32 research outputs found

    Linear Global Translation Estimation with Feature Tracks

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    This paper derives a novel linear position constraint for cameras seeing a common scene point, which leads to a direct linear method for global camera translation estimation. Unlike previous solutions, this method deals with collinear camera motion and weak image association at the same time. The final linear formulation does not involve the coordinates of scene points, which makes it efficient even for large scale data. We solve the linear equation based on L1L_1 norm, which makes our system more robust to outliers in essential matrices and feature correspondences. We experiment this method on both sequentially captured images and unordered Internet images. The experiments demonstrate its strength in robustness, accuracy, and efficiency.Comment: Changes: 1. Adopt BMVC2015 style; 2. Combine sections 3 and 5; 3. Move "Evaluation on synthetic data" out to supplementary file; 4. Divide subsection "Evaluation on general data" to subsections "Experiment on sequential data" and "Experiment on unordered Internet data"; 5. Change Fig. 1 and Fig.8; 6. Move Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 to supplementary file; 7 Change some symbols; 8. Correct some typo

    A survey on rotation optimization in structure from motion

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    We consider the problem of robust rotation optimization in Structure from Motion applications. A number of different approaches have been recently proposed, with solutions that are at times incompatible, and at times complementary. The goal of this paper is to survey and compare these ideas in a unified manner, and to benchmark their robustness against the presence of outliers. In all, we have tested more than forty variants of a these methods (including novel ones), and we find the best performing combination.NSFDGE-0966142 (IGERT), NSF-IIS-1317788, NSF-IIP-1439681 (I/UCRC), NSF-IIS-1426840, ARL MAST-CTA W911NF-08-2-0004, ARL RCTA W911NF-10-2-0016, ONR N000141310778

    Rotation Averaging and Strong Duality

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    In this paper we explore the role of duality principles within the problem of rotation averaging, a fundamental task in a wide range of computer vision applications. In its conventional form, rotation averaging is stated as a minimization over multiple rotation constraints. As these constraints are non-convex, this problem is generally considered challenging to solve globally. We show how to circumvent this difficulty through the use of Lagrangian duality. While such an approach is well-known it is normally not guaranteed to provide a tight relaxation. Based on spectral graph theory, we analytically prove that in many cases there is no duality gap unless the noise levels are severe. This allows us to obtain certifiably global solutions to a class of important non-convex problems in polynomial time. We also propose an efficient, scalable algorithm that out-performs general purpose numerical solvers and is able to handle the large problem instances commonly occurring in structure from motion settings. The potential of this proposed method is demonstrated on a number of different problems, consisting of both synthetic and real-world data

    Spectral Motion Synchronization in SE(3)

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    This paper addresses the problem of motion synchronization (or averaging) and describes a simple, closed-form solution based on a spectral decomposition, which does not consider rotation and translation separately but works straight in SE(3), the manifold of rigid motions. Besides its theoretical interest, being the first closed form solution in SE(3), experimental results show that it compares favourably with the state of the art both in terms of precision and speed

    GraphMatch: Efficient Large-Scale Graph Construction for Structure from Motion

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    We present GraphMatch, an approximate yet efficient method for building the matching graph for large-scale structure-from-motion (SfM) pipelines. Unlike modern SfM pipelines that use vocabulary (Voc.) trees to quickly build the matching graph and avoid a costly brute-force search of matching image pairs, GraphMatch does not require an expensive offline pre-processing phase to construct a Voc. tree. Instead, GraphMatch leverages two priors that can predict which image pairs are likely to match, thereby making the matching process for SfM much more efficient. The first is a score computed from the distance between the Fisher vectors of any two images. The second prior is based on the graph distance between vertices in the underlying matching graph. GraphMatch combines these two priors into an iterative "sample-and-propagate" scheme similar to the PatchMatch algorithm. Its sampling stage uses Fisher similarity priors to guide the search for matching image pairs, while its propagation stage explores neighbors of matched pairs to find new ones with a high image similarity score. Our experiments show that GraphMatch finds the most image pairs as compared to competing, approximate methods while at the same time being the most efficient.Comment: Published at IEEE 3DV 201

    Robust Rotation Synchronization via Low-rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition

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    This paper deals with the rotation synchronization problem, which arises in global registration of 3D point-sets and in structure from motion. The problem is formulated in an unprecedented way as a "low-rank and sparse" matrix decomposition that handles both outliers and missing data. A minimization strategy, dubbed R-GoDec, is also proposed and evaluated experimentally against state-of-the-art algorithms on simulated and real data. The results show that R-GoDec is the fastest among the robust algorithms.Comment: The material contained in this paper is part of a manuscript submitted to CVI