2 research outputs found

    A Primal-Dual Subgradient Approachfor Fair Meta Learning

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    The problem of learning to generalize to unseen classes during training, known as few-shot classification, has attracted considerable attention. Initialization based methods, such as the gradient-based model agnostic meta-learning (MAML), tackle the few-shot learning problem by "learning to fine-tune". The goal of these approaches is to learn proper model initialization, so that the classifiers for new classes can be learned from a few labeled examples with a small number of gradient update steps. Few shot meta-learning is well-known with its fast-adapted capability and accuracy generalization onto unseen tasks. Learning fairly with unbiased outcomes is another significant hallmark of human intelligence, which is rarely touched in few-shot meta-learning. In this work, we propose a Primal-Dual Fair Meta-learning framework, namely PDFM, which learns to train fair machine learning models using only a few examples based on data from related tasks. The key idea is to learn a good initialization of a fair model's primal and dual parameters so that it can adapt to a new fair learning task via a few gradient update steps. Instead of manually tuning the dual parameters as hyperparameters via a grid search, PDFM optimizes the initialization of the primal and dual parameters jointly for fair meta-learning via a subgradient primal-dual approach. We further instantiate examples of bias controlling using mean difference and decision boundary covariance as fairness constraints to each task for supervised regression and classification, respectively. We demonstrate the versatility of our proposed approach by applying our approach to various real-world datasets. Our experiments show substantial improvements over the best prior work for this setting.Comment: 20th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2020

    Learning Adaptive Embedding Considering Incremental Class

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    Class-Incremental Learning (CIL) aims to train a reliable model with the streaming data, which emerges unknown classes sequentially. Different from traditional closed set learning, CIL has two main challenges: 1) Novel class detection. The initial training data only contains incomplete classes, and streaming test data will accept unknown classes. Therefore, the model needs to not only accurately classify known classes, but also effectively detect unknown classes; 2) Model expansion. After the novel classes are detected, the model needs to be updated without re-training using entire previous data. However, traditional CIL methods have not fully considered these two challenges, first, they are always restricted to single novel class detection each phase and embedding confusion caused by unknown classes. Besides, they also ignore the catastrophic forgetting of known categories in model update. To this end, we propose a Class-Incremental Learning without Forgetting (CILF) framework, which aims to learn adaptive embedding for processing novel class detection and model update in a unified framework. In detail, CILF designs to regularize classification with decoupled prototype based loss, which can improve the intra-class and inter-class structure significantly, and acquire a compact embedding representation for novel class detection in result. Then, CILF employs a learnable curriculum clustering operator to estimate the number of semantic clusters via fine-tuning the learned network, in which curriculum operator can adaptively learn the embedding in self-taught form. Therefore, CILF can detect multiple novel classes and mitigate the embedding confusion problem. Last, with the labeled streaming test data, CILF can update the network with robust regularization to mitigate the catastrophic forgetting. Consequently, CILF is able to iteratively perform novel class detection and model update.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure