116,665 research outputs found

    Correlation Flow: Robust Optical Flow Using Kernel Cross-Correlators

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    Robust velocity and position estimation is crucial for autonomous robot navigation. The optical flow based methods for autonomous navigation have been receiving increasing attentions in tandem with the development of micro unmanned aerial vehicles. This paper proposes a kernel cross-correlator (KCC) based algorithm to determine optical flow using a monocular camera, which is named as correlation flow (CF). Correlation flow is able to provide reliable and accurate velocity estimation and is robust to motion blur. In addition, it can also estimate the altitude velocity and yaw rate, which are not available by traditional methods. Autonomous flight tests on a quadcopter show that correlation flow can provide robust trajectory estimation with very low processing power. The source codes are released based on the ROS framework.Comment: 2018 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2018

    Combining Stereo Disparity and Optical Flow for Basic Scene Flow

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    Scene flow is a description of real world motion in 3D that contains more information than optical flow. Because of its complexity there exists no applicable variant for real-time scene flow estimation in an automotive or commercial vehicle context that is sufficiently robust and accurate. Therefore, many applications estimate the 2D optical flow instead. In this paper, we examine the combination of top-performing state-of-the-art optical flow and stereo disparity algorithms in order to achieve a basic scene flow. On the public KITTI Scene Flow Benchmark we demonstrate the reasonable accuracy of the combination approach and show its speed in computation.Comment: Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium (CVTS), 201

    Robust fetoscopic mosaicking from deep learned flow fields

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    PURPOSE: Fetoscopic laser photocoagulation is a minimally invasive procedure to treat twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome during pregnancy by stopping irregular blood flow in the placenta. Building an image mosaic of the placenta and its network of vessels could assist surgeons to navigate in the challenging fetoscopic environment during the procedure. METHODOLOGY: We propose a fetoscopic mosaicking approach by combining deep learning-based optical flow with robust estimation for filtering inconsistent motions that occurs due to floating particles and specularities. While the current state of the art for fetoscopic mosaicking relies on clearly visible vessels for registration, our approach overcomes this limitation by considering the motion of all consistent pixels within consecutive frames. We also overcome the challenges in applying off-the-shelf optical flow to fetoscopic mosaicking through the use of robust estimation and local refinement. RESULTS: We compare our proposed method against the state-of-the-art vessel-based and optical flow-based image registration methods, and robust estimation alternatives. We also compare our proposed pipeline using different optical flow and robust estimation alternatives. CONCLUSIONS: Through analysis of our results, we show that our method outperforms both the vessel-based state of the art and LK, noticeably when vessels are either poorly visible or too thin to be reliably identified. Our approach is thus able to build consistent placental vessel mosaics in challenging cases where currently available alternatives fail

    Towards Understanding Adversarial Robustness of Optical Flow Networks

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    Recent work demonstrated the lack of robustness of optical flow networks to physical, patch-based adversarial attacks. The possibility to physically attack a basic component of automotive systems is a reason for serious concerns. In this paper, we analyze the cause of the problem and show that the lack of robustness is rooted in the classical aperture problem of optical flow estimation in combination with bad choices in the details of the network architecture. We show how these mistakes can be rectified in order to make optical flow networks robust to physical, patch-based attacks. Additionally, we take a look at global white-box attacks in the scope of optical flow. We find that targeted white-box attacks can be crafted to bias flow estimation models towards any desired output, but this requires access to the input images and model weights. Our results indicate that optical flow networks are robust to universal attacks

    EpicFlow: Edge-Preserving Interpolation of Correspondences for Optical Flow

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    We propose a novel approach for optical flow estimation , targeted at large displacements with significant oc-clusions. It consists of two steps: i) dense matching by edge-preserving interpolation from a sparse set of matches; ii) variational energy minimization initialized with the dense matches. The sparse-to-dense interpolation relies on an appropriate choice of the distance, namely an edge-aware geodesic distance. This distance is tailored to handle occlusions and motion boundaries -- two common and difficult issues for optical flow computation. We also propose an approximation scheme for the geodesic distance to allow fast computation without loss of performance. Subsequent to the dense interpolation step, standard one-level variational energy minimization is carried out on the dense matches to obtain the final flow estimation. The proposed approach, called Edge-Preserving Interpolation of Correspondences (EpicFlow) is fast and robust to large displacements. It significantly outperforms the state of the art on MPI-Sintel and performs on par on Kitti and Middlebury

    Variational Optical Flow Estimation for Images with Spectral and Photometric Sensor Diversity

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    Motion estimation of objects in image sequences is an essential computer vision task. To this end, optical flow methods compute pixel-level motion, with the purpose of providing low-level input to higher-level algorithms and applications. Robust flow estimation is crucial for the success of applications, which in turn depends on the quality of the captured image data. This work explores the use of sensor diversity in the image data within a framework for variational optical flow. In particular, a custom image sensor setup intended for vehicle applications is tested. Experimental results demonstrate the improved flow estimation performance when IR sensitivity or flash illumination is added to the system