4 research outputs found

    Direct Monocular Odometry Using Points and Lines

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    Most visual odometry algorithm for a monocular camera focuses on points, either by feature matching, or direct alignment of pixel intensity, while ignoring a common but important geometry entity: edges. In this paper, we propose an odometry algorithm that combines points and edges to benefit from the advantages of both direct and feature based methods. It works better in texture-less environments and is also more robust to lighting changes and fast motion by increasing the convergence basin. We maintain a depth map for the keyframe then in the tracking part, the camera pose is recovered by minimizing both the photometric error and geometric error to the matched edge in a probabilistic framework. In the mapping part, edge is used to speed up and increase stereo matching accuracy. On various public datasets, our algorithm achieves better or comparable performance than state-of-the-art monocular odometry methods. In some challenging texture-less environments, our algorithm reduces the state estimation error over 50%.Comment: ICRA 201

    RGB-D Odometry and SLAM

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    The emergence of modern RGB-D sensors had a significant impact in many application fields, including robotics, augmented reality (AR) and 3D scanning. They are low-cost, low-power and low-size alternatives to traditional range sensors such as LiDAR. Moreover, unlike RGB cameras, RGB-D sensors provide the additional depth information that removes the need of frame-by-frame triangulation for 3D scene reconstruction. These merits have made them very popular in mobile robotics and AR, where it is of great interest to estimate ego-motion and 3D scene structure. Such spatial understanding can enable robots to navigate autonomously without collisions and allow users to insert virtual entities consistent with the image stream. In this chapter, we review common formulations of odometry and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (known by its acronym SLAM) using RGB-D stream input. The two topics are closely related, as the former aims to track the incremental camera motion with respect to a local map of the scene, and the latter to jointly estimate the camera trajectory and the global map with consistency. In both cases, the standard approaches minimize a cost function using nonlinear optimization techniques. This chapter consists of three main parts: In the first part, we introduce the basic concept of odometry and SLAM and motivate the use of RGB-D sensors. We also give mathematical preliminaries relevant to most odometry and SLAM algorithms. In the second part, we detail the three main components of SLAM systems: camera pose tracking, scene mapping and loop closing. For each component, we describe different approaches proposed in the literature. In the final part, we provide a brief discussion on advanced research topics with the references to the state-of-the-art.Comment: This is the pre-submission version of the manuscript that was later edited and published as a chapter in RGB-D Image Analysis and Processin