436 research outputs found

    Review of Person Re-identification Techniques

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    Person re-identification across different surveillance cameras with disjoint fields of view has become one of the most interesting and challenging subjects in the area of intelligent video surveillance. Although several methods have been developed and proposed, certain limitations and unresolved issues remain. In all of the existing re-identification approaches, feature vectors are extracted from segmented still images or video frames. Different similarity or dissimilarity measures have been applied to these vectors. Some methods have used simple constant metrics, whereas others have utilised models to obtain optimised metrics. Some have created models based on local colour or texture information, and others have built models based on the gait of people. In general, the main objective of all these approaches is to achieve a higher-accuracy rate and lowercomputational costs. This study summarises several developments in recent literature and discusses the various available methods used in person re-identification. Specifically, their advantages and disadvantages are mentioned and compared.Comment: Published 201

    Human Gait Recognition from Motion Capture Data in Signature Poses

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    Most contribution to the field of structure-based human gait recognition has been done through design of extraordinary gait features. Many research groups that address this topic introduce a unique combination of gait features, select a couple of well-known object classiers, and test some variations of their methods on their custom Kinect databases. For a practical system, it is not necessary to invent an ideal gait feature -- there have been many good geometric features designed -- but to smartly process the data there are at our disposal. This work proposes a gait recognition method without design of novel gait features; instead, we suggest an effective and highly efficient way of processing known types of features. Our method extracts a couple of joint angles from two signature poses within a gait cycle to form a gait pattern descriptor, and classifies the query subject by the baseline 1-NN classier. Not only are these poses distinctive enough, they also rarely accommodate motion irregularities that would result in confusion of identities. We experimentally demonstrate that our gait recognition method outperforms other relevant methods in terms of recognition rate and computational complexity. Evaluations were performed on an experimental database that precisely simulates street-level video surveillance environment

    Autonomous navigation for guide following in crowded indoor environments

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    The requirements for assisted living are rapidly changing as the number of elderly patients over the age of 60 continues to increase. This rise places a high level of stress on nurse practitioners who must care for more patients than they are capable. As this trend is expected to continue, new technology will be required to help care for patients. Mobile robots present an opportunity to help alleviate the stress on nurse practitioners by monitoring and performing remedial tasks for elderly patients. In order to produce mobile robots with the ability to perform these tasks, however, many challenges must be overcome. The hospital environment requires a high level of safety to prevent patient injury. Any facility that uses mobile robots, therefore, must be able to ensure that no harm will come to patients whilst in a care environment. This requires the robot to build a high level of understanding about the environment and the people with close proximity to the robot. Hitherto, most mobile robots have used vision-based sensors or 2D laser range finders. 3D time-of-flight sensors have recently been introduced and provide dense 3D point clouds of the environment at real-time frame rates. This provides mobile robots with previously unavailable dense information in real-time. I investigate the use of time-of-flight cameras for mobile robot navigation in crowded environments in this thesis. A unified framework to allow the robot to follow a guide through an indoor environment safely and efficiently is presented. Each component of the framework is analyzed in detail, with real-world scenarios illustrating its practical use. Time-of-flight cameras are relatively new sensors and, therefore, have inherent problems that must be overcome to receive consistent and accurate data. I propose a novel and practical probabilistic framework to overcome many of the inherent problems in this thesis. The framework fuses multiple depth maps with color information forming a reliable and consistent view of the world. In order for the robot to interact with the environment, contextual information is required. To this end, I propose a region-growing segmentation algorithm to group points based on surface characteristics, surface normal and surface curvature. The segmentation process creates a distinct set of surfaces, however, only a limited amount of contextual information is available to allow for interaction. Therefore, a novel classifier is proposed using spherical harmonics to differentiate people from all other objects. The added ability to identify people allows the robot to find potential candidates to follow. However, for safe navigation, the robot must continuously track all visible objects to obtain positional and velocity information. A multi-object tracking system is investigated to track visible objects reliably using multiple cues, shape and color. The tracking system allows the robot to react to the dynamic nature of people by building an estimate of the motion flow. This flow provides the robot with the necessary information to determine where and at what speeds it is safe to drive. In addition, a novel search strategy is proposed to allow the robot to recover a guide who has left the field-of-view. To achieve this, a search map is constructed with areas of the environment ranked according to how likely they are to reveal the guide’s true location. Then, the robot can approach the most likely search area to recover the guide. Finally, all components presented are joined to follow a guide through an indoor environment. The results achieved demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed components

    Coupling camera-tracked humans with a simulated virtual crowd

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    Our objective with this paper is to show how we can couple a group of real people and a simulated crowd of virtual humans. We attach group behaviors to the simulated humans to get a plausible reaction to real people. We use a two stage system: in the first stage, a group of people are segmented from a live video, then a human detector algorithm extracts the positions of the people in the video, which are finally used to feed the second stage, the simulation system. The positions obtained by this process allow the second module to render the real humans as avatars in the scene, while the behavior of additional virtual humans is determined by using a simulation based on a social forces model. Developing the method required three specific contributions: a GPU implementation of the codebook algorithm that includes an auxiliary codebook to improve the background subtraction against illumination changes; the use of semantic local binary patterns as a human descriptor; the parallelization of a social forces model, in which we solve a case of agents merging with each other. The experimental results show how a large virtual crowd reacts to over a dozen humans in a real environment.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft