4,139 research outputs found

    Outlier Detection Using Nonconvex Penalized Regression

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    This paper studies the outlier detection problem from the point of view of penalized regressions. Our regression model adds one mean shift parameter for each of the nn data points. We then apply a regularization favoring a sparse vector of mean shift parameters. The usual L1L_1 penalty yields a convex criterion, but we find that it fails to deliver a robust estimator. The L1L_1 penalty corresponds to soft thresholding. We introduce a thresholding (denoted by Θ\Theta) based iterative procedure for outlier detection (Θ\Theta-IPOD). A version based on hard thresholding correctly identifies outliers on some hard test problems. We find that Θ\Theta-IPOD is much faster than iteratively reweighted least squares for large data because each iteration costs at most O(np)O(np) (and sometimes much less) avoiding an O(np2)O(np^2) least squares estimate. We describe the connection between Θ\Theta-IPOD and MM-estimators. Our proposed method has one tuning parameter with which to both identify outliers and estimate regression coefficients. A data-dependent choice can be made based on BIC. The tuned Θ\Theta-IPOD shows outstanding performance in identifying outliers in various situations in comparison to other existing approaches. This methodology extends to high-dimensional modeling with pnp\gg n, if both the coefficient vector and the outlier pattern are sparse

    Robust Subspace Learning: Robust PCA, Robust Subspace Tracking, and Robust Subspace Recovery

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    PCA is one of the most widely used dimension reduction techniques. A related easier problem is "subspace learning" or "subspace estimation". Given relatively clean data, both are easily solved via singular value decomposition (SVD). The problem of subspace learning or PCA in the presence of outliers is called robust subspace learning or robust PCA (RPCA). For long data sequences, if one tries to use a single lower dimensional subspace to represent the data, the required subspace dimension may end up being quite large. For such data, a better model is to assume that it lies in a low-dimensional subspace that can change over time, albeit gradually. The problem of tracking such data (and the subspaces) while being robust to outliers is called robust subspace tracking (RST). This article provides a magazine-style overview of the entire field of robust subspace learning and tracking. In particular solutions for three problems are discussed in detail: RPCA via sparse+low-rank matrix decomposition (S+LR), RST via S+LR, and "robust subspace recovery (RSR)". RSR assumes that an entire data vector is either an outlier or an inlier. The S+LR formulation instead assumes that outliers occur on only a few data vector indices and hence are well modeled as sparse corruptions.Comment: To appear, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, July 201

    Computational Methods for Sparse Solution of Linear Inverse Problems

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    The goal of the sparse approximation problem is to approximate a target signal using a linear combination of a few elementary signals drawn from a fixed collection. This paper surveys the major practical algorithms for sparse approximation. Specific attention is paid to computational issues, to the circumstances in which individual methods tend to perform well, and to the theoretical guarantees available. Many fundamental questions in electrical engineering, statistics, and applied mathematics can be posed as sparse approximation problems, making these algorithms versatile and relevant to a plethora of applications