410 research outputs found

    Characteristics and the Overview of Air Traffic in the Republic of Croatia

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    As one of the largest and most important industries in the world, the air industry’s impact on economic development, living standard and productivity in the Republic of Croatia has been significant. Air transport is of high significance for the economic development of the Republic of Croatia because its tremendous importance in the development of one of the most important economic branches in Croatia – tourism. Due to the liberalization of the air transportation market in the European Union the growth of low-cost carriers has been noteworthy. The aforementioned liberalization has had a significant impact on the Croatian air transportation market, especially on the presence of low-cost carriers in the coastal Croatian airports. Based on the secondary data analysis, the purpose of this paper is to underline the characteristics of the Croatian air transportation market, and as well to analyse the importance and the role of low-cost carriers in the traffic of all Croatian airports. Due to this development, a significant increase has been noted in the passenger air traffic and as well in the number of low-cost carriers that are offering their services on the Croatian market

    Air transportation in the Republic of Croatia - current state and development perspectives

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    Zračni promet i prateća infrastruktura imaju veliko značenje za gospodarski razvoj na globalnoj i lokalnoj razini, te su jedan od temelja svakog gospodarstva. Osnovni cilj ovog rada je utvrditi stanje i karakteristike zračnog prometa u Republici Hrvatskoj kroz analizu statističkih podataka hrvatskih zračnih luka, uspoređujući broj putnika, količinu cargo tereta, broj redovnih linija, te prisutnih „full service“ i „low cost“ zračnih prijevoznika. Republika Hrvatska s obzirom na površinu i broj stanovnika ima veliku gustoću zračnih luka (7 zračnih luka i 2 zračna pristaništa). Sama ta činjenica bila je motiv za istraživanje koliko se Republika Hrvatska prilagođava promjenama, prati aktualne trendove, te iskorištava li svoje prometne potencijale. Radi komparacije, dio rada odnosi se na prikaz međunarodne suradnje za poboljšanje zračnog prometa u vidu efikasnijeg upravljanja istim. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata, a uzimajući u obzir gore navedeno, iznesena je mogućnost poboljšanja i daljnjeg razvoja ove brzorastuće grane u Republici Hrvatskoj.Air transportation and associated infrastructure are of great importance for the global and local economic development and are one of the foundations of every economy. The main objective of this paper is to determine the state and characteristics of air transportation in the Republic of Croatia through the analysis of statistics of Croatian airports, comparing the number of passengers, the amount of cargo, the number of scheduled flights and the presence of „full service“ and „low cost“ airlines. Due to its surface area and population, the Republic of Croatia has a high density of airports (7 airports and 2 airfields). That very fact was a motive for exploring how much the Republic of Croatia adapts to change, follows current trends and exploits its transport potential. For the sake of comparison, a part of the paper refers to the presentation of international cooperation to improve air transportation in terms of more efficient management of air transportation. Based on the results obtained, and taking into account the aforementioned, possibility of improvement and further development of this fast-growing branch in the Republic of Croatia was presented


