3 research outputs found

    Edge Dithering for Robust Adaptive Graph Convolutional Networks

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    Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) are vulnerable to perturbations of the graph structure that are either random, or, adversarially designed. The perturbed links modify the graph neighborhoods, which critically affects the performance of GCNs in semi-supervised learning (SSL) tasks. Aiming at robustifying GCNs conditioned on the perturbed graph, the present paper generates multiple auxiliary graphs, each having its binary 0-1 edge weights flip values with probabilities designed to enhance robustness. The resultant edge-dithered auxiliary graphs are leveraged by an adaptive (A)GCN that performs SSL. Robustness is enabled through learnable graph-combining weights along with suitable regularizers. Relative to GCN, the novel AGCN achieves markedly improved performance in tests with noisy inputs, graph perturbations, and state-of-the-art adversarial attacks. Further experiments with protein interaction networks showcase the competitive performance of AGCN for SSL over multiple graphs

    Tensor Graph Convolutional Networks for Multi-relational and Robust Learning

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    The era of "data deluge" has sparked renewed interest in graph-based learning methods and their widespread applications ranging from sociology and biology to transportation and communications. In this context of graph-aware methods, the present paper introduces a tensor-graph convolutional network (TGCN) for scalable semi-supervised learning (SSL) from data associated with a collection of graphs, that are represented by a tensor. Key aspects of the novel TGCN architecture are the dynamic adaptation to different relations in the tensor graph via learnable weights, and the consideration of graph-based regularizers to promote smoothness and alleviate over-parameterization. The ultimate goal is to design a powerful learning architecture able to: discover complex and highly nonlinear data associations, combine (and select) multiple types of relations, scale gracefully with the graph size, and remain robust to perturbations on the graph edges. The proposed architecture is relevant not only in applications where the nodes are naturally involved in different relations (e.g., a multi-relational graph capturing family, friendship and work relations in a social network), but also in robust learning setups where the graph entails a certain level of uncertainty, and the different tensor slabs correspond to different versions (realizations) of the nominal graph. Numerical tests showcase that the proposed architecture achieves markedly improved performance relative to standard GCNs, copes with state-of-the-art adversarial attacks, and leads to remarkable SSL performance over protein-to-protein interaction networks.Comment: Graph Convolutinal Networks, Robustness, Adversarial Attacks, Semi-supervised learning, Multi-relational/Heterogenous networks. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1910.09590, arXiv:1811.0206

    Generalized Matrix Means for Semi-Supervised Learning with Multilayer Graphs

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    We study the task of semi-supervised learning on multilayer graphs by taking into account both labeled and unlabeled observations together with the information encoded by each individual graph layer. We propose a regularizer based on the generalized matrix mean, which is a one-parameter family of matrix means that includes the arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means as particular cases. We analyze it in expectation under a Multilayer Stochastic Block Model and verify numerically that it outperforms state of the art methods. Moreover, we introduce a matrix-free numerical scheme based on contour integral quadratures and Krylov subspace solvers that scales to large sparse multilayer graphs.Comment: Accepted in NeurIPS 201