24,601 research outputs found

    Oriented Response Networks

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    Deep Convolution Neural Networks (DCNNs) are capable of learning unprecedentedly effective image representations. However, their ability in handling significant local and global image rotations remains limited. In this paper, we propose Active Rotating Filters (ARFs) that actively rotate during convolution and produce feature maps with location and orientation explicitly encoded. An ARF acts as a virtual filter bank containing the filter itself and its multiple unmaterialised rotated versions. During back-propagation, an ARF is collectively updated using errors from all its rotated versions. DCNNs using ARFs, referred to as Oriented Response Networks (ORNs), can produce within-class rotation-invariant deep features while maintaining inter-class discrimination for classification tasks. The oriented response produced by ORNs can also be used for image and object orientation estimation tasks. Over multiple state-of-the-art DCNN architectures, such as VGG, ResNet, and STN, we consistently observe that replacing regular filters with the proposed ARFs leads to significant reduction in the number of network parameters and improvement in classification performance. We report the best results on several commonly used benchmarks.Comment: Accepted in CVPR 2017. Source code available at http://yzhou.work/OR

    Towards Multi-class Object Detection in Unconstrained Remote Sensing Imagery

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    Automatic multi-class object detection in remote sensing images in unconstrained scenarios is of high interest for several applications including traffic monitoring and disaster management. The huge variation in object scale, orientation, category, and complex backgrounds, as well as the different camera sensors pose great challenges for current algorithms. In this work, we propose a new method consisting of a novel joint image cascade and feature pyramid network with multi-size convolution kernels to extract multi-scale strong and weak semantic features. These features are fed into rotation-based region proposal and region of interest networks to produce object detections. Finally, rotational non-maximum suppression is applied to remove redundant detections. During training, we minimize joint horizontal and oriented bounding box loss functions, as well as a novel loss that enforces oriented boxes to be rectangular. Our method achieves 68.16% mAP on horizontal and 72.45% mAP on oriented bounding box detection tasks on the challenging DOTA dataset, outperforming all published methods by a large margin (+6% and +12% absolute improvement, respectively). Furthermore, it generalizes to two other datasets, NWPU VHR-10 and UCAS-AOD, and achieves competitive results with the baselines even when trained on DOTA. Our method can be deployed in multi-class object detection applications, regardless of the image and object scales and orientations, making it a great choice for unconstrained aerial and satellite imagery.Comment: ACCV 201
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