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    The aim of the research was to gain insight in the components of the model human-ecosystem (Human ecosystem model) on the specific example of protected natural areas in the Zadar county on one side and promotion and design of tourist offer in protected areas on the other side. In the period of June 1st to December 31st in the area of the NP Paklenica, the NaP Telašćica and the NaP Vransko Jezero, which are legally protected by the Act on Nature Conservation (NN 70/05, NN 80/13) and have a high national level of conservation, the research was conducted using the method of questionnaires and analysis of visitor attitudes, demands, motivations for visit and satisfaction with the services and offer in protected areas. For all three parks the same questionnaires printed in nine languages were used, which allowed an integral analysis of all data collected as well as the comparability of data between the parks. One part of the questionnaire was also answered by the staff of the respective parks and staff of local tourist organisations in order to gain insight in the value orientations of decision makers. The comparison of the answers were analysed by χ2 tests or Fisher’s exact test. For the analysis of the main categorical variables, Correspondence Analysis (CA) was used. In this way, a basis for future continuous research was created. The results obtained have been compared to the results of research in other National and Nature Parks in Croatia (Marušić et all. 2007) and they present one of the entries to the models that enable the formulation of recommendations for management that is at the same time focused on nature conservation and visitor satisfaction.Zaštićena područja prirode glavni su način očuvanja biološke raznolikosti. Budući da se pod zaštitu stavljaju ekološki vrijedna, a prirodno atraktivnija područja, dijelovi ili fenomeni prirode, svakako je da oni čine vrlo tražene turističke motive. Cilj ovog istraživanja je dobivanje uvida u sastavne komponente modela ljudi-ekosustav (Human ecosystem model) na specifičnom primjeru zaštićenih područja prirode u Zadarskoj županiji, u svrhu očuvanja izvornosti prirode s jedne strane te promocije i osmišljavanja turističkog proizvoda u zaštićenim prirodnim područjima s druge strane. U razdoblju od 1. lipnja 2010. godine do 31. prosinca 2010. godine na području NP Paklenica, PP Telašćica i PP Vransko jezero koji prema Zakonu o zaštiti prirode (NN 70/05, NN 80/13) imaju visok stupanj zaštite, metodom anketiranja provedeno je ispitivanje i analiza stavova posjetitelja, njihovih zahtjeva, motivacija za dolazak i zadovoljstva kvalitetom usluga i turističke ponude u zaštićenim područjima prirode. Za sva tri parka provedeni su istovjetni upitnici tiskani na devet jezika, koji omogućuju integralnu analizu svih prikupljenih podataka, kao i usporedivost rezultata između parkova. Na dio pitanja iz upitnika dobiveni su podaci i od djelatnika uprava istraživanih parkova i djelatnika turističkih organizacija na području svakog parka, ne bi li se analizom dobio uvid u vrijednosne orijentacije donositelja odluka. Usporedbe na odgovore po parkovima analizirane su χ2 testom ili Fisherovim egzaktnim testom. Za analizu kategorijskih varijabli posjetitelja korištena je CA analiza (Correspondence Analysis) tj. metoda glavnih komponenti kategorijskih varijabli. Na taj način dobila se podloga za kontinuirano istraživanje. Rezultati ukazuju na sličnosti i specifičnosti tri različita zaštićena područja (planinski krajolik, otok, močvarno stanište). Dobiveni rezultati u Zadarskoj županiji uspoređeni su s rezultatima istraživanja provedenim u nacionalnim parkovima i parkovima prirode u Hrvatskoj (Marušić i dr. 2007) i pokazuju da je i dalje glavni motiv posjete parku uživanje u prirodnim ljepotama (51%). Posjetitelji su i dalje najviše dojmljeni ljepotom i očuvanosti prirode (87%), dok je u drugim zaštićenim područjima prirode prva omiljena aktivnost fotografiranje, na ovome području je šetnja. Utjecaj posjetitelja ne ovisi toliko o broju posjetitelja, koliko o načinu na koji se upravlja posjetom parka. Stoga je u parku potrebno osmisliti odgovarajući sustav kretanja, dobru pješačku infrastrukturu i disperziju aktivnosti posjetitelja u skladu s ciljevima zaštite područja. Rezultati ispitanih posjetitelja uspoređeni su i s rezultatima ispitanih djelatnika te ukazuju na različitost percepcije doživljaja posjetitelja u parku od djelatnika i samih posjetitelja u parku. U istraživanim parkovima Zadarske županije nije izražen turistički pritisak, međutim kako bi se i u budućnosti očuvala zaštita ukupnih prirodnih i kulturnih vrijednosti zbog kojih je to područje i proglašeno zaštićenim, nužno je i primarno uz istraživanja stavova i obilježja posjetitelja uključiti i utjecaj posjetitelja na vrijednost biološke raznolikosti toga područja. Ovo istraživanje doprinosi modelu upravljanja u zaštićenom području prirode te omogućava oblikovanje preporuka za upravljanje usmjereno istovremeno na očuvanje prirode te na zadovoljstvo posjetitelja

    Utjecaj crvene foto selektivne mreže na kakvoću ploda jabuke \u27Granny Smith\u27 nakon čuvanja u hladnjači i života na polici

