53 research outputs found

    Robust and Secure Wireless Communications via Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces

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    In this paper, intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs) are employed to enhance the physical layer security in a challenging radio environment. In particular, a multi-antenna access point (AP) has to serve multiple single-antenna legitimate users, which do not have line-of-sight communication links, in the presence of multiple multi-antenna potential eavesdroppers whose channel state information (CSI) is not perfectly known. Artificial noise (AN) is transmitted from the AP to deliberately impair the eavesdropping channels for security provisioning. We investigate the joint design of the beamformers and AN covariance matrix at the AP and the phase shifters at the IRSs for maximization of the system sum-rate while limiting the maximum information leakage to the potential eavesdroppers. To this end, we formulate a robust nonconvex optimization problem taking into account the impact of the imperfect CSI of the eavesdropping channels. To address the non-convexity of the optimization problem, an efficient algorithm is developed by capitalizing on alternating optimization, a penalty-based approach, successive convex approximation, and semidefinite relaxation. Simulation results show that IRSs can significantly improve the system secrecy performance compared to conventional architectures without IRS. Furthermore, our results unveil that, for physical layer security, uniformly distributing the reflecting elements among multiple IRSs is preferable over deploying them at a single IRS.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, submitted to IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Special Issue on Wireless Networks Empowered by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface

    Sum-Rate Maximization for Multiuser MISO Downlink Systems with Self-sustainable IRS

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    This paper investigates multiuser multi-input single-output (MISO) downlink communications assisted by a self-sustainable intelligent reflection surface (IRS), which can harvest power from the received signals. We study the joint design of the beamformer at an access point (AP) and the phase shifts and the power harvesting schedule at an IRS for maximizing the system sum-rate. The design is formulated as a non-convex optimization problem taking into account the capability of IRS elements to harvest wireless power for realizing self-sustainability. Subsequently, we propose a computationally-efficient alternating algorithm to obtain a suboptimal solution to the design problem. Our simulation results unveil that: 1) there is a non-trivial trade-off between the system sum-rate and self-sustainability in IRS-assisted systems; 2) the performance gain achieved by the proposed scheme is improved with an increasing number of IRS elements; 3) an IRS equipped with small bit-resolution discrete phase shifters is sufficient to achieve a considerable system sum-rate of an ideal case with continuous phase shifts.Comment: submitted to IEEE Global Commun. Conf. (GLOBECOM), Taiwan, Dec. 202

    Chernoff Bounds and Saddlepoint Approximations for the Outage Probability in Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Communication Systems

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    We analyze the outage probability of an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS)-assisted communication network. A tight upper bound on the outage probability is formulated based on the Chernoff inequality. Furthermore, through an exact asymptotic (a large number of reflecting elements) analysis based on a saddlepoint approximation, we derive closed-form expressions of the outage probability for systems with and without a direct link and obtain the corresponding diversity orders. Simulation results corroborate our theoretical analysis and show the inaccuracies inherent in using the central limit theorem (CLT) to analyze system performance. Our analysis is accurate even for a small number of IRS elements in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Secrecy Rate Maximization in Multi-IRS Millimeter Wave Networks

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    In this paper, the problem of physical layer security enhancement in a millimeter-wave (mmWave) network equipped with multiple Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces (IRSs) is investigated. In this network, the IRSs assist in signal transmission from the Base Station (BS) to desired users and at the same time in securing signals from an unauthorized eavesdropper. Our objective is to maximize the secrecy rate by jointly optimizing the active and passive beamformers at the base station and IRSs, respectively. The optimization problem is non-convex and hence, we solve it by decomposing it into two disjoint active and passive beamforming design sub-problems and then iteratively solving them by alternating and Semi-Definite Relaxation (SDR) techniques. Simulation results show the advantage of using multiple IRSs in secrecy rate enhancement of the mmWave networks. In additio12n, we show how the secrecy rate improves with the number of IRSs in the network and also with the number of reflecting elements at the IRS.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Robust and Secure Communications in Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted NOMA networks

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    This letter investigates secure transmission in an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) assisted non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) network. Consider a practical eavesdropping scenario with imperfect channel state information of the eavesdropper, we propose a robust beamforming scheme using artificial noise to guarantee secure NOMA transmission with the IRS. A joint transmit beamforming and IRS phase shift optimization problem is formulated to minimize the transmit power. Since the problem is non-convex and challenging to resolve, we develop an effective alternative optimization (AO) algorithm to obtain stationary point solutions. Simulation results validate the security advantage of the robust beamforming scheme and the effectiveness of the AO algorithm

    Power-Efficient Resource Allocation for Multiuser MISO Systems via Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces

