15,834 research outputs found

    Silhouette coverage analysis for multi-modal video surveillance

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    In order to improve the accuracy in video-based object detection, the proposed multi-modal video surveillance system takes advantage of the different kinds of information represented by visual, thermal and/or depth imaging sensors. The multi-modal object detector of the system can be split up in two consecutive parts: the registration and the coverage analysis. The multi-modal image registration is performed using a three step silhouette-mapping algorithm which detects the rotation, scale and translation between moving objects in the visual, (thermal) infrared and/or depth images. First, moving object silhouettes are extracted to separate the calibration objects, i.e., the foreground, from the static background. Key components are dynamic background subtraction, foreground enhancement and automatic thresholding. Then, 1D contour vectors are generated from the resulting multi-modal silhouettes using silhouette boundary extraction, cartesian to polar transform and radial vector analysis. Next, to retrieve the rotation angle and the scale factor between the multi-sensor image, these contours are mapped on each other using circular cross correlation and contour scaling. Finally, the translation between the images is calculated using maximization of binary correlation. The silhouette coverage analysis also starts with moving object silhouette extraction. Then, it uses the registration information, i.e., rotation angle, scale factor and translation vector, to map the thermal, depth and visual silhouette images on each other. Finally, the coverage of the resulting multi-modal silhouette map is computed and is analyzed over time to reduce false alarms and to improve object detection. Prior experiments on real-world multi-sensor video sequences indicate that automated multi-modal video surveillance is promising. This paper shows that merging information from multi-modal video further increases the detection results

    A Survey of Ocean Simulation and Rendering Techniques in Computer Graphics

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    This paper presents a survey of ocean simulation and rendering methods in computer graphics. To model and animate the ocean's surface, these methods mainly rely on two main approaches: on the one hand, those which approximate ocean dynamics with parametric, spectral or hybrid models and use empirical laws from oceanographic research. We will see that this type of methods essentially allows the simulation of ocean scenes in the deep water domain, without breaking waves. On the other hand, physically-based methods use Navier-Stokes Equations (NSE) to represent breaking waves and more generally ocean surface near the shore. We also describe ocean rendering methods in computer graphics, with a special interest in the simulation of phenomena such as foam and spray, and light's interaction with the ocean surface

    Advances in ionospheric propagation modelling at high-latitudes

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    Answer-set programming as a new approach to event-sequence testing

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    In many applications, faults are triggered by events that occur in a particular order. Based on the assumption that most bugs are caused by the interaction of a low number of events, Kuhn et al. recently introduced sequence covering arrays (SCAs) as suitable designs for event sequence testing. In practice, directly applying SCAs for testing is often impaired by additional constraints, and SCAs have to be adapted to fit application-specific needs. Modifying precomputed SCAs to account for problem variations can be problematic, if not impossible, and developing dedicated algorithms is costly. In this paper, we propose answer-set programming (ASP), a well-known knowledge-representation formalism from the area of artificial intelligence based on logic programming, as a declarative paradigm for computing SCAs. Our approach allows to concisely state complex coverage criteria in an elaboration tolerant way, i.e., small variations of a problem specification require only small modifications of the ASP representation

    Secure and Efficient RNS Approach for Elliptic Curve Cryptography

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    Scalar multiplication, the main operation in elliptic curve cryptographic protocols, is vulnerable to side-channel (SCA) and fault injection (FA) attacks. An efficient countermeasure for scalar multiplication can be provided by using alternative number systems like the Residue Number System (RNS). In RNS, a number is represented as a set of smaller numbers, where each one is the result of the modular reduction with a given moduli basis. Under certain requirements, a number can be uniquely transformed from the integers to the RNS domain (and vice versa) and all arithmetic operations can be performed in RNS. This representation provides an inherent SCA and FA resistance to many attacks and can be further enhanced by RNS arithmetic manipulation or more traditional algorithmic countermeasures. In this paper, extending our previous work, we explore the potentials of RNS as an SCA and FA countermeasure and provide an description of RNS based SCA and FA resistance means. We propose a secure and efficient Montgomery Power Ladder based scalar multiplication algorithm on RNS and discuss its SCAFA resistance. The proposed algorithm is implemented on an ARM Cortex A7 processor and its SCA-FA resistance is evaluated by collecting preliminary leakage trace results that validate our initial assumptions
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