21,841 research outputs found

    The Earth ain't Flat: Monocular Reconstruction of Vehicles on Steep and Graded Roads from a Moving Camera

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    Accurate localization of other traffic participants is a vital task in autonomous driving systems. State-of-the-art systems employ a combination of sensing modalities such as RGB cameras and LiDARs for localizing traffic participants, but most such demonstrations have been confined to plain roads. We demonstrate, to the best of our knowledge, the first results for monocular object localization and shape estimation on surfaces that do not share the same plane with the moving monocular camera. We approximate road surfaces by local planar patches and use semantic cues from vehicles in the scene to initialize a local bundle-adjustment like procedure that simultaneously estimates the pose and shape of the vehicles, and the orientation of the local ground plane on which the vehicle stands as well. We evaluate the proposed approach on the KITTI and SYNTHIA-SF benchmarks, for a variety of road plane configurations. The proposed approach significantly improves the state-of-the-art for monocular object localization on arbitrarily-shaped roads.Comment: Submitted to IROS 201

    Adaptive Lighting for Data-Driven Non-Line-of-Sight 3D Localization and Object Identification

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    Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging of objects not visible to either the camera or illumination source is a challenging task with vital applications including surveillance and robotics. Recent NLOS reconstruction advances have been achieved using time-resolved measurements which requires expensive and specialized detectors and laser sources. In contrast, we propose a data-driven approach for NLOS 3D localization and object identification requiring only a conventional camera and projector. To generalize to complex line-of-sight (LOS) scenes with non-planar surfaces and occlusions, we introduce an adaptive lighting algorithm. This algorithm, based on radiosity, identifies and illuminates scene patches in the LOS which most contribute to the NLOS light paths, and can factor in system power constraints. We achieve an average identification of 87.1% object identification for four classes of objects, and average localization of the NLOS object's centroid with a mean-squared error (MSE) of 1.97 cm in the occluded region for real data taken from a hardware prototype. These results demonstrate the advantage of combining the physics of light transport with active illumination for data-driven NLOS imaging

    LMap: Shape-Preserving Local Mappings for Biomedical Visualization

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    Visualization of medical organs and biological structures is a challenging task because of their complex geometry and the resultant occlusions. Global spherical and planar mapping techniques simplify the complex geometry and resolve the occlusions to aid in visualization. However, while resolving the occlusions these techniques do not preserve the geometric context, making them less suitable for mission-critical biomedical visualization tasks. In this paper, we present a shape-preserving local mapping technique for resolving occlusions locally while preserving the overall geometric context. More specifically, we present a novel visualization algorithm, LMap, for conformally parameterizing and deforming a selected local region-of-interest (ROI) on an arbitrary surface. The resultant shape-preserving local mappings help to visualize complex surfaces while preserving the overall geometric context. The algorithm is based on the robust and efficient extrinsic Ricci flow technique, and uses the dynamic Ricci flow algorithm to guarantee the existence of a local map for a selected ROI on an arbitrary surface. We show the effectiveness and efficacy of our method in three challenging use cases: (1) multimodal brain visualization, (2) optimal coverage of virtual colonoscopy centerline flythrough, and (3) molecular surface visualization.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(12): 3111-3122, 2018 (12 pages, 11 figures

    Cheap or Robust? The Practical Realization of Self-Driving Wheelchair Technology

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    To date, self-driving experimental wheelchair technologies have been either inexpensive or robust, but not both. Yet, in order to achieve real-world acceptance, both qualities are fundamentally essential. We present a unique approach to achieve inexpensive and robust autonomous and semi-autonomous assistive navigation for existing fielded wheelchairs, of which there are approximately 5 million units in Canada and United States alone. Our prototype wheelchair platform is capable of localization and mapping, as well as robust obstacle avoidance, using only a commodity RGB-D sensor and wheel odometry. As a specific example of the navigation capabilities, we focus on the single most common navigation problem: the traversal of narrow doorways in arbitrary environments. The software we have developed is generalizable to corridor following, desk docking, and other navigation tasks that are either extremely difficult or impossible for people with upper-body mobility impairments.Comment: In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR'17), London, United Kingdom, Jul. 17-20, 201

    Uncalibrated 3D Room Reconstruction from Sound

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    This paper presents a method to reconstruct the 3D structure of generic convex rooms from sound signals. Differently from most of the previous approaches, the method is fully uncalibrated in the sense that no knowledge about the microphones and sources position is needed. Moreover, we demonstrate that it is possible to bypass the well known echo labeling problem, allowing to reconstruct the room shape in a reasonable computation time without the need of additional hypotheses on the echoes order of arrival. Finally, the method is intrinsically robust to outliers and missing data in the echoes detection, allowing to work also in low SNR conditions. The proposed pipeline formalises the problem in different steps such as time of arrival estimation, microphones and sources localization and walls estimation. After providing a solution to these different problems we present a global optimization approach that links together all the problems in a single optimization function. The accuracy and robustness of the method is assessed on a wide set of simulated setups and in a challenging real scenario. Moreover we make freely available for a challenging dataset for 3D room reconstruction with accurate ground truth in a real scenario.Comment: The present work has been submitted to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processin

