5 research outputs found

    Particle Filter Re-detection for Visual Tracking via Correlation Filters

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    Most of the correlation filter based tracking algorithms can achieve good performance and maintain fast computational speed. However, in some complicated tracking scenes, there is a fatal defect that causes the object to be located inaccurately. In order to address this problem, we propose a particle filter redetection based tracking approach for accurate object localization. During the tracking process, the kernelized correlation filter (KCF) based tracker locates the object by relying on the maximum response value of the response map; when the response map becomes ambiguous, the KCF tracking result becomes unreliable. Our method can provide more candidates by particle resampling to detect the object accordingly. Additionally, we give a new object scale evaluation mechanism, which merely considers the differences between the maximum response values in consecutive frames. Extensive experiments on OTB2013 and OTB2015 datasets demonstrate that the proposed tracker performs favorably in relation to the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Hierarchical Spatial-aware Siamese Network for Thermal Infrared Object Tracking

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    Most thermal infrared (TIR) tracking methods are discriminative, treating the tracking problem as a classification task. However, the objective of the classifier (label prediction) is not coupled to the objective of the tracker (location estimation). The classification task focuses on the between-class difference of the arbitrary objects, while the tracking task mainly deals with the within-class difference of the same objects. In this paper, we cast the TIR tracking problem as a similarity verification task, which is coupled well to the objective of the tracking task. We propose a TIR tracker via a Hierarchical Spatial-aware Siamese Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), named HSSNet. To obtain both spatial and semantic features of the TIR object, we design a Siamese CNN that coalesces the multiple hierarchical convolutional layers. Then, we propose a spatial-aware network to enhance the discriminative ability of the coalesced hierarchical feature. Subsequently, we train this network end to end on a large visible video detection dataset to learn the similarity between paired objects before we transfer the network into the TIR domain. Next, this pre-trained Siamese network is used to evaluate the similarity between the target template and target candidates. Finally, we locate the candidate that is most similar to the tracked target. Extensive experimental results on the benchmarks VOT-TIR 2015 and VOT-TIR 2016 show that our proposed method achieves favourable performance compared to the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Material Based Object Tracking in Hyperspectral Videos: Benchmark and Algorithms

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    Traditional color images only depict color intensities in red, green and blue channels, often making object trackers fail in challenging scenarios, e.g., background clutter and rapid changes of target appearance. Alternatively, material information of targets contained in a large amount of bands of hyperspectral images (HSI) is more robust to these difficult conditions. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive study on how material information can be utilized to boost object tracking from three aspects: benchmark dataset, material feature representation and material based tracking. In terms of benchmark, we construct a dataset of fully-annotated videos, which contain both hyperspectral and color sequences of the same scene. Material information is represented by spectral-spatial histogram of multidimensional gradient, which describes the 3D local spectral-spatial structure in an HSI, and fractional abundances of constituted material components which encode the underlying material distribution. These two types of features are embedded into correlation filters, yielding material based tracking. Experimental results on the collected benchmark dataset show the potentials and advantages of material based object tracking.Comment: Update result

    Learning Deep Multi-Level Similarity for Thermal Infrared Object Tracking

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    Existing deep Thermal InfraRed (TIR) trackers only use semantic features to describe the TIR object, which lack the sufficient discriminative capacity for handling distractors. This becomes worse when the feature extraction network is only trained on RGB images.To address this issue, we propose a multi-level similarity model under a Siamese framework for robust TIR object tracking. Specifically, we compute different pattern similarities on two convolutional layers using the proposed multi-level similarity network. One of them focuses on the global semantic similarity and the other computes the local structural similarity of the TIR object. These two similarities complement each other and hence enhance the discriminative capacity of the network for handling distractors. In addition, we design a simple while effective relative entropy based ensemble subnetwork to integrate the semantic and structural similarities. This subnetwork can adaptive learn the weights of the semantic and structural similarities at the training stage. To further enhance the discriminative capacity of the tracker, we construct the first large scale TIR video sequence dataset for training the proposed model. The proposed TIR dataset not only benefits the training for TIR tracking but also can be applied to numerous TIR vision tasks. Extensive experimental results on the VOT-TIR2015 and VOT-TIR2017 benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 18 page

    AMIL: Adversarial Multi Instance Learning for Human Pose Estimation

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    Human pose estimation has an important impact on a wide range of applications from human-computer interface to surveillance and content-based video retrieval. For human pose estimation, joint obstructions and overlapping upon human bodies result in departed pose estimation. To address these problems, by integrating priors of the structure of human bodies, we present a novel structure-aware network to discreetly consider such priors during the training of the network. Typically, learning such constraints is a challenging task. Instead, we propose generative adversarial networks as our learning model in which we design two residual multiple instance learning (MIL) models with the identical architecture, one is used as the generator and the other one is used as the discriminator. The discriminator task is to distinguish the actual poses from the fake ones. If the pose generator generates the results that the discriminator is not able to distinguish from the real ones, the model has successfully learnt the priors. In the proposed model, the discriminator differentiates the ground-truth heatmaps from the generated ones, and later the adversarial loss back-propagates to the generator. Such procedure assists the generator to learn reasonable body configurations and is proved to be advantageous to improve the pose estimation accuracy. Meanwhile, we propose a novel function for MIL. It is an adjustable structure for both instance selection and modeling to appropriately pass the information between instances in a single bag. In the proposed residual MIL neural network, the pooling action adequately updates the instance contribution to its bag. The proposed adversarial residual multi-instance neural network that is based on pooling has been validated on two datasets for the human pose estimation task and successfully outperforms the other state-of-arts models