3 research outputs found

    TrackNet: Simultaneous Object Detection and Tracking and Its Application in Traffic Video Analysis

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    Object detection and object tracking are usually treated as two separate processes. Significant progress has been made for object detection in 2D images using deep learning networks. The usual tracking-by-detection pipeline for object tracking requires that the object is successfully detected in the first frame and all subsequent frames, and tracking is done by associating detection results. Performing object detection and object tracking through a single network remains a challenging open question. We propose a novel network structure named trackNet that can directly detect a 3D tube enclosing a moving object in a video segment by extending the faster R-CNN framework. A Tube Proposal Network (TPN) inside the trackNet is proposed to predict the objectness of each candidate tube and location parameters specifying the bounding tube. The proposed framework is applicable for detecting and tracking any object and in this paper, we focus on its application for traffic video analysis. The proposed model is trained and tested on UA-DETRAC, a large traffic video dataset available for multi-vehicle detection and tracking, and obtained very promising results

    Patterns of Urban Foot Traffic Dynamics

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    Using publicly available traffic camera data in New York City, we quantify time-dependent patterns in aggregate pedestrian foot traffic. These patterns exhibit repeatable diurnal behaviors that differ for weekdays and weekends but are broadly consistent across neighborhoods in the borough of Manhattan. Weekday patterns contain a characteristic 3-peak structure with increased foot traffic around 9:00am, 12:00-1:00pm, and 5:00pm aligned with the "9-to-5" work day in which pedestrians are on the street during their morning commute, during lunch hour, and then during their evening commute. Weekend days do not show a peaked structure, but rather increase steadily until sunset. Our study period of June 28, 2017 to September 11, 2017 contains two holidays, the 4th of July and Labor Day, and their foot traffic patterns are quantitatively similar to weekend days despite the fact that they fell on weekdays. Projecting all days in our study period onto the weekday/weekend phase space (by regressing against the average weekday and weekend day) we find that Friday foot traffic can be represented as a mixture of both the 3-peak weekday structure and non-peaked weekend structure. We also show that anomalies in the foot traffic patterns can be used for detection of events and network-level disruptions. Finally, we show that clustering of foot traffic time series generates associations between cameras that are spatially aligned with Manhattan neighborhood boundaries indicating that foot traffic dynamics encode information about neighborhood character.Comment: 16 page

    Background Subtraction in Real Applications: Challenges, Current Models and Future Directions

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    Computer vision applications based on videos often require the detection of moving objects in their first step. Background subtraction is then applied in order to separate the background and the foreground. In literature, background subtraction is surely among the most investigated field in computer vision providing a big amount of publications. Most of them concern the application of mathematical and machine learning models to be more robust to the challenges met in videos. However, the ultimate goal is that the background subtraction methods developed in research could be employed in real applications like traffic surveillance. But looking at the literature, we can remark that there is often a gap between the current methods used in real applications and the current methods in fundamental research. In addition, the videos evaluated in large-scale datasets are not exhaustive in the way that they only covered a part of the complete spectrum of the challenges met in real applications. In this context, we attempt to provide the most exhaustive survey as possible on real applications that used background subtraction in order to identify the real challenges met in practice, the current used background models and to provide future directions. Thus, challenges are investigated in terms of camera, foreground objects and environments. In addition, we identify the background models that are effectively used in these applications in order to find potential usable recent background models in terms of robustness, time and memory requirements.Comment: Submitted to Computer Science Revie