77,830 research outputs found

    A Shibboleth-protected privilege management infrastructure for e-science education

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    Simplifying access to and usage of large scale compute resources via the grid is of critical importance to encourage the uptake of e-research. Security is one aspect that needs to be made as simple as possible for end users. The ESP-Grid and DyVOSE projects at the National e-Science Centre (NeSC) at the University of Glasgow are investigating security technologies which will make the end-user experience of using the grid easier and more secure. In this paper, we outline how simplified (from the user experience) authentication and authorization of users are achieved through single usernames and passwords at users' home institutions. This infrastructure, which will be applied in the second year of the grid computing module part of the advanced MSc in Computing Science at the University of Glasgow, combines grid portal technology, the Internet2 Shibboleth Federated Access Control infrastructure, and the PERMS role-based access control technology. Through this infrastructure inter-institutional teaching can be supported where secure access to federated resources is made possible between sites. A key aspect of the work we describe here is the ability to support dynamic delegation of authority whereby local/remote administrators are able to dynamically assign meaningful privileges to remote/local users respectively in a trusted manner thus allowing for the dynamic establishment of virtual organizations with fine grained security at their heart

    DyVOSE project: experiences in applying privilege management infrastructures

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    Privilege Management Infrastructures (PMI) are emerging as a necessary alternative to authorization through Access Control Lists (ACL) as the need for finer grained security on the Grid increases in numerous domains. The 2-year JISC funded DyVOSE Project has investigated applying PMIs within an e-Science education context. This has involved establishing a Grid Computing module as part of Glasgow University’s Advanced MSc degree in Computing Science. A laboratory infrastructure was built for the students realising a PMI with the PERMIS software, to protect Grid Services they created. The first year of the course centered on building a static PMI at Glasgow. The second year extended this to allow dynamic attribute delegation between Glasgow and Edinburgh to support dynamic establishment of fine grained authorization based virtual organizations across multiple institutions. This dynamic delegation was implemented using the DIS (Delegation Issuing) Web Service supplied by the University of Kent. This paper describes the experiences and lessons learned from setting up and applying the advanced Grid authorization infrastructure within the Grid Computing course, focusing primarily on the second year and the dynamic virtual organisation setup between Glasgow and Edinburgh

    My private cloud--granting federated access to cloud resources

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    We describe the research undertaken in the six month JISC/EPSRC funded My Private Cloud project, in which we built a demonstration cloud file storage service that allows users to login to it, by using their existing credentials from a configured trusted identity provider. Once authenticated, users are shown a set of accounts that they are the owners of, based on their identity attributes. Once users open one of their accounts, they can upload and download files to it. Not only that, but they can then grant access to their file resources to anyone else in the federated system, regardless of whether their chosen delegate has used the cloud service before or not. The system uses standard identity management protocols, attribute based access controls, and a delegation service. A set of APIs have been defined for the authentication, authorisation and delegation processes, and the software has been released as open source to the community. A public demonstration of the system is available online

    Single sign-on and authorization for dynamic virtual organizations

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    The vision of the Grid is to support the dynamic establishment and subsequent management of virtual organizations (VO). To achieve this presents many challenges for the Grid community with perhaps the greatest one being security. Whilst Public Key Infrastructures (PKI) provide a form of single sign-on through recognition of trusted certification authorities, they have numerous limitations. The Internet2 Shibboleth architecture and protocols provide an enabling technology overcoming some of the issues with PKIs however Shibboleth too suffers from various limitations that make its application for dynamic VO establishment and management difficult. In this paper we explore the limitations of PKIs and Shibboleth and present an infrastructure that incorporates single sign-on with advanced authorization of federated security infrastructures and yet is seamless and targeted to the needs of end users. We explore this infrastructure through an educational case study at the National e-Science Centre (NeSC) at the University of Glasgow and Edinburgh

    Context dependent revocation in delegated XACML

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    The XACML standard defines an XML based language for defining access control policies and a related processing model. Recent work aims to add delegation to XACML in order to express the right to administrate XACML policies within XACML itself. The delegation profile draft explains how to validate the right to issue a policy, but there are no provisions for removing a policy. This paper proposes a revocation model for delegated XACML. A novel feature of this model is that whether a revocation is valid or not, depends not only on who issued the revocation, but also on the context in which an attempt to use the revoked policy is done

    Shibboleth-based access to and usage of grid resources

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    Security underpins grids and e-research. Without a robust, reliable and simple grid security infrastructure combined with commonly accepted security practices, large portions of the research community and wider industry will not engage. The predominant way in which security is currently addressed in the grid community is through public key infrastructures (PKI) based upon X.509 certificates to support authentication. Whilst PKIs address user identity issues, authentication does not provide fine grained control over what users are allowed to do on remote resources (authorization). In this paper we outline how we have successfully combined Shibboleth and advanced authorization technologies to provide simplified (from the user perspective) but fine grained security for access to and usage of grid resources. We demonstrate this approach through different security focused e-science projects being conducted at the National e-Science Centre (NeSC) at the University of Glasgow. We believe that this model is widely applicable and encourage the further uptake of e-science by non-IT specialists in the research communitie
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