4 research outputs found

    Comments on a novel user authentication and key agreement scheme

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    In 2013, Sun et al. showed that the related works\u27 authentication schemes proposed by [2-7] are vulnerable to an insider attack and fail to provide mutual authentication. These two attacks can be successfully plotted by an adversary, since the private key of the server can compute all the legal users’ private keys. They then proposed a new remote user authentication and key agreement scheme for the mobile client-server environment. However, we find that their scheme is still vulnerable to insider attack (Sun et al.) and how to avoid such an insider attack on the client-server environment is still an open problem


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    Dynamic ID based authentication scheme is more and more important in insecure wireless environment and system. Two of kinds of attack that authentication schemes must resist are stealing identity and reflection attack which is a potential way of attacking a challenge- response authentication system using the same protocol in both direc­tions. It must be guaranteed to prevent attackers from reusing informa­tion from authentication phase and the scheme of Yoon and Yoo satisfies those requirements. However, their scheme can not resist insider and impersonation attack by using lost or stolen smart card. In this paper, we demonstrate that Yoon and Yoo’s scheme is still vulnerable to those attacks. Then, we present an improvement to their scheme in order to isolate such problems

    Multifactor Authentication Key Management System based Security Model Using Effective Handover Tunnel with IPV6

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    In the current modern world, the way of life style is being completely changed due to the emerging technologies which are reflected in treating the patients too. As there is a tremendous growth in population, the existing e-Healthcare methods are not efficient enough to deal with numerous medical data. There is a delay in caring of patient health as communication networks are poor in quality and moreover smart medical resources are lacking and hence severe causes are experienced in the health of patient. However, authentication is considered as a major challenge ensuring that the illegal participants are not permitted to access the medical data present in cloud. To provide security, the authentication factors required are smart card, password and biometrics. Several approaches based on these are authentication factors are presented for e-Health clouds so far. But mostly serious security defects are experienced with these protocols and even the computation and communication overheads are high. Thus, keeping in mind all these challenges, a novel Multifactor Key management-based authentication by Tunnel IPv6 (MKMA- TIPv6) protocol is introduced for e-Health cloud which prevents main attacks like user anonymity, guessing offline password, impersonation, and stealing smart cards. From the analysis, it is proved that this protocol is effective than the existing ones such as Pair Hand (PH), Linear Combination Authentication Protocol (LCAP), Robust Elliptic Curve Cryptography-based Three factor Authentication (RECCTA) in terms storage cost, Encryption time, Decryption time, computation cost, energy consumption and speed. Hence, the proposed MKMA- TIPv6 achieves 35bits of storage cost, 60sec of encryption time, 50sec decryption time, 45sec computational cost, 50% of energy consumption and 80% speed

    Modified Dynamic ID-based User Authentication Scheme Resisting Smart-Card-Theft Attack

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