4 research outputs found

    Robust Triple-Matrix-Recovery-Based Auto-Weighted Label Propagation for Classification

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    The graph-based semi-supervised label propagation algorithm has delivered impressive classification results. However, the estimated soft labels typically contain mixed signs and noise, which cause inaccurate predictions due to the lack of suitable constraints. Moreover, available methods typically calculate the weights and estimate the labels in the original input space, which typically contains noise and corruption. Thus, the en-coded similarities and manifold smoothness may be inaccurate for label estimation. In this paper, we present effective schemes for resolving these issues and propose a novel and robust semi-supervised classification algorithm, namely, the tri-ple-matrix-recovery-based robust auto-weighted label propa-gation framework (ALP-TMR). Our ALP-TMR introduces a triple matrix recovery mechanism to remove noise or mixed signs from the estimated soft labels and improve the robustness to noise and outliers in the steps of assigning weights and pre-dicting the labels simultaneously. Our method can jointly re-cover the underlying clean data, clean labels and clean weighting spaces by decomposing the original data, predicted soft labels or weights into a clean part plus an error part by fitting noise. In addition, ALP-TMR integrates the au-to-weighting process by minimizing reconstruction errors over the recovered clean data and clean soft labels, which can en-code the weights more accurately to improve both data rep-resentation and classification. By classifying samples in the recovered clean label and weight spaces, one can potentially improve the label prediction results. The results of extensive experiments demonstrated the satisfactory performance of our ALP-TMR.Comment: Accepted by IEEE TNNNL

    One-bit Supervision for Image Classification

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    This paper presents one-bit supervision, a novel setting of learning from incomplete annotations, in the scenario of image classification. Instead of training a model upon the accurate label of each sample, our setting requires the model to query with a predicted label of each sample and learn from the answer whether the guess is correct. This provides one bit (yes or no) of information, and more importantly, annotating each sample becomes much easier than finding the accurate label from many candidate classes. There are two keys to training a model upon one-bit supervision: improving the guess accuracy and making use of incorrect guesses. For these purposes, we propose a multi-stage training paradigm which incorporates negative label suppression into an off-the-shelf semi-supervised learning algorithm. In three popular image classification benchmarks, our approach claims higher efficiency in utilizing the limited amount of annotations

    Multilayer Collaborative Low-Rank Coding Network for Robust Deep Subspace Discovery

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    For subspace recovery, most existing low-rank representation (LRR) models performs in the original space in single-layer mode. As such, the deep hierarchical information cannot be learned, which may result in inaccurate recoveries for complex real data. In this paper, we explore the deep multi-subspace recovery problem by designing a multilayer architecture for latent LRR. Technically, we propose a new Multilayer Collabora-tive Low-Rank Representation Network model termed DeepLRR to discover deep features and deep subspaces. In each layer (>2), DeepLRR bilinearly reconstructs the data matrix by the collabo-rative representation with low-rank coefficients and projection matrices in the previous layer. The bilinear low-rank reconstruc-tion of previous layer is directly fed into the next layer as the input and low-rank dictionary for representation learning, and is further decomposed into a deep principal feature part, a deep salient feature part and a deep sparse error. As such, the coher-ence issue can be also resolved due to the low-rank dictionary, and the robustness against noise can also be enhanced in the feature subspace. To recover the sparse errors in layers accurately, a dynamic growing strategy is used, as the noise level will be-come smaller for the increase of layers. Besides, a neighborhood reconstruction error is also included to encode the locality of deep salient features by deep coefficients adaptively in each layer. Extensive results on public databases show that our DeepLRR outperforms other related models for subspace discovery and clustering.Comment: Accepted by the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020

    NRGNN: Learning a Label Noise-Resistant Graph Neural Network on Sparsely and Noisily Labeled Graphs

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    Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved promising results for semi-supervised learning tasks on graphs such as node classification. Despite the great success of GNNs, many real-world graphs are often sparsely and noisily labeled, which could significantly degrade the performance of GNNs, as the noisy information could propagate to unlabeled nodes via graph structure. Thus, it is important to develop a label noise-resistant GNN for semi-supervised node classification. Though extensive studies have been conducted to learn neural networks with noisy labels, they mostly focus on independent and identically distributed data and assume a large number of noisy labels are available, which are not directly applicable for GNNs. Thus, we investigate a novel problem of learning a robust GNN with noisy and limited labels. To alleviate the negative effects of label noise, we propose to link the unlabeled nodes with labeled nodes of high feature similarity to bring more clean label information. Furthermore, accurate pseudo labels could be obtained by this strategy to provide more supervision and further reduce the effects of label noise. Our theoretical and empirical analysis verify the effectiveness of these two strategies under mild conditions. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in learning a robust GNN with noisy and limited labels