    A Novel Dual-Lidar Calibration Algorithm Using Planar Surfaces

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    Multiple lidars are prevalently used on mobile vehicles for rendering a broad view to enhance the performance of localization and perception systems. However, precise calibration of multiple lidars is challenging since the feature correspondences in scan points cannot always provide enough constraints. To address this problem, the existing methods require fixed calibration targets in scenes or rely exclusively on additional sensors. In this paper, we present a novel method that enables automatic lidar calibration without these restrictions. Three linearly independent planar surfaces appearing in surroundings is utilized to find correspondences. Two components are developed to ensure the extrinsic parameters to be found: a closed-form solver for initialization and an optimizer for refinement by minimizing a nonlinear cost function. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate the high accuracy of our calibration approach with the rotation and translation errors smaller than 0.05rad and 0.1m respectively.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, accepted by 2019 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IVS

    Ground Edge based LIDAR Localization without a Reflectivity Calibration for Autonomous Driving

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    In this work we propose an alternative formulation to the problem of ground reflectivity grid based localization involving laser scanned data from multiple LIDARs mounted on autonomous vehicles. The driving idea of our localization formulation is an alternative edge reflectivity grid representation which is invariant to laser source, angle of incidence, range and robot surveying motion. Such property eliminates the need of the post-factory reflectivity calibration whose time requirements are infeasible in mass produced robots/vehicles. Our experiments demonstrate that we can achieve better performance than state of the art on ground reflectivity inference-map based localization at no additional computational burden

    Real-time Dynamic Object Detection for Autonomous Driving using Prior 3D-Maps

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    Lidar has become an essential sensor for autonomous driving as it provides reliable depth estimation. Lidar is also the primary sensor used in building 3D maps which can be used even in the case of low-cost systems which do not use Lidar. Computation on Lidar point clouds is intensive as it requires processing of millions of points per second. Additionally there are many subsequent tasks such as clustering, detection, tracking and classification which makes real-time execution challenging. In this paper, we discuss real-time dynamic object detection algorithms which leverages previously mapped Lidar point clouds to reduce processing. The prior 3D maps provide a static background model and we formulate dynamic object detection as a background subtraction problem. Computation and modeling challenges in the mapping and online execution pipeline are described. We propose a rejection cascade architecture to subtract road regions and other 3D regions separately. We implemented an initial version of our proposed algorithm and evaluated the accuracy on CARLA simulator.Comment: Preprint Submission to ECCVW AutoNUE 2018 - v2 author name accent correctio

    3D Scan Registration using Curvelet Features in Planetary Environments

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    Topographic mapping in planetary environments relies on accurate 3D scan registration methods. However, most global registration algorithms relying on features such as FPFH and Harris-3D show poor alignment accuracy in these settings due to the poor structure of the Mars-like terrain and variable resolution, occluded, sparse range data that is hard to register without some a-priori knowledge of the environment. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach to 3D scan registration using the curvelet transform that performs multi-resolution geometric analysis to obtain a set of coefficients indexed by scale (coarsest to finest), angle and spatial position. Features are detected in the curvelet domain to take advantage of the directional selectivity of the transform. A descriptor is computed for each feature by calculating the 3D spatial histogram of the image gradients, and nearest neighbor based matching is used to calculate the feature correspondences. Correspondence rejection using Random Sample Consensus identifies inliers, and a locally optimal Singular Value Decomposition-based estimation of the rigid-body transformation aligns the laser scans given the re-projected correspondences in the metric space. Experimental results on a publicly available data-set of planetary analogue indoor facility, as well as simulated and real-world scans from Neptec Design Group's IVIGMS 3D laser rangefinder at the outdoor CSA Mars yard demonstrates improved performance over existing methods in the challenging sparse Mars-like terrain.Comment: 27 pages in Journal of Field Robotics, 201

    Indoor dense depth map at drone hovering

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    Autonomous Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) gained tremendous attention in recent years. Autonomous flight in indoor requires a dense depth map for navigable space detection which is the fundamental component for autonomous navigation. In this paper, we address the problem of reconstructing dense depth while a drone is hovering (small camera motion) in indoor scenes using already estimated cameras and sparse point cloud obtained from a vSLAM. We start by segmenting the scene based on sudden depth variation using sparse 3D points and introduce a patch-based local plane fitting via energy minimization which combines photometric consistency and co-planarity with neighbouring patches. The method also combines a plane sweep technique for image segments having almost no sparse point for initialization. Experiments show, the proposed method produces better depth for indoor in artificial lighting condition, low-textured environment compared to earlier literature in small motion.Comment: Published on ICIP 201
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