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    The present study was conducted with aim to test the effect of red photo-selective nets (Agritech S.r.l., Eboly, Italy) on \u27Granny Smith\u27 apple postharvest quality. The fruits have been harvested on optimal harvest date from orchard near city of Zadar where red photo-selective nets were used. Afterwards fruits were stored in regular air storage at 0°C for 4 months and then kept for 7 days at room temperature (shelf life). After harvest, cold storage and shelf life fruits grown under red net had significantly lower total soluble solid (SSC) content. After cold storage, superficial scald index and share of fruits with strong and very strong superficial scald severity were significantly higher in fruits grown under red net while for share of fruits with low superficial scald severity situation was opposite. After shelf life, fruits grown under red net had significantly higher titratable acidity (TA), but lower weight loss and SSC/TA ratio. It can be concluded that, due to greater susceptibility to superficial scald, prevention measures (optimal harvest time, 1-MCP and CA storage) should be applied when red photo-selective net is used on superficial scald-susceptible apple varieties.Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi utjecaj crvene fotoselektivne mreže (Agritech S.r.l., Eboli, Italija) na kakvoću plodova jabuke \u27Granny Smith\u27 nakon skladištenja i života na polici. Plodovi su ubrani u optimalnom roku u voćnjaku lociranom pokraj Zadra, Hrvatska gdje je korištena crvena fotoselektivna mreža. Nakon berbe plodovi su tijekom 4 mjeseca skladišteni u običnoj hladnjači pri 0°C te potom 7 dana na sobnoj temperaturi (život na polici). Plodovi uzgajani ispod crvene mreže su nakon berbe, skladištenja u hladnjači i života na polici imali signifikantno manji sadržaj topljive suhe tvari. Nakon završetka skladištenja u hladnjači indeks površinskog scalda te udio plodova sa jakim i iznimno jakim simptomima površinskog scalda je bio signifikantno veći na plodovima uzgojenima ispod crvene mreže, dok je za udio plodova sa blagim simptomima površinskog scalda situacija bila suprotna. Nakon života na polici plodovi uzgojeni ispod crvene mreže su imali signifikantno veću titracijsku kiselost, ali manji kalo i omjer topljive suhe tvari i titracijske kiselosti. Može se zaključiti da zbog veće osjetljivosti na površinski scald preventivne mjere (optimalan rok berbe, 1-MCP i čuvanje u kontroliranoj atmosferi) trebaju biti primijenjene kada se crvena fotoselektivna mreža koristi na sortama jabuke osjetljivima na površinski scald

    Forest fires in Dalmatia

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    Every year the Republic of Croatia, especially in its south part in Dalmatia, faces forest fire risks. The weather is exceptionally conducive to fires, so the main period of fire occurrences is between June and October, characterized by long lasting dry and warm weather with temperatures over 30oC. Research carried out by the authors in 1997 and 2012 have pointed to the fact that human impact is the main cause of ignition. This paper presents an overview of the total number of fires in the period from 1998 to 2012, with the emphasis on forest and woodland fires in the Croatian region of Dalmatia. Data on the situation in Dalmatia refer to the situation in the areas of responsibility of four Dalmatian Police Administrations. Analysis is based on official data of the Croatian Ministry of the Interior and the report of the National councillor for managing and controlling forest fires. The authors have analysed the frequency of forest fires in Dalmatia in a period of fourteen years (1998-2012) comparing it with the previous period, 1989-1996. The results that the authors have obtained reveal how forest fires most commonly (2/3) break out during the warm part of a day, from 09.00 until 18.00 hours in the warm period of the year. Particularly vulnerable are the forests of Aleppo pines and maquis being mostly thermal forests, whilst in the south of the country the forests of Holm oak (Quercus ilex) and English oak (Quercus robur) are at the highest risk. Reforesting of burned areas is very slow and Croatia has been far behind in reforesting in the continental part of the country.

    Application of Smart Technologies in Croatian Marinas

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    The objective of this research is to analyse smart technologies implemented in Croatian marinas and their impact upon the safety and service quality improvement, sustainability, and environmental protection, as well as energy consumption and operations optimisation. Key performance indicators and a definition of smart marina concept have been derived based on the smart port concept. The analysis has been conducted on a sample of 78 marinas in six different counties along the Croatian coast. Ultimately, the SWOT analysis has been performed in order to determine the advantages and disadvantages of introducing smart technologies in marina management. The results indicate that the Croatian marinas are undergoing a revolution in terms of facilitating booking management process and achieving greater safety and service quality, but still need to improve in the field of monitoring and controlling nautical tourism impact upon the environment

    Application of Smart Technologies in Croatian Marinas

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    The objective of this research is to analyse smart technologies implemented in Croatian marinas and their impact upon the safety and service quality improvement, sustainability, and environmental protection, as well as energy consumption and operations optimisation. Key performance indicators and a definition of smart marina concept have been derived based on the smart port concept. The analysis has been conducted on a sample of 78 marinas in six different counties along the Croatian coast. Ultimately, the SWOT analysis has been performed in order to determine the advantages and disadvantages of introducing smart technologies in marina management. The results indicate that the Croatian marinas are undergoing a revolution in terms of facilitating booking management process and achieving greater safety and service quality, but still need to improve in the field of monitoring and controlling nautical tourism impact upon the environment

