12,791 research outputs found

    Visual Tracking via Dynamic Graph Learning

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    Existing visual tracking methods usually localize a target object with a bounding box, in which the performance of the foreground object trackers or detectors is often affected by the inclusion of background clutter. To handle this problem, we learn a patch-based graph representation for visual tracking. The tracked object is modeled by with a graph by taking a set of non-overlapping image patches as nodes, in which the weight of each node indicates how likely it belongs to the foreground and edges are weighted for indicating the appearance compatibility of two neighboring nodes. This graph is dynamically learned and applied in object tracking and model updating. During the tracking process, the proposed algorithm performs three main steps in each frame. First, the graph is initialized by assigning binary weights of some image patches to indicate the object and background patches according to the predicted bounding box. Second, the graph is optimized to refine the patch weights by using a novel alternating direction method of multipliers. Third, the object feature representation is updated by imposing the weights of patches on the extracted image features. The object location is predicted by maximizing the classification score in the structured support vector machine. Extensive experiments show that the proposed tracking algorithm performs well against the state-of-the-art methods on large-scale benchmark datasets.Comment: Submitted to TPAMI 201

    Patch-based adaptive weighting with segmentation and scale (PAWSS) for visual tracking

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    Tracking-by-detection algorithms are widely used for visual tracking, where the problem is treated as a classification task where an object model is updated over time using online learning techniques. In challenging conditions where an object undergoes deformation or scale variations, the update step is prone to include background information in the model appearance or to lack the ability to estimate the scale change, which degrades the performance of the classifier. In this paper, we incorporate a Patch-based Adaptive Weighting with Segmentation and Scale (PAWSS) tracking framework that tackles both the scale and background problems. A simple but effective colour-based segmentation model is used to suppress background information and multi-scale samples are extracted to enrich the training pool, which allows the tracker to handle both incremental and abrupt scale variations between frames. Experimentally, we evaluate our approach on the online tracking benchmark (OTB) dataset and Visual Object Tracking (VOT) challenge datasets. The results show that our approach outperforms recent state-of-the-art trackers, and it especially improves the successful rate score on the OTB dataset, while on the VOT datasets, PAWSS ranks among the top trackers while operating at real-time frame rates.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. The paper is under consideration at Pattern Recognition Letter

    Part-based Visual Tracking via Structural Support Correlation Filter

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    Recently, part-based and support vector machines (SVM) based trackers have shown favorable performance. Nonetheless, the time-consuming online training and updating process limit their real-time applications. In order to better deal with the partial occlusion issue and improve their efficiency, we propose a novel part-based structural support correlation filter tracking method, which absorbs the strong discriminative ability from SVM and the excellent property of part-based tracking methods which is less sensitive to partial occlusion. Then, our proposed model can learn the support correlation filter of each part jointly by a star structure model, which preserves the spatial layout structure among parts and tolerates outliers of parts. In addition, to mitigate the issue of drift away from object further, we introduce inter-frame consistencies of local parts into our model. Finally, in our model, we accurately estimate the scale changes of object by the relative distance change among reliable parts. The extensive empirical evaluations on three benchmark datasets: OTB2015, TempleColor128 and VOT2015 demonstrate that the proposed method performs superiorly against several state-of-the-art trackers in terms of tracking accuracy, speed and robustness

    Deformable Parts Correlation Filters for Robust Visual Tracking

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    Deformable parts models show a great potential in tracking by principally addressing non-rigid object deformations and self occlusions, but according to recent benchmarks, they often lag behind the holistic approaches. The reason is that potentially large number of degrees of freedom have to be estimated for object localization and simplifications of the constellation topology are often assumed to make the inference tractable. We present a new formulation of the constellation model with correlation filters that treats the geometric and visual constraints within a single convex cost function and derive a highly efficient optimization for MAP inference of a fully-connected constellation. We propose a tracker that models the object at two levels of detail. The coarse level corresponds a root correlation filter and a novel color model for approximate object localization, while the mid-level representation is composed of the new deformable constellation of correlation filters that refine the object location. The resulting tracker is rigorously analyzed on a highly challenging OTB, VOT2014 and VOT2015 benchmarks, exhibits a state-of-the-art performance and runs in real-time.Comment: 14 pages, first submission to jurnal: 9.11.2015, re-submission on 11.5.201

    Spectral Filter Tracking

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    Visual object tracking is a challenging computer vision task with numerous real-world applications. Here we propose a simple but efficient Spectral Filter Tracking (SFT)method. To characterize rotational and translation invariance of tracking targets, the candidate image region is models as a pixelwise grid graph. Instead of the conventional graph matching, we convert the tracking into a plain least square regression problem to estimate the best center coordinate of the target. But different from the holistic regression of correlation filter based methods, SFT can operate on localized surrounding regions of each pixel (i.e.,vertex) by using spectral graph filters, which thus is more robust to resist local variations and cluttered background.To bypass the eigenvalue decomposition problem of the graph Laplacian matrix L, we parameterize spectral graph filters as the polynomial of L by spectral graph theory, in which L k exactly encodes a k-hop local neighborhood of each vertex. Finally, the filter parameters (i.e., polynomial coefficients) as well as feature projecting functions are jointly integrated into the regression model.Comment: 11page

