143 research outputs found

    CLIPPER+: A Fast Maximal Clique Algorithm for Robust Global Registration

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    We present CLIPPER+, an algorithm for finding maximal cliques in unweighted graphs for outlier-robust global registration. The registration problem can be formulated as a graph and solved by finding its maximum clique. This formulation leads to extreme robustness to outliers; however, finding the maximum clique is an NP-hard problem, and therefore approximation is required in practice for large-size problems. The performance of an approximation algorithm is evaluated by its computational complexity (the lower the runtime, the better) and solution accuracy (how close the solution is to the maximum clique). Accordingly, the main contribution of CLIPPER+ is outperforming the state-of-the-art in accuracy while maintaining a relatively low runtime. CLIPPER+ builds on prior work (CLIPPER [1] and PMC [2]) and prunes the graph by removing vertices that have a small core number and cannot be a part of the maximum clique. This will result in a smaller graph, on which the maximum clique can be estimated considerably faster. We evaluate the performance of CLIPPER+ on standard graph benchmarks, as well as synthetic and real-world point cloud registration problems. These evaluations demonstrate that CLIPPER+ has the highest accuracy and can register point clouds in scenarios where over 99%99\% of associations are outliers. Our code and evaluation benchmarks are released at https://github.com/ariarobotics/clipperp

    Quatro++: Robust Global Registration Exploiting Ground Segmentation for Loop Closing in LiDAR SLAM

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    Global registration is a fundamental task that estimates the relative pose between two viewpoints of 3D point clouds. However, there are two issues that degrade the performance of global registration in LiDAR SLAM: one is the sparsity issue and the other is degeneracy. The sparsity issue is caused by the sparse characteristics of the 3D point cloud measurements in a mechanically spinning LiDAR sensor. The degeneracy issue sometimes occurs because the outlier-rejection methods reject too many correspondences, leaving less than three inliers. These two issues have become more severe as the pose discrepancy between the two viewpoints of 3D point clouds becomes greater. To tackle these problems, we propose a robust global registration framework, called \textit{Quatro++}. Extending our previous work that solely focused on the global registration itself, we address the robust global registration in terms of the loop closing in LiDAR SLAM. To this end, ground segmentation is exploited to achieve robust global registration. Through the experiments, we demonstrate that our proposed method shows a higher success rate than the state-of-the-art global registration methods, overcoming the sparsity and degeneracy issues. In addition, we show that ground segmentation significantly helps to increase the success rate for the ground vehicles. Finally, we apply our proposed method to the loop closing module in LiDAR SLAM and confirm that the quality of the loop constraints is improved, showing more precise mapping results. Therefore, the experimental evidence corroborated the suitability of our method as an initial alignment in the loop closing. Our code is available at https://quatro-plusplus.github.io.Comment: 26 pages, 23 figure

    Point Pair Feature based Object Detection for Random Bin Picking

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    Point pair features are a popular representation for free form 3D object detection and pose estimation. In this paper, their performance in an industrial random bin picking context is investigated. A new method to generate representative synthetic datasets is proposed. This allows to investigate the influence of a high degree of clutter and the presence of self similar features, which are typical to our application. We provide an overview of solutions proposed in literature and discuss their strengths and weaknesses. A simple heuristic method to drastically reduce the computational complexity is introduced, which results in improved robustness, speed and accuracy compared to the naive approach

    A Solution to The Similarity Registration Problem of Volumetric Shapes

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    This paper provides a novel solution to the volumetric similarity registration problem usually encountered in statistical study of shapes and shape-based image segmentation. Shapes are implicitly representedby characteristic functions (CFs). By mapping shapes to a spherical coordinate system, shapes to be registered are projected to unit spheres and thus, rotation and scale parameters can be conveniently calculated.Translation parameter is computed using standard phase correlation technique. The method goes through intensive tests and is shown to be fast, robust to noise and initial poses, and suitable for a variety of similarity registration problems including shapes with complex structures and various topologies

    Learning to Place New Objects

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    The ability to place objects in the environment is an important skill for a personal robot. An object should not only be placed stably, but should also be placed in its preferred location/orientation. For instance, a plate is preferred to be inserted vertically into the slot of a dish-rack as compared to be placed horizontally in it. Unstructured environments such as homes have a large variety of object types as well as of placing areas. Therefore our algorithms should be able to handle placing new object types and new placing areas. These reasons make placing a challenging manipulation task. In this work, we propose a supervised learning algorithm for finding good placements given the point-clouds of the object and the placing area. It learns to combine the features that capture support, stability and preferred placements using a shared sparsity structure in the parameters. Even when neither the object nor the placing area is seen previously in the training set, our algorithm predicts good placements. In extensive experiments, our method enables the robot to stably place several new objects in several new placing areas with 98% success-rate; and it placed the objects in their preferred placements in 92% of the cases
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