    Building distributed sensor network applications using BIP

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    International audienceThe exponential increase in the demands for the deployment of large-scale sensor networks, makes the efficient development of functional applications necessary. Nevertheless, the existence of scarce resources and the derived application complexity, impose significant constraints and requires high design expertise. Consequently, the probability of discovering design errors, once the application is implemented, is considerably high. To address these issues, there is a need for the availability of early-stage validation, performance evaluation and rapid prototyping techniques at design time. In this paper we present a novel approach for the co-design of mixed software/hardware applications for distributed sensor network systems. This approach uses BIP, a formal framework facilitating modeling, analysis and implementation of real-time embedded, heterogeneous systems. Our approach is illustrated through the modeling and deployment of a Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network (WMSN) application. We emphasize on its merits, notably validation of functional and non-functional requirements through statistical model-checking and automatic code generation for sensor network platforms

    Towards Internet of Things for event-driven low-power gas sensing using carbon nanotubes

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    One of most important applications of sensing devices under the Internet of Things paradigm is air quality monitoring, which is particularly useful in urban and industrial environments where air pollution is an increasing public health problem. As these sensing systems are usually battery-powered and gas sensors are power-hungry, energy-efficient design and power management are required to extend the device's lifetime. In this paper, we present a two-stage concept where a novel low-power carbon nanotube is used as a gas detector for an energy-consuming metal-oxide (MOX) semiconductor gas sensor. We propose a design of a heterogeneous sensor node where we exploit the low-power nanotube gas sensor and the more accurate MOX sensor. This work performs energy consumption simulations for three event-driven scenarios to evaluate the power consumption reduction, as well as the limitations of carbon nanotubes. Our results show the benefits of the proposed approach over the scenarios with adaptive duty-cycling with only MOX gas sensors, proved with 20%-35% node lifetime prolongation. The delay introduced due to the nanotube recovery time can be overcome by radio duty-cycled activity for detecting alarm messages from the neighbour nodes

    Utjecaj crvene protuinsektne fotoselektivne mreže na generativne i vegetativne karakteristike jabuke \u27Granny smith\u27

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    Anti-insect photoselective nets present a new technology that combines light manipulation and pest protection in orchards. In this study, the effect of the anti-insect photoselective red net on the generative and vegetative traits was studied in an apple orchard near the city of Zadar, Croatia. \u27Granny Smith\u27 apples were grown on M9 rootstock and raised as slender spindles. The experiment consisted of two treatments: the trees covered with the red photoselective anti-insect nets (AGRITECH S. r. l., Eboli, Italy; mesh size of 2.4 × 4.8 mm) and uncovered trees as control. Yield, percentage of fruit with diameter >70 mm and fruit mass were not significantly different between treatments. L* color value was higher on fruit skin grown under the red net, and there was no significant difference in other color values (a*, b*, C* and h°). Soluble solids concentration (SSC) and total flavonoid content were significantly lower in fruit grown under red net than in control, and there was no significant difference in titratable acidity (TA), SSC/TA ratio, starch degradation and Streif maturity index. Red net proved to be effective against fruit red blush development (undesirable trait for \u27Granny Smith\u27 apple) and sunburn damage occurrence.Protuinsektne fotoselektivne mreže predstavljaju novu tehnologiju koja istovremeno kombinira manipulaciju svjetlom i zaštitu od štetnika. U voćnjaku jabuka pokraj Zadra (Hrvatska) istraživan je utjecaj crvene protuinsektne fotoselektivne mreže na generativne i vegetativne parametre jabuke \u27Granny Smith\u27. Jabuke su uzgajane na M9 podlozi te su imale uzgojni oblik vretenastoga grma. Istraživanje se sastojalo od dvaju tretmana: stabla prekrivena crvenom protuinsektnom fotoselektivnom mrežom (AGRITECH S. r. l., Eboli, Italija; veličina okca od 2.4 × 4.8 mm) i nepokrivena stabla kao kontrola. Prirod, udio plodova s promjerom >70 mm i masa plodova nisu se signifikantno razlikovali između tretmana. Jabuke uzgajane ispod crvene mreže imale su signifikantno veću L* vrijednost parametra boje kožice, dok za ostale parametre boje nije zabilježena signifikantna razlika (a*, b*, C* i h°). Sadržaj topljive suhe tvari (TST) i ukupni sadržaj flavonoida bio je signifikantno niži u jabukama uzgajanima ispod crvene mreže, dok nije zabilježen signifikantan utjecaj crvene mreže na titracijsku kiselost (TA), TST / TA, stupanj razgradnje škroba i indeks zrelosti (Streif). Primjena crvene mreže pokazala se vrlo djelotvornom u smanjenju pojavnosti dopunskoga crvenila (koje je kod jabuke \u27Granny Smith\u27 nepoželjno svojstvo) i ožegotina od sunca na plodovima