204,428 research outputs found

    Preference learning based decision map algebra: specification and implementation

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    Decision Map Algebra (DMA) is a generic and context independent algebra, especially devoted to spatial multicriteria modelling. The algebra defines a set of operations which formalises spatial multicriteria modelling and analysis. The main concept in DMA is decision map, which is a planar subdivision of the study area represented as a set of non-overlapping polygonal spatial units that are assigned, using a multicriteria classification model, into an ordered set of classes. Different methods can be used in the multicriteria classification step. In this paper, the multicriteria classification step relies on the Dominance-based Rough Set Approach (DRSA), which is a preference learning method that extends the classical rough set theory to multicriteria classification. The paper first introduces a preference learning based approach to decision map construction. Then it proposes a formal specification of DMA. Finally, it briefly presents an object oriented implementation of DMA

    Information Flow Model for Commercial Security

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    Information flow in Discretionary Access Control (DAC) is a well-known difficult problem. This paper formalizes the fundamental concepts and establishes a theory of information flow security. A DAC system is information flow secure (IFS), if any data never flows into the hands of owner’s enemies (explicitly denial access list.

    Class Association Rules Mining based Rough Set Method

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    This paper investigates the mining of class association rules with rough set approach. In data mining, an association occurs between two set of elements when one element set happen together with another. A class association rule set (CARs) is a subset of association rules with classes specified as their consequences. We present an efficient algorithm for mining the finest class rule set inspired form Apriori algorithm, where the support and confidence are computed based on the elementary set of lower approximation included in the property of rough set theory. Our proposed approach has been shown very effective, where the rough set approach for class association discovery is much simpler than the classic association method.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure
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