3,153 research outputs found

    Tensor Computation: A New Framework for High-Dimensional Problems in EDA

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    Many critical EDA problems suffer from the curse of dimensionality, i.e. the very fast-scaling computational burden produced by large number of parameters and/or unknown variables. This phenomenon may be caused by multiple spatial or temporal factors (e.g. 3-D field solvers discretizations and multi-rate circuit simulation), nonlinearity of devices and circuits, large number of design or optimization parameters (e.g. full-chip routing/placement and circuit sizing), or extensive process variations (e.g. variability/reliability analysis and design for manufacturability). The computational challenges generated by such high dimensional problems are generally hard to handle efficiently with traditional EDA core algorithms that are based on matrix and vector computation. This paper presents "tensor computation" as an alternative general framework for the development of efficient EDA algorithms and tools. A tensor is a high-dimensional generalization of a matrix and a vector, and is a natural choice for both storing and solving efficiently high-dimensional EDA problems. This paper gives a basic tutorial on tensors, demonstrates some recent examples of EDA applications (e.g., nonlinear circuit modeling and high-dimensional uncertainty quantification), and suggests further open EDA problems where the use of tensor computation could be of advantage.Comment: 14 figures. Accepted by IEEE Trans. CAD of Integrated Circuits and System

    Bayesian Robust Tensor Factorization for Incomplete Multiway Data

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    We propose a generative model for robust tensor factorization in the presence of both missing data and outliers. The objective is to explicitly infer the underlying low-CP-rank tensor capturing the global information and a sparse tensor capturing the local information (also considered as outliers), thus providing the robust predictive distribution over missing entries. The low-CP-rank tensor is modeled by multilinear interactions between multiple latent factors on which the column sparsity is enforced by a hierarchical prior, while the sparse tensor is modeled by a hierarchical view of Student-tt distribution that associates an individual hyperparameter with each element independently. For model learning, we develop an efficient closed-form variational inference under a fully Bayesian treatment, which can effectively prevent the overfitting problem and scales linearly with data size. In contrast to existing related works, our method can perform model selection automatically and implicitly without need of tuning parameters. More specifically, it can discover the groundtruth of CP rank and automatically adapt the sparsity inducing priors to various types of outliers. In addition, the tradeoff between the low-rank approximation and the sparse representation can be optimized in the sense of maximum model evidence. The extensive experiments and comparisons with many state-of-the-art algorithms on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the superiorities of our method from several perspectives.Comment: in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 201

    A fluctuating boundary integral method for Brownian suspensions

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    We present a fluctuating boundary integral method (FBIM) for overdamped Brownian Dynamics (BD) of two-dimensional periodic suspensions of rigid particles of complex shape immersed in a Stokes fluid. We develop a novel approach for generating Brownian displacements that arise in response to the thermal fluctuations in the fluid. Our approach relies on a first-kind boundary integral formulation of a mobility problem in which a random surface velocity is prescribed on the particle surface, with zero mean and covariance proportional to the Green's function for Stokes flow (Stokeslet). This approach yields an algorithm that scales linearly in the number of particles for both deterministic and stochastic dynamics, handles particles of complex shape, achieves high order of accuracy, and can be generalized to three dimensions and other boundary conditions. We show that Brownian displacements generated by our method obey the discrete fluctuation-dissipation balance relation (DFDB). Based on a recently-developed Positively Split Ewald method [A. M. Fiore, F. Balboa Usabiaga, A. Donev and J. W. Swan, J. Chem. Phys., 146, 124116, 2017], near-field contributions to the Brownian displacements are efficiently approximated by iterative methods in real space, while far-field contributions are rapidly generated by fast Fourier-space methods based on fluctuating hydrodynamics. FBIM provides the key ingredient for time integration of the overdamped Langevin equations for Brownian suspensions of rigid particles. We demonstrate that FBIM obeys DFDB by performing equilibrium BD simulations of suspensions of starfish-shaped bodies using a random finite difference temporal integrator.Comment: Submitted to J. Comp. Phy
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