1 research outputs found

    Robust Monitoring of Hypovolemia in Intensive Care Patients Using Photoplethysmogram Signals

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    The paper presents a fingertip photoplethysmography based technique to assess patient fluid status that is robust to waveform artifacts and health variability in the underlying patient population. The technique is intended for use in intensive care units, where patients are at risk for hypovolemia, and signal artifacts and inter-patient variations in health are common. Input signals are preprocessed to remove artifact, then a parameter-invariant statistic is calculated to remove effects of patient-specific physiology. Patient data from the Physionet MIMICII database was used to evaluate the performance of this technique. The proposed method was able to detect hypovolemia within 24 hours of onset in all hypovolemic patients tested, while producing minimal false alarms over non-hypovolemic patients