5 research outputs found

    The effect of block-wise feedback on the throughput-delay trade-off in streaming

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    Unlike traditional file transfer where only total delay matters, streaming applications impose delay constraints on each packet and require them to be in order. To achieve fast in-order packet decoding, we have to compromise on the throughput. We study this trade-off between throughput and in-order decoding delay, and in particular how it is affected by the frequency of block-wise feedback, whereby the source receives full channel state feedback at periodic intervals. Our analysis shows that for the same throughput, having more frequent feedback significantly reduces the in-order decoding delay. For any given block-wise feedback delay, we present a spectrum of coding schemes that span different throughput-delay tradeoffs. One can choose an appropriate coding scheme from these, depending upon the delay-sensitivity and bandwidth limitations of the application

    Robust streaming erasure codes based on deterministic channel approximations

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    Abstract—We study near optimal error correction codes for real-time communication. In our setup the encoder must operate on an incoming source stream in a sequential manner, and the decoder must reconstruct each source packet within a fixed playback deadline of T packets. The underlying channel is a packet erasure channel that can introduce both burst and isolated losses. We first consider a class of channels that in any window of length T + 1 introduce either a single erasure burst of a given maximum length B, or a certain maximum number N of isolated erasures. We demonstrate that for a fixed rate and delay, there exists a tradeoff between the achievable values of B and N, and propose a family of codes that is near optimal with respect to this tradeoff. We also consider another class of channels that introduce both a burst and an isolated loss in each window of interest and develop the associated streaming codes. All our constructions are based on a layered design and pro-vide significant improvements over baseline codes in simulations over the Gilbert-Elliott channel. I