1 research outputs found

    Polygon Queries for Convex Hulls of Points

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    We study the following range searching problem: Preprocess a set PP of nn points in the plane with respect to a set O\mathcal{O} of kk orientations % , for a constant, in the plane so that given an O\mathcal{O}-oriented convex polygon QQ, the convex hull of PQP\cap Q can be computed efficiently, where an O\mathcal{O}-oriented polygon is a polygon whose edges have orientations in O\mathcal{O}. We present a data structure with O(nk3log2n)O(nk^3\log^2n) space and O(nk3log2n)O(nk^3\log^2n) construction time, and an O(h+slog2n)O(h+s\log^2 n)-time query algorithm for any query O\mathcal{O}-oriented convex ss-gon QQ, where hh is the complexity of the convex hull. Also, we can compute the perimeter or area of the convex hull of PQP\cap Q in O(slog2n)O(s\log^2n) time using the data structure