18 research outputs found

    Scientific Knowledge Object Patterns

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    Web technology is revolutionizing the way diverse scientific knowledge is produced and disseminated. In the past few years, a handful of discourse representation models have been proposed for the externalization of the rhetoric and argumentation captured within scientific publications. However, there hasn’t been a unified interoperable pattern that is commonly used in practice by publishers and individual users yet. In this paper, we introduce the Scientific Knowledge Object Patterns (SKO Patterns) towards a general scientific discourse representation model, especially for managing knowledge in emerging social web and semantic web. © ACM, 2011. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version is going to be published in "Proceedings of 15th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs", (2011) http://portal.acm.org/event.cfm?id=RE197&CFID=8795862&CFTOKEN=1476113

    A Metadata-Enabled Scientific Discourse Platform

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    Scientific papers and scientific conferences are still, despite the emergence of several new dissemination technologies, the de-facto standard in which scientific knowledge is consumed and discussed. While there is no shortage of services and platforms that aid this process (e.g. scholarly search engines, websites, blogs, conference management programs), a widely accepted platform used to capture and enrich the interactions of research community has yet to appear. As such, we aim to create new ways for the members and interested people working in research communities to interact; before, during and after their conferences. Furthermore, to serve as a base to these interactions, we want not only to obtain, format and manage a body of legacy and new papers related to this community but also to aggregate several useful information and services to the environment of a discourse platform

    An Abstract Framework for Modeling Argumentation in Virtual Communities

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    Semantic formula search in digital mathematical libraries

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    We are presenting semantic methods of search for mathematical objects in scientific publications. In particular, methods of search for mathematical formulas, as well as methods based on the logical structure of mathematical documents, are being discussed here. Based on the digital mathematical library Lobachevskii DML, created at Kazan Federal University in 2017, declared as Lobachevsky Year, we developed and tested new methods of search in digital collections of mathematical documents


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    Subject of Study. The subject of study of this work is closely related to the development of tools and technologies for Internet publishing of open data in machine-readable formats with regard to data of universities, educational and research organizations and scientific laboratories. We analyze the trends in the publishing formats most commonly used including not only popular formats such as pdf, csv, excel, but also the Semantic Web formats such as RDF. The paper describes the way of scientific data publication in semantic formats on the example of import and convertation of the information from University database. Methods. We describe the methods of publication for scientific open data in the network consisting of a set of transformations of the original data sets to the final semantic representation. These transformation steps include data upload from a relational database, data mapping on the ontological model (schema) and the generation of a set of RDF-triples corresponding to the initial database fragment. A description is given to the popular open data publishing systems, such as CKAN, VIVO, and others. OpenLink Virtuoso system is selected as the primary storage and data publication. The description of RDF data model is used as a way of presenting open data of ITMO University. Main Results. The authors have described the methods of scientific open data publication and identified their shortcomings. To demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method of university open data publication, a software prototype has been developed available online at: http://lod.ifmo.ru/. The example of the system usage is also given. Practical Relevance. Implementation of the proposed approach will improve significantly the effect of the publication of university open data and make it available for third-party applications, such as applications for information retrieval about educational activities and research results, analysis of scientific activities in universities and their research departments

    A Semantic Deliberation Model for e-Participation

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    There have been very few attempts so far to develop a comprehensive and rigorous conceptualization for deliberations in e-participation. Without a rigorous and formal conceptualization of deliberation, consistent content descriptions creation, deliberation records sharing and seamless exploration is difficult. In addition, no e-participation deliberation ontology exists to support citizen-led e-participation particularly when considering contributions made on the social media platforms. This work bridges this gap by providing a rich conceptualization and corresponding formal and executable ontology for deliberation in the context of e-participation. The semantic model covers the core concepts of technology-mediated political discussion and explicitly supports the integrated citizen- and government-led model of e-Participation enabled by social media. Results from the use of the ontology in describing e-Participation deliberation information at Local Government projects are also presented