12,606 research outputs found

    Robust and fast global motion estimation oriented to video object segmentation

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    Most global motion estimation (GME) methods are oriented to video coding while video object segmentation either as-sume no global motion (GM) or directly adopt a coding-oriented method to compensate GM. This paper proposes a hierarchical differential GME oriented to object segmenta-tion. A combination of 3-step search and motion vector pre-diction is proposed for initial estimate. Two robust estima-tors are also proposed: to estimate global motion in the rst frame and to reject outliers using object information. Sub-jective and objective results show that the proposed method is more robust and faster than the reference methods. 1

    Interaction between high-level and low-level image analysis for semantic video object extraction

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    Point-wise mutual information-based video segmentation with high temporal consistency

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    In this paper, we tackle the problem of temporally consistent boundary detection and hierarchical segmentation in videos. While finding the best high-level reasoning of region assignments in videos is the focus of much recent research, temporal consistency in boundary detection has so far only rarely been tackled. We argue that temporally consistent boundaries are a key component to temporally consistent region assignment. The proposed method is based on the point-wise mutual information (PMI) of spatio-temporal voxels. Temporal consistency is established by an evaluation of PMI-based point affinities in the spectral domain over space and time. Thus, the proposed method is independent of any optical flow computation or previously learned motion models. The proposed low-level video segmentation method outperforms the learning-based state of the art in terms of standard region metrics

    Periodic Motion Detection and Estimation via Space-Time Sampling

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    A novel technique to detect and localize periodic movements in video is presented. The distinctive feature of the technique is that it requires neither feature tracking nor object segmentation. Intensity patterns along linear sample paths in space-time are used in estimation of period of object motion in a given sequence of frames. Sample paths are obtained by connecting (in space-time) sample points from regions of high motion magnitude in the first and last frames. Oscillations in intensity values are induced at time instants when an object intersects the sample path. The locations of peaks in intensity are determined by parameters of both cyclic object motion and orientation of the sample path with respect to object motion. The information about peaks is used in a least squares framework to obtain an initial estimate of these parameters. The estimate is further refined using the full intensity profile. The best estimate for the period of cyclic object motion is obtained by looking for consensus among estimates from many sample paths. The proposed technique is evaluated with synthetic videos where ground-truth is known, and with American Sign Language videos where the goal is to detect periodic hand motions.National Science Foundation (CNS-0202067, IIS-0308213, IIS-0329009); Office of Naval Research (N00014-03-1-0108
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