22 research outputs found

    LEAP Submission to CHiME-6 ASR Challenge}

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    This paper reports the LEAP submission to the CHiME-6 challenge. The CHiME-6 Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) challenge Track 1 involved the recognition of speech in noisy and reverberant acoustic conditions in home environments with multiple-party interactions. For the challenge submission, the LEAP system used extensive data augmentation and a factorized time-delay neural network (TDNN) architecture. We also explored a neural architecture that interleaved the TDNN layers with LSTM layers. The submitted system improved the Kaldi recipe by 2% in terms of relative word-error-rate improvements

    End-to-End Multi-Look Keyword Spotting

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    The performance of keyword spotting (KWS), measured in false alarms and false rejects, degrades significantly under the far field and noisy conditions. In this paper, we propose a multi-look neural network modeling for speech enhancement which simultaneously steers to listen to multiple sampled look directions. The multi-look enhancement is then jointly trained with KWS to form an end-to-end KWS model which integrates the enhanced signals from multiple look directions and leverages an attention mechanism to dynamically tune the model's attention to the reliable sources. We demonstrate, on our large noisy and far-field evaluation sets, that the proposed approach significantly improves the KWS performance against the baseline KWS system and a recent beamformer based multi-beam KWS system.Comment: Submitted to Interspeech202

    Improved Speaker-Dependent Separation for CHiME-5 Challenge

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    This paper summarizes several follow-up contributions for improving our submitted NWPU speaker-dependent system for CHiME-5 challenge, which aims to solve the problem of multi-channel, highly-overlapped conversational speech recognition in a dinner party scenario with reverberations and non-stationary noises. We adopt a speaker-aware training method by using i-vector as the target speaker information for multi-talker speech separation. With only one unified separation model for all speakers, we achieve a 10\% absolute improvement in terms of word error rate (WER) over the previous baseline of 80.28\% on the development set by leveraging our newly proposed data processing techniques and beamforming approach. With our improved back-end acoustic model, we further reduce WER to 60.15\% which surpasses the result of our submitted CHiME-5 challenge system without applying any fusion techniques.Comment: Submitted to Interspeech 2019, Graz, Austri

    Sequential Multi-Frame Neural Beamforming for Speech Separation and Enhancement

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    This work introduces sequential neural beamforming, which alternates between neural network based spectral separation and beamforming based spatial separation. Our neural networks for separation use an advanced convolutional architecture trained with a novel stabilized signal-to-noise ratio loss function. For beamforming, we explore multiple ways of computing time-varying covariance matrices, including factorizing the spatial covariance into a time-varying amplitude component and a time-invariant spatial component, as well as using block-based techniques. In addition, we introduce a multi-frame beamforming method which improves the results significantly by adding contextual frames to the beamforming formulations. We extensively evaluate and analyze the effects of window size, block size, and multi-frame context size for these methods. Our best method utilizes a sequence of three neural separation and multi-frame time-invariant spatial beamforming stages, and demonstrates an average improvement of 2.75 dB in scale-invariant signal-to-noise ratio and 14.2% absolute reduction in a comparative speech recognition metric across four challenging reverberant speech enhancement and separation tasks. We also use our three-speaker separation model to separate real recordings in the LibriCSS evaluation set into non-overlapping tracks, and achieve a better word error rate as compared to a baseline mask based beamformer.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, IEEE SLT 2021 (slt2020.org

    Improved MVDR Beamforming Using LSTM Speech Models to Clean Spatial Clustering Masks

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    Spatial clustering techniques can achieve significant multi-channel noise reduction across relatively arbitrary microphone configurations, but have difficulty incorporating a detailed speech/noise model. In contrast, LSTM neural networks have successfully been trained to recognize speech from noise on single-channel inputs, but have difficulty taking full advantage of the information in multi-channel recordings. This paper integrates these two approaches, training LSTM speech models to clean the masks generated by the Model-based EM Source Separation and Localization (MESSL) spatial clustering method. By doing so, it attains both the spatial separation performance and generality of multi-channel spatial clustering and the signal modeling performance of multiple parallel single-channel LSTM speech enhancers. Our experiments show that when our system is applied to the CHiME-3 dataset of noisy tablet recordings, it increases speech quality as measured by the Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) algorithm and reduces the word error rate of the baseline CHiME-3 speech recognizer, as compared to the default BeamformIt beamformer.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2012.0157

