77 research outputs found

    Метод побудови інтелектуальних систем обробки інформації та документообігу за допомогою онтологічної бази знань

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    Стрімкі темпи науково-технічного прогресу потребують новітніх технологій збереження та обробки інформації для менеджменту різноманітними ресурсами, в тому числі в галузі освіти та науки. Для вирішення цієї задачі нами було застосовано онтологічний підхід і створено «Онтологічний портал менеджменту та оцінки освітніх і наукових ресурсів України». Цей портал покликаний виявляти приховані знання предметної галузі, встановлювати протиріччя, контролювати відповідність дій навчальних закладів до законодавства України та вимог суспільства.Стремительные темпы научно-технического прогресса требуют современных технологий сохранения и обработки информации для менеджмента разнообразными ресурсами, в том числе в области образования и науки. Для решения этой задачи нами использовался онтологический поход, был создан «Онтологический портал менеджмента и оценки образовательных и научных ресурсов Украины». Этот портал призван выявлять скрытые знания предметной области, устанавливать противоречия, контролировать соответствие действий учебных заведений законодательству Украины и требованиям общества.Swift rates of scientific-technical evolution demand modern technologies of information storing and processing for diverse resources management, for example in science and education domain. For solving of this task the ontological approach was used and “Ontology-based Portal for Management and Evaluation of scientific and Educational Resources of Ukraine” was created to reveal implicit domain knowledge, detect conflicts and control the correspondence of the HEI`s activity to the legislative base of Ukraine and society needs

    Ontology-based infrastructure for intelligent applications

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    Ontologies currently are a hot topic in the areas of knowledge management and enterprise application integration. In this thesis, we investigate how ontologies can also be used as an infrastructure for developing applications that intelligently support a user with various tasks. Based on recent developments in the area of the Semantic Web, we provide three major contributions. We introduce inference engines, which allow the execution of business logic that is specified in a declarative way, while putting strong emphasis on scalability and ease of use. Secondly, we suggest various solutions for interfacing applications that are developed under this new paradigm with existing IT infrastructure. This includes the first running solution, to our knowledge, for combining the emerging areas of the Semantic Web Services. Finally, we introduce a set of intelligent applications, which is built on top of onologies and Semantic Web standards, providing a proof of concept that the engineering effort can largely be based on standard components.Ontologien sind derzeit ein viel diskutiertes Thema in Bereichen wie Wissensmanagement oder Enterprise Application Integration. Diese Arbeit stellt dar, wie Ontologien als Infrastruktur zur Entwicklung neuartiger Applikationen verwendet werden können, die den User bei verschiedenen Arbeiten unterstützen. Aufbauend auf den im Rahmen des Semantischen Webs entstandenen Spezifikationen, werden drei wesentliche Beiträge geleistet. Zum einen stellen wir Inferenzmaschinen vor, die das Ausführen von deklarativ spezifizierter Applikationslogik erlauben, wobei besonderes Augenmerk auf die Skalierbarkeit gelegt wird. Zum anderen schlagen wir mehrere Lösungen zum Anschluss solcher Systeme an bestehende IT Infrastruktur vor. Dies beinhaltet den, unseres Wissens nach, ersten lauffähigen Prototyp der die beiden aufstrebenden Felder des Semantischen Webs und Web Services verbindet. Schließlich stellen wir einige intelligente Applikationen vor, die auf Ontologien basieren und somit großteils von Werkzeugen automatisch generiert werden können

    Desenvolvimento de aplicações em geoprocessamento usando composição automatizada de serviços geográfcos.

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    Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem para construção de aplicações em geoprocessamento através da composição automatizada de Web Services geográfcos. O problema de composição é modelado como um problema de planejamento condicional onde, regras semânticas de requisitos de qualidade de geodados são utilizadas como uma indicação de condições de uso de um dado por uma funcionalidade de geoprocessamento. Esta abordagem permite a criação de composições de serviços mais robustas, confáveis e capazes de produzir geodados de melhor qualidade.Geopantanal 2010

    Rule-Based Intelligence on the Semantic Web: Implications for Military Capabilities

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    Rules are a key element of the Semantic Web vision, promising to provide a foundation for reasoning capabilities that underpin the intelligent manipulation and exploitation of information content. Although ontologies provide the basis for some forms of reasoning, it is unlikely that ontologies, by themselves, will support the range of knowledge-based services that are likely to be required on the Semantic Web. As such, it is important to consider the contribution that rule-based systems can make to the realization of advanced machine intelligence on the Semantic Web. This report aims to review the current state-of-the-art with respect to semantic rule-based technologies. It provides an overview of the rules, rule languages and rule engines that are currently available to support ontology-based reasoning, and it discusses some of the limitations of these technologies in terms of their inability to cope with uncertain or imprecise data and their poor performance in some reasoning contexts. This report also describes the contribution of reasoning systems to military capabilities, and suggests that current technological shortcomings pose a significant barrier to the widespread adoption of reasoning systems within the defence community. Some solutions to these shortcomings are presented and a timescale for technology adoption within the military domain is proposed. It is suggested that application areas such as semantic integration, semantic interoperability, data fusion and situation awareness provide the best opportunities for technology adoption within the 2015 timeframe. Other capabilities, such as decision support and the emulation of human-style reasoning capabilities are seen to depend on the resolution of significant challenges that may hinder attempts at technology adoption and exploitation within the 2020 timeframe

    Interoperability frameworks for competencies and learning outcomes: databases vs ontologies

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    The changes introduced into the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by the Bologna Process, together with renewed pedagogical and methodological practices, have created a new teaching-learning paradigm: Student-Centred Learning. In addition, the last few years have been characterized by the application of Information Technologies, especially the Semantic Web, not only to the teaching-learning process, but also to administrative processes within learning institutions. On one hand, the aim of this study was to present a model for identifying and classifying Competencies and Learning Outcomes and, on the other hand, the computer applications of the information management model were developed, namely a relational Database and an Ontology

    UML for the Semantic Web: Transformation-Based Approaches

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    The perspective role of UML as a conceptual modelling language for the Semantic Web has become an important research topic. We argue that UML could be a key technology for overcoming the ontology development bottleneck thanks to its wide acceptance and sophisticated tool support. Transformational approaches are a promising way of establishing a connection between UML and web-based ontology languages. We compare some proposals for defining transformations between UML and web ontology languages and discuss the different ways they handle the conceptual differences between these languages. We identify commonalities and differences of the approaches and point out open questions that have not or not satisfyingly been addressed by existing approaches

    Querying the Semantic Web with Corese Search Engine

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    International audienceThis paper presents an ontology-based approach for web querying, using semantic metadata. We propose a query language based on ontologies and emphasize its ability to express approximate queries, useful for an efficient information retrieval on the web. We present the Corese search engine dedicated to RDF(S) metadata and illustrate it through several real-world applications