1,132 research outputs found

    Rolling-Shutter Modelling for Direct Visual-Inertial Odometry

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    We present a direct visual-inertial odometry (VIO) method which estimates the motion of the sensor setup and sparse 3D geometry of the environment based on measurements from a rolling-shutter camera and an inertial measurement unit (IMU). The visual part of the system performs a photometric bundle adjustment on a sparse set of points. This direct approach does not extract feature points and is able to track not only corners, but any pixels with sufficient gradient magnitude. Neglecting rolling-shutter effects in the visual part severely degrades accuracy and robustness of the system. In this paper, we incorporate a rolling-shutter model into the photometric bundle adjustment that estimates a set of recent keyframe poses and the inverse depth of a sparse set of points. IMU information is accumulated between several frames using measurement preintegration, and is inserted into the optimization as an additional constraint between selected keyframes. For every keyframe we estimate not only the pose but also velocity and biases to correct the IMU measurements. Unlike systems with global-shutter cameras, we use both IMU measurements and rolling-shutter effects of the camera to estimate velocity and biases for every state. Last, we evaluate our system on a novel dataset that contains global-shutter and rolling-shutter images, IMU data and ground-truth poses for ten different sequences, which we make publicly available. Evaluation shows that the proposed method outperforms a system where rolling shutter is not modelled and achieves similar accuracy to the global-shutter method on global-shutter data

    Rolling shutter bundle adjustment

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    Direct Sparse Odometry with Rolling Shutter

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    Neglecting the effects of rolling-shutter cameras for visual odometry (VO) severely degrades accuracy and robustness. In this paper, we propose a novel direct monocular VO method that incorporates a rolling-shutter model. Our approach extends direct sparse odometry which performs direct bundle adjustment of a set of recent keyframe poses and the depths of a sparse set of image points. We estimate the velocity at each keyframe and impose a constant-velocity prior for the optimization. In this way, we obtain a near real-time, accurate direct VO method. Our approach achieves improved results on challenging rolling-shutter sequences over state-of-the-art global-shutter VO

    Revisiting Rolling Shutter Bundle Adjustment: Toward Accurate and Fast Solution

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    We propose a robust and fast bundle adjustment solution that estimates the 6-DoF pose of the camera and the geometry of the environment based on measurements from a rolling shutter (RS) camera. This tackles the challenges in the existing works, namely relying on additional sensors, high frame rate video as input, restrictive assumptions on camera motion, readout direction, and poor efficiency. To this end, we first investigate the influence of normalization to the image point on RSBA performance and show its better approximation in modelling the real 6-DoF camera motion. Then we present a novel analytical model for the visual residual covariance, which can be used to standardize the reprojection error during the optimization, consequently improving the overall accuracy. More importantly, the combination of normalization and covariance standardization weighting in RSBA (NW-RSBA) can avoid common planar degeneracy without needing to constrain the filming manner. Besides, we propose an acceleration strategy for NW-RSBA based on the sparsity of its Jacobian matrix and Schur complement. The extensive synthetic and real data experiments verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed solution over the state-of-the-art works. We also demonstrate the proposed method can be easily implemented and plug-in famous GSSfM and GSSLAM systems as completed RSSfM and RSSLAM solutions

    Joint 3D Shape and Motion Estimation from Rolling Shutter Light-Field Images

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    In this paper, we propose an approach to address the problem of 3D reconstruction of scenes from a single image captured by a light-field camera equipped with a rolling shutter sensor. Our method leverages the 3D information cues present in the light-field and the motion information provided by the rolling shutter effect. We present a generic model for the imaging process of this sensor and a two-stage algorithm that minimizes the re-projection error while considering the position and motion of the camera in a motion-shape bundle adjustment estimation strategy. Thereby, we provide an instantaneous 3D shape-and-pose-and-velocity sensing paradigm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to leverage this type of sensor for this purpose. We also present a new benchmark dataset composed of different light-fields showing rolling shutter effects, which can be used as a common base to improve the evaluation and tracking the progress in the field. We demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of our approach through several experiments conducted for different scenes and types of motions. The source code and dataset are publicly available at: https://github.com/ICB-Vision-AI/RSL

    Street View Motion-from-Structure-from-Motion

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    We describe a structure-from-motion framework that handles “generalized ” cameras, such as moving rolling-shutter cameras, and works at an unprecedented scale— billions of images covering millions of linear kilometers of roads—by exploiting a good relative pose prior along vehicle paths. We exhibit a planet-scale, appearance-augmented point cloud constructed with our framework and demonstrate its practical use in correcting the pose of a street-level image collection. 1
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