    Student-Teacher Learning for BLSTM Mask-based Speech Enhancement

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    Spectral mask estimation using bidirectional long short-term memory (BLSTM) neural networks has been widely used in various speech enhancement applications, and it has achieved great success when it is applied to multichannel enhancement techniques with a mask-based beamformer. However, when these masks are used for single channel speech enhancement they severely distort the speech signal and make them unsuitable for speech recognition. This paper proposes a student-teacher learning paradigm for single channel speech enhancement. The beamformed signal from multichannel enhancement is given as input to the teacher network to obtain soft masks. An additional cross-entropy loss term with the soft mask target is combined with the original loss, so that the student network with single-channel input is trained to mimic the soft mask obtained with multichannel input through beamforming. Experiments with the CHiME-4 challenge single channel track data shows improvement in ASR performance.Comment: Submitted for Interspeech 201

    Fast and Robust 3-D Sound Source Localization with DSVD-PHAT

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    This paper introduces a variant of the Singular Value Decomposition with Phase Transform (SVD-PHAT), named Difference SVD-PHAT (DSVD-PHAT), to achieve robust Sound Source Localization (SSL) in noisy conditions. Experiments are performed on a Baxter robot with a four-microphone planar array mounted on its head. Results show that this method offers similar robustness to noise as the state-of-the-art Multiple Signal Classification based on Generalized Singular Value Decomposition (GSVD-MUSIC) method, and considerably reduces the computational load by a factor of 250. This performance gain thus makes DSVD-PHAT appealing for real-time application on robots with limited on-board computing power

    Meeting Transcription Using Virtual Microphone Arrays

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    We describe a system that generates speaker-annotated transcripts of meetings by using a virtual microphone array, a set of spatially distributed asynchronous recording devices such as laptops and mobile phones. The system is composed of continuous audio stream alignment, blind beamforming, speech recognition, speaker diarization using prior speaker information, and system combination. When utilizing seven input audio streams, our system achieves a word error rate (WER) of 22.3% and comes within 3% of the close-talking microphone WER on the non-overlapping speech segments. The speaker-attributed WER (SAWER) is 26.7%. The relative gains in SAWER over the single-device system are 14.8%, 20.3%, and 22.4% for three, five, and seven microphones, respectively. The presented system achieves a 13.6% diarization error rate when 10% of the speech duration contains more than one speaker. The contribution of each component to the overall performance is also investigated, and we validate the system with experiments on the NIST RT-07 conference meeting test set

    Deep Bayesian Unsupervised Source Separation Based on a Complex Gaussian Mixture Model

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    This paper presents an unsupervised method that trains neural source separation by using only multichannel mixture signals. Conventional neural separation methods require a lot of supervised data to achieve excellent performance. Although multichannel methods based on spatial information can work without such training data, they are often sensitive to parameter initialization and degraded with the sources located close to each other. The proposed method uses a cost function based on a spatial model called a complex Gaussian mixture model (cGMM). This model has the time-frequency (TF) masks and direction of arrivals (DoAs) of sources as latent variables and is used for training separation and localization networks that respectively estimate these variables. This joint training solves the frequency permutation ambiguity of the spatial model in a unified deep Bayesian framework. In addition, the pre-trained network can be used not only for conducting monaural separation but also for efficiently initializing a multichannel separation algorithm. Experimental results with simulated speech mixtures showed that our method outperformed a conventional initialization method.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in 2019 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP

    Speaker Adapted Beamforming for Multi-Channel Automatic Speech Recognition

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    This paper presents, in the context of multi-channel ASR, a method to adapt a mask based, statistically optimal beamforming approach to a speaker of interest. The beamforming vector of the statistically optimal beamformer is computed by utilizing speech and noise masks, which are estimated by a neural network. The proposed adaptation approach is based on the integration of the beamformer, which includes the mask estimation network, and the acoustic model of the ASR system. This allows for the propagation of the training error, from the acoustic modeling cost function, all the way through the beamforming operation and through the mask estimation network. By using the results of a first pass recognition and by keeping all other parameters fixed, the mask estimation network can therefore be fine tuned by retraining. Utterances of a speaker of interest can thus be used in a two pass approach, to optimize the beamforming for the speech characteristics of that specific speaker. It is shown that this approach improves the ASR performance of a state-of-the-art multi-channel ASR system on the CHiME-4 data. Furthermore the effect of the adaptation on the estimated speech masks is discussed.Comment: submitted to IEEE SLT 201