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    Intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs) are regarded as key enablers of next-generation wireless communications, due to their capability of customizing the wireless propagation environment. In this paper, we investigate power-efficient resource allocation for IRS-assisted multiuser multiple-input single-output (MISO) systems. To minimize the transmit power, both the beamforming vectors at the access point (AP) and phase shifts at the IRS are jointly optimized while taking into account the minimum required quality-of-service (QoS) of the users. To tackle the non-convexity of the formulated optimization problem, an inner approximation (IA) algorithm is developed. Unlike existing designs, which cannot guarantee local optimality, the proposed algorithm is guaranteed to converge to a Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) solution. Our simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm compared to baseline schemes and reveal that deploying IRSs is more promising than leveraging multiple antennas at the AP in terms of energy efficiency.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to IEEE Global Commun. Conf. (GLOBECOM), Taiwan, Dec. 202

    Study of Intelligent Reflective Surface Assisted Communications with One-bit Phase Adjustments

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    We analyse the performance of a communication link assisted by an intelligent reflective surface (IRS) positioned in the far field of both the source and the destination. A direct link between the transmitting and receiving devices is assumed to exist. Perfect and imperfect phase adjustments at the IRS are considered. For the perfect phase configuration, we derive an approximate expression for the outage probability in closed form. For the imperfect phase configuration, we assume that each element of the IRS has a one-bit phase shifter (0{\deg}, 180{\deg}) and an expression for the outage probability is obtained in the form of an integral. Our formulation admits an exact asymptotic (high SNR) analysis, from which we obtain the diversity orders for systems with and without phase errors. We show these are N + 1 and (N + 3)/2, respectively. Numerical results confirm the theoretical analysis and verify that the reported results are more accurate than methods based on the central limit theorem (CLT).Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Accepted in 2020 IEEE GLOBECO

    Wireless Communication via Double IRS: Channel Estimation and Passive Beamforming Designs

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    In this letter, we study efficient channel estimation and passive beamforming designs for a double-intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) aided single-user communication system, where a user communicates with an access point (AP) via the cascaded user-IRS 1-IRS 2-AP double-reflection link. First, a general channel estimation scheme is proposed for the system under any arbitrary inter-IRS channel, where all coefficients of the cascaded channel are estimated. Next, for the typical scenario with a line-of-sight (LoS)-dominant inter-IRS channel, we propose another customized scheme to estimate two signature vectors of the rank-one cascaded channel with significantly less channel training time than the first scheme. For the two proposed channel estimation schemes, we further optimize their corresponding cooperative passive beamforming for data transmission to maximize the achievable rate with the training overhead and channel estimation error taken into account. Numerical results show that deploying two cooperative IRSs with the proposed channel estimation and passive beamforming designs achieves significant rate enhancement as compared to the conventional case of single IRS deployment.Comment: Submitted to IEEE for possible publication. This paper considers a new double-IRS aided communication system and studies its channel estimation and passive beamforming design

    Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Multicasting with Random Passive Beamforming

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    In this letter, we consider a multicast system where a single-antenna transmitter sends a common message to multiple single-antenna users, aided by an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) equipped with NN passive reflecting elements. Prior works on IRS have mostly assumed the availability of channel state information (CSI) for designing its passive beamforming. However, the acquisition of CSI requires substantial training overhead that increases with NN. In contrast, we propose in this letter a novel \emph{random passive beamforming} scheme, where the IRS performs independent random reflection for Q≥1Q\geq 1 times in each channel coherence interval without the need of CSI acquisition. For the proposed scheme, we first derive a closed-form approximation of the outage probability, based on which the optimal QQ with best outage performance can be efficiently obtained. Then, for the purpose of comparison, we derive a lower bound of the outage probability with traditional CSI-based passive beamforming. Numerical results show that a small QQ is preferred in the high-outage regime (or with high rate target) and the optimal QQ becomes larger as the outage probability decreases (or as the rate target decreases). Moreover, the proposed scheme significantly outperforms the CSI-based passive beamforming scheme with training overhead taken into consideration when NN and/or the number of users are large, thus offering a promising CSI-free alternative to existing CSI-based schemes.Comment: To appear in IEEE Wireless Communications Lette

    Resource Allocation for Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Assisted Cognitive Radio Networks

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    In this paper, we investigate resource allocation algorithm design for intelligent reflecting surface (IRS)-assisted multiuser cognitive radio (CR) systems. In particular, an IRS is deployed to mitigate the interference caused by the secondary network to the primary users. The beamforming vectors at the base station (BS) and the phase shift matrix at the IRS are jointly optimized for maximization of the sum rate of the secondary system. The algorithm design is formulated as a non-convex optimization problem taking into account the maximum interference tolerance of the primary users. To tackle the resulting non-convex optimization problem, we propose an alternating optimization-based suboptimal algorithm exploiting semidefinite relaxation, the penalty method, and successive convex approximation. Our simulation results show that the system sum rate is dramatically improved by our proposed scheme compared to two baseline schemes. Moreover, our results also illustrate the benefits of deploying IRSs in CR networks.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to conferenc
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