1 research outputs found

    Spatially Continuous and High-resolution Land Surface Temperature: A Review of Reconstruction and Spatiotemporal Fusion Techniques

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    Remotely sensed, spatially continuous and high spatiotemporal resolution (hereafter referred to as high resolution) land surface temperature (LST) is a key parameter for studying the thermal environment and has important applications in many fields. However, difficult atmospheric conditions, sensor malfunctioning and scanning gaps between orbits frequently introduce spatial discontinuities into satellite-retri1eved LST products. For a single sensor, there is also a trade-off between temporal and spatial resolution and, therefore, it is impossible to obtain high temporal and spatial resolution simultaneously. In recent years the reconstruction and spatiotemporal fusion of LST products have become active research topics that aim at overcoming this limitation. They are two of most investigated approaches in thermal remote sensing and attract increasing attention, which has resulted in a number of different algorithms. However, to the best of our knowledge, currently no review exists that expatiates and summarizes the available LST reconstruction and spatiotemporal fusion methods and algorithms. This paper introduces the principles and theories behind LST reconstruction and spatiotemporal fusion and provides an overview of the published research and algorithms. We summarized three kinds of reconstruction methods for missing pixels (spatial, temporal and spatiotemporal methods), two kinds of reconstruction methods for cloudy pixels (Satellite Passive Microwave (PMW)-based and Surface Energy Balance (SEB)-based methods) and three kinds of spatiotemporal fusion methods (weighted function-based, unmixing-based and hybrid methods). The review concludes by summarizing validation methods and by identifying some promising future research directions for generating spatially continuous and high resolution LST products.Comment: 41 pages, 7 figures, 2 table