2 research outputs found

    Siamese Natural Language Tracker: Tracking by Natural Language Descriptions with Siamese Trackers

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    We propose a novel Siamese Natural Language Tracker (SNLT), which brings the advancements in visual tracking to the tracking by natural language (NL) descriptions task. The proposed SNLT is applicable to a wide range of Siamese trackers, providing a new class of baselines for the tracking by NL task and promising future improvements from the advancements of Siamese trackers. The carefully designed architecture of the Siamese Natural Language Region Proposal Network (SNL-RPN), together with the Dynamic Aggregation of vision and language modalities, is introduced to perform the tracking by NL task. Empirical results over tracking benchmarks with NL annotations show that the proposed SNLT improves Siamese trackers by 3 to 7 percentage points with a slight tradeoff of speed. The proposed SNLT outperforms all NL trackers to-date and is competitive among state-of-the-art real-time trackers on LaSOT benchmarks while running at 50 frames per second on a single GPU.Comment: CVPR 202

    Towards More Flexible and Accurate Object Tracking with Natural Language: Algorithms and Benchmark

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    Tracking by natural language specification is a new rising research topic that aims at locating the target object in the video sequence based on its language description. Compared with traditional bounding box (BBox) based tracking, this setting guides object tracking with high-level semantic information, addresses the ambiguity of BBox, and links local and global search organically together. Those benefits may bring more flexible, robust and accurate tracking performance in practical scenarios. However, existing natural language initialized trackers are developed and compared on benchmark datasets proposed for tracking-by-BBox, which can't reflect the true power of tracking-by-language. In this work, we propose a new benchmark specifically dedicated to the tracking-by-language, including a large scale dataset, strong and diverse baseline methods. Specifically, we collect 2k video sequences (contains a total of 1,244,340 frames, 663 words) and split 1300/700 for the train/testing respectively. We densely annotate one sentence in English and corresponding bounding boxes of the target object for each video. We also introduce two new challenges into TNL2K for the object tracking task, i.e., adversarial samples and modality switch. A strong baseline method based on an adaptive local-global-search scheme is proposed for future works to compare. We believe this benchmark will greatly boost related researches on natural language guided tracking.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 202