the characterization of local minima. The article ends with a discussion of the main challenges and future perspectives of this important problem class

    Derivative-free optimization methods

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    In many optimization problems arising from scientific, engineering and artificial intelligence applications, objective and constraint functions are available only as the output of a black-box or simulation oracle that does not provide derivative information. Such settings necessitate the use of methods for derivative-free, or zeroth-order, optimization. We provide a review and perspectives on developments in these methods, with an emphasis on highlighting recent developments and on unifying treatment of such problems in the non-linear optimization and machine learning literature. We categorize methods based on assumed properties of the black-box functions, as well as features of the methods. We first overview the primary setting of deterministic methods applied to unconstrained, non-convex optimization problems where the objective function is defined by a deterministic black-box oracle. We then discuss developments in randomized methods, methods that assume some additional structure about the objective (including convexity, separability and general non-smooth compositions), methods for problems where the output of the black-box oracle is stochastic, and methods for handling different types of constraints

    On Adaptive Eulerian-Lagrangian Method for Linear Convection-Diffusion Problems

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    In this paper, we consider the adaptive Eulerian--Lagrangian method (ELM) for linear convection-diffusion problems. Unlike the classical a posteriori error estimations, we estimate the temporal error along the characteristics and derive a new a posteriori error bound for ELM semi-discretization. With the help of this proposed error bound, we are able to show the optimal convergence rate of ELM for solutions with minimal regularity. Furthermore, by combining this error bound with a standard residual-type estimator for the spatial error, we obtain a posteriori error estimators for a fully discrete scheme. We present numerical tests to demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of our adaptive algorithm.Comment: 30 page

    Suitable Spaces for Shape Optimization

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    The differential-geometric structure of certain shape spaces is investigated and applied to the theory of shape optimization problems constrained by partial differential equations and variational inequalities. Furthermore, we define a diffeological structure on a new space of so-called H1/2H^{1/2}-shapes. This can be seen as a first step towards the formulation of optimization techniques on diffeological spaces. The H1/2H^{1/2}-shapes are a generalization of smooth shapes and arise naturally in shape optimization problems

    A Multiscale Method for Model Order Reduction in PDE Parameter Estimation

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    Estimating parameters of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) is of interest in a number of applications such as geophysical and medical imaging. Parameter estimation is commonly phrased as a PDE-constrained optimization problem that can be solved iteratively using gradient-based optimization. A computational bottleneck in such approaches is that the underlying PDEs needs to be solved numerous times before the model is reconstructed with sufficient accuracy. One way to reduce this computational burden is by using Model Order Reduction (MOR) techniques such as the Multiscale Finite Volume Method (MSFV). In this paper, we apply MSFV for solving high-dimensional parameter estimation problems. Given a finite volume discretization of the PDE on a fine mesh, the MSFV method reduces the problem size by computing a parameter-dependent projection onto a nested coarse mesh. A novelty in our work is the integration of MSFV into a PDE-constrained optimization framework, which updates the reduced space in each iteration. We also present a computationally tractable way of differentiating the MOR solution that acknowledges the change of basis. As we demonstrate in our numerical experiments, our method leads to computational savings particularly for large-scale parameter estimation problems and can benefit from parallelization.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    A Unified Study of Continuous and Discontinuous Galerkin Methods

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    A unified study is presented in this paper for the design and analysis of different finite element methods (FEMs), including conforming and nonconforming FEMs, mixed FEMs, hybrid FEMs,discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods, hybrid discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) methods and weak Galerkin (WG) methods. Both HDG and WG are shown to admit inf-sup conditions that hold uniformly with respect to both mesh and penalization parameters. In addition, by taking the limit of the stabilization parameters, a WG method is shown to converge to a mixed method whereas an HDG method is shown to converge to a primal method. Furthermore, a special class of DG methods, known as the mixed DG methods, is presented to fill a gap revealed in the unified framework.Comment: 39 page

    Fast Multipole Method as a Matrix-Free Hierarchical Low-Rank Approximation

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    There has been a large increase in the amount of work on hierarchical low-rank approximation methods, where the interest is shared by multiple communities that previously did not intersect. This objective of this article is two-fold; to provide a thorough review of the recent advancements in this field from both analytical and algebraic perspectives, and to present a comparative benchmark of two highly optimized implementations of contrasting methods for some simple yet representative test cases. We categorize the recent advances in this field from the perspective of compute-memory tradeoff, which has not been considered in much detail in this area. Benchmark tests reveal that there is a large difference in the memory consumption and performance between the different methods.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    An IMPES scheme for a two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media using a structured grid

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    We develop a numerical scheme for a two-phase immiscible flow in heterogeneous porous media using a structured grid finite element method, which have been successfully used for the computation of various physical applications involving elliptic equations \cite{li2003new, li2004immersed, chang2011discontinuous, chou2010optimal, kwak2010analysis}. The proposed method is based on the implicit pressure-explicit saturation procedure. To solve the pressure equation, we use an IFEM based on the Rannacher-Turek \cite{rannacher1992simple} nonconforming space, which is a modification of the work in \cite{kwak2010analysis} where `broken' P1P_1 nonconforming element of Crouzeix-Raviart \cite{crouzeix1973conforming} was developed. For the Darcy velocity, we apply the mixed finite volume method studied in \cite{chou2003mixed, kwak2010analysis} on the basis of immersed finite element method (IFEM). In this way, the Darcy velocity of the flow can be computed cheaply (locally) after we solve the pressure equation. The computed Darcy velocity is used to solve the saturation equation explicitly. Thus the whole procedure can be implemented in an efficient way using a structured grid which is independent of the underlying heterogeneous porous media. Numerical results show that our method exhibits optimal order convergence rates for the pressure and velocity variables, and suboptimal rate for saturation

    A literature survey of matrix methods for data science

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    Efficient numerical linear algebra is a core ingredient in many applications across almost all scientific and industrial disciplines. With this survey we want to illustrate that numerical linear algebra has played and is playing a crucial role in enabling and improving data science computations with many new developments being fueled by the availability of data and computing resources. We highlight the role of various different factorizations and the power of changing the representation of the data as well as discussing topics such as randomized algorithms, functions of matrices, and high-dimensional problems. We briefly touch upon the role of techniques from numerical linear algebra used within deep learning
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