38,604 research outputs found

    Robust Sequential Detection in Distributed Sensor Networks

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    We consider the problem of sequential binary hypothesis testing with a distributed sensor network in a non-Gaussian noise environment. To this end, we present a general formulation of the Consensus + Innovations Sequential Probability Ratio Test (CISPRT). Furthermore, we introduce two different concepts for robustifying the CISPRT and propose four different algorithms, namely, the Least-Favorable-Density-CISPRT, the Median-CISPRT, the M-CISPRT, and the Myriad-CISPRT. Subsequently, we analyze their suitability for different binary hypothesis tests before verifying and evaluating their performance in a shift-in-mean and a shift-in-variance scenario.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Multi-Target Tracking in Distributed Sensor Networks using Particle PHD Filters

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    Multi-target tracking is an important problem in civilian and military applications. This paper investigates multi-target tracking in distributed sensor networks. Data association, which arises particularly in multi-object scenarios, can be tackled by various solutions. We consider sequential Monte Carlo implementations of the Probability Hypothesis Density (PHD) filter based on random finite sets. This approach circumvents the data association issue by jointly estimating all targets in the region of interest. To this end, we develop the Diffusion Particle PHD Filter (D-PPHDF) as well as a centralized version, called the Multi-Sensor Particle PHD Filter (MS-PPHDF). Their performance is evaluated in terms of the Optimal Subpattern Assignment (OSPA) metric, benchmarked against a distributed extension of the Posterior Cram\'er-Rao Lower Bound (PCRLB), and compared to the performance of an existing distributed PHD Particle Filter. Furthermore, the robustness of the proposed tracking algorithms against outliers and their performance with respect to different amounts of clutter is investigated.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    Distributed Change Detection via Average Consensus over Networks

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    Distributed change-point detection has been a fundamental problem when performing real-time monitoring using sensor-networks. We propose a distributed detection algorithm, where each sensor only exchanges CUSUM statistic with their neighbors based on the average consensus scheme, and an alarm is raised when local consensus statistic exceeds a pre-specified global threshold. We provide theoretical performance bounds showing that the performance of the fully distributed scheme can match the centralized algorithms under some mild conditions. Numerical experiments demonstrate the good performance of the algorithm especially in detecting asynchronous changes.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Detection techniques of selective forwarding attacks in wireless sensor networks: a survey

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    The wireless sensor network has become a hot research area due its wide range of application in military and civilian domain, but as it uses wireless media for communication these are easily prone to security attacks. There are number of attacks on wireless sensor networks like black hole attack, sink hole attack, Sybil attack, selective forwarding attacks etc. in this paper we will concentrate on selective forwarding attacks In selective forwarding attacks, malicious nodes behave like normal nodes and selectively drop packets. The selection of dropping nodes may be random. Identifying such attacks is very difficult and sometimes impossible. In this paper we have listed up some detection techniques, which have been proposed by different researcher in recent years, there we also have tabular representation of qualitative analysis of detection techniquesComment: 6 Page
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