2,507 research outputs found

    Integration of biometrics and steganography: A comprehensive review

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    The use of an individual’s biometric characteristics to advance authentication and verification technology beyond the current dependence on passwords has been the subject of extensive research for some time. Since such physical characteristics cannot be hidden from the public eye, the security of digitised biometric data becomes paramount to avoid the risk of substitution or replay attacks. Biometric systems have readily embraced cryptography to encrypt the data extracted from the scanning of anatomical features. Significant amounts of research have also gone into the integration of biometrics with steganography to add a layer to the defence-in-depth security model, and this has the potential to augment both access control parameters and the secure transmission of sensitive biometric data. However, despite these efforts, the amalgamation of biometric and steganographic methods has failed to transition from the research lab into real-world applications. In light of this review of both academic and industry literature, we suggest that future research should focus on identifying an acceptable level steganographic embedding for biometric applications, securing exchange of steganography keys, identifying and address legal implications, and developing industry standards

    Temporary Access to Medical Records in Emergency Situations

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    Access to patients Electronic Health Records (EHR) is a daily operation in mainstream healthcare. However, having access to EHR in emergencies while is vitally important to save patients’ life, it could potentially lead to security breaches and violating patients’ privacy. In this regards, getting access to patients’ medical records in emergency situations is one of the issues that emergency responder teams are facing. This access can be temporary until patients reach hospitals or healthcare centers. In this paper, we aim to explore different technology-based solutions to give responders temporary access to patients\u27 medical records in emergency situations. The core of this study is patients and responders authentication methods that can save precious emergency time and protect the privacy and confidentiality of patients data to the utmost. We also have explored control access mechanism and security audits to increase the security of the procedure and patient privacy

    IOT based Security System for Auto Identifying Unlawful Activities using Biometric and Aadhar Card

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    In today’s era, where thefts are consecutively increasing, especially in banks, jewelry shops, stores, ATMs, etc, there is a need to either develop a new system or to improve the existing system, due to which the security in these areas can be enhanced. However, the traditional methods (CCTV cameras, alarm buttons) to handle the security issues in these areas are still available, but they have lots of limitations and drawbacks. So, in order to handle the security issues, this paper describes how the biometric and IoT (Internet of Things) techniques can greatly improve the existing traditional security system. Our proposed system uses biometric authentication using the fingerprint and iris pattern with the strength of IoT sensors, microcontroller and UIDAI aadhar server to enhance the security model and to cut the need of keeping extra employees in monitoring the security system

    Unrecognizable Yet Identifiable: Image Distortion with Preserved Embeddings

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    In the realm of security applications, biometric authentication systems play a crucial role, yet one often encounters challenges concerning privacy and security while developing one. One of the most fundamental challenges lies in avoiding storing biometrics directly in the storage but still achieving decently high accuracy. Addressing this issue, we contribute to both artificial intelligence and engineering fields. We introduce an innovative image distortion technique that effectively renders facial images unrecognizable to the eye while maintaining their identifiability by neural network models. From the theoretical perspective, we explore how reliable state-of-the-art biometrics recognition neural networks are by checking the maximal degree of image distortion, which leaves the predicted identity unchanged. On the other hand, applying this technique demonstrates a practical solution to the engineering challenge of balancing security, precision, and performance in biometric authentication systems. Through experimenting on the widely used datasets, we assess the effectiveness of our method in preserving AI feature representation and distorting relative to conventional metrics. We also compare our method with previously used approaches

    Development of Fingerprint Biometric Attendance System for Non-Academic Staff in a Tertiary Institution

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    Institutions, companies and organisations where security and net productivity is vital, access to certain areas must be controlled and monitored through an automated system of attendance. Managing people is a difficult task for most of the organizations and maintaining the attendance record is an important factor in people management. When considering the academic institute, taking the attendance of non-academic staff on daily basis and maintaining the records is a major task. Manually taking attendance and maintaining it for a long time adds to the difficulty of this task as well as wastes a lot of time. For this reason, an efficient system is proposed in this paper to solve the problem of manual attendance. This system takes attendance electronically with the help of a fingerprint recognition system, and all the records are saved for subsequent operations. Staff biometric attendance system employs an automated system to calculate attendance of staff in an organization and do further calculations of monthly attendance summary in order to reduce human errors during calculations. In essence, the proposed system can be employed in curbing the problems of lateness, buddy punching and truancy in any institution, organization or establishment. The proposed system will also improve the productivity of any organization if properly implemented. Keywords: Institution, Attendance, Biometric, Fingerprin

    Comprehensive Survey: Biometric User Authentication Application, Evaluation, and Discussion

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    This paper conducts an extensive review of biometric user authentication literature, addressing three primary research questions: (1) commonly used biometric traits and their suitability for specific applications, (2) performance factors such as security, convenience, and robustness, and potential countermeasures against cyberattacks, and (3) factors affecting biometric system accuracy and po-tential improvements. Our analysis delves into physiological and behavioral traits, exploring their pros and cons. We discuss factors influencing biometric system effectiveness and highlight areas for enhancement. Our study differs from previous surveys by extensively examining biometric traits, exploring various application domains, and analyzing measures to mitigate cyberattacks. This paper aims to inform researchers and practitioners about the biometric authentication landscape and guide future advancements

    Biometric encryption system for increased security

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    Security is very important in present day life. In this highly-interconnected world, most of our daily activities are computer based, and the data transactions are protected by passwords. These passwords identify various entities such as bank accounts, mobile phones, etc. People might reuse the same password, or passwords related to an individual that can lead to attacks. Indeed, remembering several passwords can become a tedious task. Biometrics is a science that measures an individual’s physical characteristics in a unique way. Thus, biometrics serves as a method to replace the cumbersome use of complex passwords. Our research uses the features of biometrics to efficiently implement a biometric encryption system with a high level of security

    Predictive biometrics: A review and analysis of predicting personal characteristics from biometric data

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    Interest in the exploitation of soft biometrics information has continued to develop over the last decade or so. In comparison with traditional biometrics, which focuses principally on person identification, the idea of soft biometrics processing is to study the utilisation of more general information regarding a system user, which is not necessarily unique. There are increasing indications that this type of data will have great value in providing complementary information for user authentication. However, the authors have also seen a growing interest in broadening the predictive capabilities of biometric data, encompassing both easily definable characteristics such as subject age and, most recently, `higher level' characteristics such as emotional or mental states. This study will present a selective review of the predictive capabilities, in the widest sense, of biometric data processing, providing an analysis of the key issues still adequately to be addressed if this concept of predictive biometrics is to be fully exploited in the future