    Once for All: a Two-flow Convolutional Neural Network for Visual Tracking

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    One of the main challenges of visual object tracking comes from the arbitrary appearance of objects. Most existing algorithms try to resolve this problem as an object-specific task, i.e., the model is trained to regenerate or classify a specific object. As a result, the model need to be initialized and retrained for different objects. In this paper, we propose a more generic approach utilizing a novel two-flow convolutional neural network (named YCNN). The YCNN takes two inputs (one is object image patch, the other is search image patch), then outputs a response map which predicts how likely the object appears in a specific location. Unlike those object-specific approach, the YCNN is trained to measure the similarity between two image patches. Thus it will not be confined to any specific object. Furthermore the network can be end-to-end trained to extract both shallow and deep convolutional features which are dedicated for visual tracking. And once properly trained, the YCNN can be applied to track all kinds of objects without further training and updating. Benefiting from the once-for-all model, our algorithm is able to run at a very high speed of 45 frames-per-second. The experiments on 51 sequences also show that our algorithm achieves an outstanding performance

    CREST: Convolutional Residual Learning for Visual Tracking

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    Discriminative correlation filters (DCFs) have been shown to perform superiorly in visual tracking. They only need a small set of training samples from the initial frame to generate an appearance model. However, existing DCFs learn the filters separately from feature extraction, and update these filters using a moving average operation with an empirical weight. These DCF trackers hardly benefit from the end-to-end training. In this paper, we propose the CREST algorithm to reformulate DCFs as a one-layer convolutional neural network. Our method integrates feature extraction, response map generation as well as model update into the neural networks for an end-to-end training. To reduce model degradation during online update, we apply residual learning to take appearance changes into account. Extensive experiments on the benchmark datasets demonstrate that our CREST tracker performs favorably against state-of-the-art trackers.Comment: ICCV 2017. Project page: http://www.cs.cityu.edu.hk/~yibisong/iccv17/index.htm

    Particle Filter Re-detection for Visual Tracking via Correlation Filters

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    Most of the correlation filter based tracking algorithms can achieve good performance and maintain fast computational speed. However, in some complicated tracking scenes, there is a fatal defect that causes the object to be located inaccurately. In order to address this problem, we propose a particle filter redetection based tracking approach for accurate object localization. During the tracking process, the kernelized correlation filter (KCF) based tracker locates the object by relying on the maximum response value of the response map; when the response map becomes ambiguous, the KCF tracking result becomes unreliable. Our method can provide more candidates by particle resampling to detect the object accordingly. Additionally, we give a new object scale evaluation mechanism, which merely considers the differences between the maximum response values in consecutive frames. Extensive experiments on OTB2013 and OTB2015 datasets demonstrate that the proposed tracker performs favorably in relation to the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    On the Relations of Correlation Filter Based Trackers and Struck

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    In recent years, two types of trackers, namely correlation filter based tracker (CF tracker) and structured output tracker (Struck), have exhibited the state-of-the-art performance. However, there seems to be lack of analytic work on their relations in the computer vision community. In this paper, we investigate two state-of-the-art CF trackers, i.e., spatial regularization discriminative correlation filter (SRDCF) and correlation filter with limited boundaries (CFLB), and Struck, and reveal their relations. Specifically, after extending the CFLB to its multiple channel version we prove the relation between SRDCF and CFLB on the condition that the spatial regularization factor of SRDCF is replaced by the masking matrix of CFLB. We also prove the asymptotical approximate relation between SRDCF and Struck on the conditions that the spatial regularization factor of SRDCF is replaced by an indicator function of object bounding box, the weights of SRDCF in its loss item are replaced by those of Struck, the linear kernel is employed by Struck, and the search region tends to infinity. Extensive experiments on public benchmarks OTB50 and OTB100 are conducted to verify our theoretical results. Moreover, we explain how detailed differences among SRDCF, CFLB, and Struck would give rise to slightly different performances on visual sequence

    Robust Visual Tracking via Hierarchical Convolutional Features

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    In this paper, we propose to exploit the rich hierarchical features of deep convolutional neural networks to improve the accuracy and robustness of visual tracking. Deep neural networks trained on object recognition datasets consist of multiple convolutional layers. These layers encode target appearance with different levels of abstraction. For example, the outputs of the last convolutional layers encode the semantic information of targets and such representations are invariant to significant appearance variations. However, their spatial resolutions are too coarse to precisely localize the target. In contrast, features from earlier convolutional layers provide more precise localization but are less invariant to appearance changes. We interpret the hierarchical features of convolutional layers as a nonlinear counterpart of an image pyramid representation and explicitly exploit these multiple levels of abstraction to represent target objects. Specifically, we learn adaptive correlation filters on the outputs from each convolutional layer to encode the target appearance. We infer the maximum response of each layer to locate targets in a coarse-to-fine manner. To further handle the issues with scale estimation and re-detecting target objects from tracking failures caused by heavy occlusion or out-of-the-view movement, we conservatively learn another correlation filter, that maintains a long-term memory of target appearance, as a discriminative classifier. We apply the classifier to two types of object proposals: (1) proposals with a small step size and tightly around the estimated location for scale estimation; and (2) proposals with large step size and across the whole image for target re-detection. Extensive experimental results on large-scale benchmark datasets show that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against state-of-the-art tracking methods.Comment: To appear in T-PAMI 2018, project page at https://sites.google.com/site/chaoma99/hcft-trackin